PART I 1. This Act may be cited as the Animals and Birds Act. |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —“aircraft” includes any kind of craft which may be used for the conveyance of animals or birds by air; |
“animal” includes horses, asses, mules, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, dogs, cats and any four-footed beast kept in captivity or under control, of any age or sex; |
“animal quarantine station” means a quarantine station established under section 63; |
“bird” includes domestic fowls, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowls and pigeons of any age or sex and the eggs thereof; |
“building” includes any house, hut, shed, stable or enclosure, whether roofed or not, used for sheltering or confining any animal or bird and any pen, cage, wall, gate, pillar, post, paling, frame, boarding, fence, platform, roadway, path, steps, staging, slip, wharf, dock, piles, jetty, landing stage or bridge, or any structure connected with the foregoing; |
“bull” means a male of any species of cattle; |
“carcase” means the dead body of an animal or bird and includes any part thereof and the meat, bones (whether whole, broken or ground), offal, hide, skin, wool, hair, feathers, hoof, horns or other part of an animal or bird, separately or otherwise, or any portion thereof; |
“cat” means a domesticated cat of any breed or sex; |
“cattle” means bulls, cows, oxen, heifers, and calves and includes buffaloes of any age or sex; |
“contact” means any animal or bird which has by contact direct or indirect with a diseased animal or bird been exposed to the risk of contracting a disease; |
“Director” means the Director of Primary Production appointed under section 3, and includes the Deputy Director of Primary Production appointed under that section; |
“disease” means any disease infectious or contagious amongst animals or birds and includes anthrax, black-quarter, rinderpest (cattle plague), contagious pleuropneumonia, contagious abortion, tuberculosis, epizootic lymphangitis, foot and mouth disease, glanders and farcy, goat pox, haemorrhagic septicaemia, rabies, sheep pox, swine fever, swine erysipelas, trypanosomiasis, Newcastle disease (Ranikhet disease), pullorum disease (bacillary white diarrhoea), fowl cholera, fowl plague, fowl pox, infectious laryngotracheitis and any other disease which the Minister may from time to time, by notification in the Gazette, declare to be a disease within the meaning of this Act; |
“dog” means a domesticated dog of any breed or sex; |
“examine”, with its grammatical variations and cognate expressions, includes the carrying out of any tests and post-mortem examination, after exhumation of the carcase (if necessary); |
“fodder” means any substance used for food of animals or birds; |
“horse” includes any mare, gelding, pony, foal, colt, filly, ass or mule; |
“infected” means infected with any disease; |
“licence” means the licence issued by the Director; |
“litter” means any substance used for bedding or otherwise for or about animals or birds; |
“master” means the captain of any ship or aircraft and includes any person for the time being in charge of any ship (other than a pilot) or aircraft; |
“officer of customs” has the same meaning as is assigned to it in the Customs Act (Cap. 70); |
“owner” includes any person for the time being in charge of any animal or bird and any person for the time being in occupation of any building; |
“permit” means a permit issued by the Director; |
“port” has the same meaning as is assigned to it in the Maritime and Port of Authority of Singapore Act 1996; [Act 7/96 wef 02/02/1996 vide S 42/96] |
“quarantine” means the compulsory detention in isolation of any animal, bird or thing; |
“quarantine station” means any building or place where quarantine is carried out, and includes an examination station or hulk; |
“ship” includes every description of vessel or craft, however propelled, which may be used in the water; |
“veterinary biologics” means aggressions, serums, viruses, toxins, tuberculin, mallein, Johnin, abortin, vaccines, micro-organisms either living or killed, and products of micro-organisms intended for use in the treatment or diagnosis of diseases of animals and birds; |
“veterinary authority” means the Director, the Deputy Director of Primary Production and the Senior Primary Production Officer and includes any person appointed in writing by the Director to be a veterinary authority under section 3(2); |
“veterinary centre” means a veterinary centre established under section 65. |
3.—(1) The President may appoint an officer to be styled the Director of Primary Production and an officer to be styled the Deputy Director of Primary Production.(2) The Director may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint any public officer employed in the administration of this Act to be a veterinary authority who, subject to such limitations as may be prescribed by the Director, may perform all duties imposed and exercise all powers conferred on the Director and the veterinary authority by this Act. |
Officers to be deemed to be public servants |
4. All officers appointed under the provisions of this Act shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of the Penal Code [Cap. 224]. |
Identification card to be produced |
5.—(1) Every veterinary authority, officer of customs or police officer when exercising any powers under this Act shall, if not in uniform, declare his office and shall, on demand, produce to any person affected by the exercise of those powers such card as the Director , the Director-General of Customs and Excise or the Commissioner of Police respectively may direct to be carried by officers appointed under the provisions of this Act, officers of customs or police officers.(2) It shall not be an offence for any person to refuse to comply with any request, demand or order made or given by any officer appointed under this Act, or by any officer of customs or police officer not in uniform, who fails to declare his office and refuses to produce his identification card on demand being made by that person. |