Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act 1947 |
This revised edition incorporates all amendments up to and including 1 December 2021 and comes into operation on 31 December 2021 |
An Act to regulate the fumigation of premises and articles with hydrogen cyanide. |
[8 August 1947] |
Short title |
1. This Act is the Hydrogen Cyanide (Fumigation) Act 1947. |
Power to make regulations |
Notice to be given of accidents resulting from fumigation |
3.—(1) Whenever any accident which occasions loss of human life or personal injury occurs as the result of the fumigation of any premises or article, the person by whom, or by whose agent, the fumigation was carried out shall forthwith send or cause to be sent to the Minister notice of the accident and of the loss of human life or personal injury.
Inquiry into accidents |
4. The Minister may direct an inquiry to be made by such person as he may appoint into the cause of any accident of which notice is required by this Act to be given to the Minister, and where it appears to the Minister either before or after the commencement of any such inquiry, that a more formal investigation of the accident and of the causes and circumstances of the accident is expedient, he may by order direct a formal investigation to be held, and with respect to inquiries and investigations made or held under this Act the following provisions shall have effect:
Coroners’ inquiries on deaths from accidents |
5.—(1) Where a Coroner holds an inquiry upon the body of any person whose death may have been caused by any accident of which notice is required by this Act to be given to the Minister, the Coroner shall adjourn the inquiry unless some person on behalf of the Minister is present to watch the proceedings except that, if the accident has not occasioned the death of more than one person, and the Coroner has sent to the Minister notice of the time and place of holding the inquiry not less than 48 hours before the time of holding it, it shall not be imperative on him to adjourn the inquiry pursuant to this section if he thinks it is unnecessary to do so.
Power to apply this Act to fumigations with other gases |
6. The Minister may by order apply the provisions of this Act or such of those provisions as may be specified in the order to fumigation with any substance other than hydrogen cyanide in like manner as they apply to fumigation with hydrogen cyanide subject to such adaptations, if any, as may be necessary having regard to the nature of the substance. |
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