Short title
1.—(1)  This Act is the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act 1955.
[S 40/2022]
(2)  This Act continues in force for a period of 5 years starting on 21 October 2024.
[Act 18 of 2024 wef 21/10/2024]
(3)  The expiry of this Act shall not affect the operation thereof as respects things previously done or omitted to be done.
2.  In this Act, unless the subject or context otherwise requires —
“authorised officer” means —
(a)any police officer or officer of customs;
(b)any person holding a commission in the Singapore Armed Forces; or
(c)any authority or any person by name or office appointed by the Minister to be an authorised officer for the purpose of exercising all or any of the powers conferred upon an authorised officer by this Act;
“document” means any matter expressed or described upon any substance by means of letters, figures or marks, or by more than one of these means, and includes any banner, emblem or other insignia;
“explosive substance” shall be deemed to include any materials for making any explosive substance and any bomb, grenade, apparatus, machine, implement or material used or intended to be used or adapted for causing or aiding in causing any explosion in or with any explosive substance and any part of such bomb, grenade, apparatus, machine or implement;
“police officer” includes any member of the Special Constabulary constituted under Part 8 of the Police Force Act 2004;
“subversive document” means any document which contains —
(a)any subversive matter;
(b)any propaganda or matter supporting, propagating or advocating acts prejudicial to the public safety in Singapore or the maintenance of public order therein or inciting to violence therein or counselling disobedience to the law thereof or to any lawful order therein; or
(c)any reference to or account of any collection of, or any request or demand for, any subscription, contribution or donation, whether in money or in kind, or any request or demand for supplies for the benefit, directly or indirectly, or the use of persons who intend to or are about to act or have acted in a manner prejudicial to the public safety in Singapore or to the maintenance of public order therein or who incite to violence therein or counsel disobedience to the law thereof or any lawful order therein,
and includes any document indicating a connection, association or affiliation with any unlawful society;
“supplies” includes money, food, drink, clothing, rubber, tin or other valuable commodity, any medicine or drug or other medical supplies, and any material or instrument or part thereof for printing, typewriting or duplicating words or objects in visible form.