Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act 1968 |
This revised edition incorporates all amendments up to and including 1 December 2021 and comes into operation on 31 December 2021 |
An Act for the imposition of a tax on certain services rendered by statutory boards. |
[1 January 1969] |
Short title |
1. This Act is the Statutory Boards (Taxable Services) Act 1968. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Minister may specify taxable services and prescribe tax rate |
Collection and recovery of tax |
4.—(1) Where an order has been made by the Minister under section 3, the appropriate statutory board shall assess and collect, on behalf of the Government, any tax payable by any person to whom the taxable services have been rendered and any additional tax payable by owners of commercial buildings in such manner as that statutory board may, with the approval of the Minister, determine.
Tax to be paid into Consolidated Fund |
5. All tax collected by a statutory board under this Act shall be paid into the Consolidated Fund. |
Power to exempt |
6. The Minister may, by order, exempt any person or class of persons from the payment of any tax under this Act. |
Rules |
7. The Minister may make such rules as he considers necessary or expedient for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this Act. |
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