Homes for the Aged Act |
(CHAPTER 126A) |
(Original Enactment: Act 15 of 1988)
(30th April 2014) |
An Act to provide for the control, licensing and inspection of homes for the aged and for purposes connected therewith. |
[1st February 1989] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Homes for the Aged Act. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Homes to which this Act applies |
Licensing of homes |
4.—(1) Any person who carries on a home for the aged without being licensed under this Act shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.
Refusal to issue licence |
5. The Director may refuse to issue a licence if he is satisfied —
Revocation and suspension of licence |
6.—(1) The Director may revoke or suspend a licence to use any premises as a home —
Appeal |
7. Any person aggrieved by any decision of the Director under section 5 or 6 may, within 21 days after notice of the decision is given to him, appeal to the Minister whose decision shall be final. |
Duration of licence |
8.—(1) On the issue of a licence, the licensee shall pay to the Director a fee of such amount as may be prescribed.
Display of licence |
9.—(1) Every licensee shall cause his current licence to be permanently exhibited in some conspicuous place where it can readily be seen by all persons having access to the premises to which the licence relates.
Transfer of licence |
10. On an application in writing signed by the licensee of any home, and by the person to whom the licensee desires to transfer the licence, the Director may, if he thinks fit, either by way of endorsement on the licence or otherwise in writing, transfer the licence to that person, and upon such transfer that person shall then become the licensee of the home. |
Transfer or revocation of licence upon death of licensee |
11.—(1) If the licensee, or the sole surviving licensee, of a home dies, his surviving spouse or any member of his family or any relative shall within 21 days of his death notify the Director of his death, and the Director may, if he thinks fit, either by way of endorsement on the licence or otherwise in writing, transfer the licence to a person nominated for the purpose by the executors or administrators of the deceased licensee, and upon such transfer that person shall become the licensee of the home.
Termination of licence where licensee disposes of home |
12. Subject to sections 10 and 11, every licence shall cease to have effect when the licensee ceases to be the owner or lessee of the home to which the licence relates. |
Registers |
13.—(1) The Director shall cause to be kept and maintained a register of all licensed homes.
Inspection |
14.—(1) The Director may at any time visit and inspect any home and any premises which the Director suspects or has reason to believe to be used as a home, and may inspect any apparatus, appliance, equipment or instrument or any book, document or record relating to the home, and question any person found in the home or premises in respect of matters relevant to this Act.
Directions as to apparatus and equipment |
15.—(1) Where, in the opinion of the Director, the use of any apparatus, appliance, equipment or instrument in a home is dangerous or detrimental to any person in the home or is otherwise unsuitable for the purpose for which it is used, the Director may by notice direct the licensee to stop using it.
Duty to furnish information |
16.—(1) The Director may from time to time require the licensee of a home to furnish such information as he may require relating to —
Offences by bodies corporate |
17. Where a body corporate is guilty of an offence under this Act and that offence is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of, or to be attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate, or any person who was purporting to act in any such capacity, he as well as the body corporate shall be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. |
Restriction on disclosure of information |
18. If any person discloses to any other person any information obtained by or given to him in pursuance of this Act, he shall, unless the disclosure was made in the performance of his duty, be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000. |
Exemption |
19.—(1) The Minister may, subject to such terms or conditions as he may impose, exempt any premises from all or any of the provisions of this Act.
Regulations |
20.—(1) The Minister may make regulations for any purpose for which regulations are required to be made under this Act and generally for carrying out the purposes and provisions of this Act.
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