Societies Act 1966 |
This revised edition incorporates all amendments up to and including 1 December 2021 and comes into operation on 31 December 2021 |
An Act relating to societies. |
[27 January 1967] |
Short title |
1. This Act is the Societies Act 1966. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Appointment of Registrar and Assistant Registrars |
3. The Minister may appoint by name or office a Registrar of Societies and such Assistant Registrars as may be necessary. |
Registration of specified societies and refusal to register |
Registration of societies not specified in Schedule |
4A.—(1) A society may apply to be registered under this section if it is not a specified society. [15/2004]
Annual registers to be published |
5. The Registrar shall as soon as may be after 1 April every year prepare and publish in the Gazette a list of all registered societies. |
Cessation of existence of society |
6.—(1) If the Registrar or an Assistant Registrar has reason to believe that any registered society has ceased to exist, he may publish in the Gazette a notification calling upon the society to furnish him with proof of its existence within 3 months from the date of the notification. A copy of the notification shall be sent by registered post to the place of business of the society.
Voluntary dissolution of society |
7.—(1) Any registered society which proposes to dissolve itself voluntarily in accordance with its rules shall inform the Registrar in writing, and a certificate of dissolution, signed by the president, the secretary and the treasurer or officers of the society holding analogous positions, shall be sent to the Registrar within one week of the society’s dissolution.
Inspection and certified copies of documents |
8.—(1) Subject to subsection (3), any person may on payment of the prescribed fees inspect any document in the possession of the Registrar or an Assistant Registrar received from any registered society and be supplied with a copy of or an extract from any such document.
Branch of society |
9.—(1) No registered society shall establish a branch without the prior approval of the Registrar.
Information to be furnished by societies and persons responsible for supplying information |
10.—(1) The Registrar or an Assistant Registrar may at any time by notice under his hand order any registered society to furnish him with any such information as he may require concerning the society or any documents, accounts and books relating to the society.
Change of name, place of business and rules of society |
11.—(1) No registered society shall —
Registrar may order change of name or rules of society registered under section 4A |
11A.—(1) If the Registrar is of the opinion that the name of any society registered under section 4A —
Persons who shall not act as officers of society |
12.—(1) No person shall act as an officer of a registered society or a branch thereof if —
Use of flag, symbol, etc. |
13.—(1) No registered society shall use any flag, symbol, emblem, badge or other insignia without the consent in writing of the Registrar or an Assistant Registrar.
Unlawful societies |
14.—(1) Every society, not being a registered society, shall be deemed to be an unlawful society; but no society shall be deemed to be unlawful under this section if and so long as the Registrar is satisfied that ––
Persons allowing unlawful assembly in their premises |
15.—(1) Any person who knowingly allows a meeting of an unlawful society, or of members of an unlawful society to be held in any house, building or place belonging to or occupied by him, or over which he has control, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both.
Penalty for inciting, etc., person to become member of unlawful society |
16.—(1) Any person who incites, induces or invites another person to become a member of, or to assist in the management of, an unlawful society shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both. [15/2004]
Penalty for procuring subscription or aid for unlawful society |
17. Any person who procures or attempts to procure from any other person any subscription or aid for the purposes of an unlawful society shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both. [15/2004] |
Publishing, etc., propaganda of unlawful society |
18. Any person who prints, publishes, displays, sells or exposes for sale, or transmits through the post or who, without lawful authority or excuse, has in his possession any placard, newspaper, book, circular, pictorial representation or any other document or writing whatsoever which is issued or appears to be issued by or on behalf of or in the interests of an unlawful society shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both, and any book, periodical, pamphlet, poster, proclamation, newspaper, letter or any other document or writing in respect of which the person is convicted shall be forfeited. [15/2004] |
Penalty for misuse of money or property of registered society |
19.—(1) Where on complaint made by a member of a registered society or by the Registrar it is shown to the satisfaction of a District Court or a Magistrate’s Court that any officer or member of that society has in his possession or control any property of the society otherwise than in accordance with the rules of the society, or has unlawfully withheld any money of the society or wilfully applied such money to purposes other than those expressed or directed in the rules of the society and authorised by this Act, the Court shall, if it considers the justice of the case so requires, order the officer or member to deliver all such property to the trustees of the society or such other persons as the Court may appoint and to pay to them the money so unlawfully withheld or improperly applied.
Punishment of fraud, false declaration and misappropriation |
20. Any person who with intent to mislead or defraud any other person gives to the other person a copy of any rules, regulations or other documents, other than the rules of a registered society, on the pretence that they are the existing rules of the society or that there are no other rules of the society or gives to the other person a copy of any rules on the pretence that those rules are the rules of a registered society when the society is not registered, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both. [15/2004] |
Presumptive proof of existence of society |
21.—(1) In any prosecution for an offence under this Act where it is proved that a club, company, partnership or association exists —
Presumptive proof of membership, etc., of society |
22.—(1) Where any books, accounts, writings, seals, banners or insignia of or relating to or purporting to relate to any society are found in the possession of any person, it shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, that that person is a member of the society, and the society shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be in existence at the time the books, accounts, writings, seals, banners or insignia are so found.
Society using triad ritual to be deemed unlawful society |
23.—(1) Every society, whether it is registered or not, which uses a triad ritual shall be deemed to be an unlawful society.
Minister may order dissolution of any society |
24.—(1) Whenever it appears to the Minister that —
Consequences upon order of Minister under section 24 |
25.—(1) Upon the making of an order of dissolution against any society under section 24 —
Power of Magistrate, etc., to enter place kept as place of meeting |
26. The Registrar or an Assistant Registrar or a Magistrate or any police officer authorised in writing by the Registrar or an Assistant Registrar or a Magistrate may at any time enter any place which he has reason to believe is kept or used by any registered society or any of its members as a place of meeting or business. |
Power to enter and search in special cases |
27. The Registrar or an Assistant Registrar or a Magistrate, who has reason to believe that any registered society is being used for purposes prejudicial to public peace, welfare or good order in Singapore or incompatible with the rules and objects of the society as entered in the Register of Societies or furnished to the Registrar or to an Assistant Registrar under this Act, may enter or may in writing authorise a police officer to enter, with or without assistance and using force for that purpose, if necessary, any place which he has reason to believe is used as the place of meeting or business of the society, and may search or may in writing authorise a police officer to search that place and any person found in or escaping from that place for evidence that the society is being used for such purposes. |
Magistrate, etc., may enter house, etc., where unlawful meeting held, or books, accounts, etc., kept, may arrest and seize persons and property found |
28.—(1) Any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace or police officer not below the rank of assistant superintendent may enter, with or without assistance, or may by warrant under his hand or by writing under his hand, as the case may be, authorise any other police officer to enter, with or without assistance, using force in either case, if necessary, any dwelling house or other building, or any place in which he has reasonable ground to believe that a meeting of an unlawful society, or of persons who are members of an unlawful society, is being held, or that any books, accounts, writings, banners or insignia belonging to an unlawful society are concealed, kept or deposited, and to arrest or cause to be arrested all persons found in the house and to search that house, building or place, and seize or cause to be seized all books, accounts, writings, banners, documents, flags, insignia, arms and other articles which he has reasonable cause to believe belong to any unlawful society, or to be in any way connected therewith.
Registrar and Assistant Registrar to have power to summon witnesses |
29.—(1) The Registrar or an Assistant Registrar may summon before him any person whom he has reason to believe is able to give any information as to the existence or operations of any unlawful society, or suspected unlawful society, or as to the operations of any registered society.
Charges |
30.—(1) Except in the case of persons arrested under section 28, no person shall be charged with an offence under this Act or any regulations made thereunder unless the sanction in writing of the Registrar or of an Assistant Registrar has been first obtained.
Jurisdiction |
31.—(1) Any offence under section 14(2) may be tried by a District Court which may pass the sentence specified in that section.
Forfeiture |
32. Any books, accounts, writings, banners, insignia or other property belonging to any unlawful society shall be forfeited and given to the Registrar or to an Assistant Registrar. |
Service of summons, etc. |
33. Every summons, notice or other document issued under this Act, or under any regulations made thereunder, shall be deemed to have been validly and effectually served, if served in the manner prescribed by the Criminal Procedure Code 2010 for the service of summonses under that Code. |
Amendment of Schedule |
33A. The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, amend the Schedule. [15/2004] |
Regulations |
34.—(1) The Minister may from time to time make regulations for or with respect to all or any of the following matters:
Provisions applicable to registered societies |
35.—(1) The following provisions shall apply to all registered societies:
Security for costs and liability of officers |
36.—(1) Where a registered society or any of its officers purporting to act on its behalf is plaintiff in any action or other legal proceeding, the court having jurisdiction in the matter may, if it appears by credible testimony that there is reason to believe that the society or the officer will be unable to pay the costs of the defendant if successful in his defence, require sufficient security to be given for those costs and stay all proceedings until the security is given.
Power to exempt |
37. The Minister may at his discretion in writing exempt any society registered under this Act from all or any of the provisions of this Act. |
Transitional provision |
38. Any society which immediately before 27 January 1967 was registered under the provisions of the Societies Ordinance (Cap. 228, 1955 Revised Edition) shall be deemed to be registered under this Act. |
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