1.  This Constitution may be cited as the Constitution of the Republic of Singapore.
Supremacy of Constitution
4.  This Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic of Singapore and any law enacted by the Legislature after the commencement of this Constitution which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.
Status of citizen of Singapore
120.—(1)  There shall be a status known as citizen of Singapore.
(2)  The status of a citizen of Singapore may be acquired —
(a)by birth;
(b)by descent;
(c)by registration or, before the commencement of this Constitution, by enrolment; or
(d)by naturalisation.
Citizenship by birth
121.—(1)  Subject to this Article, every person born in Singapore after 16 September 1963 shall be a citizen of Singapore by birth.
(2)  A person shall not be a citizen of Singapore by virtue of clause (1) if at the time of his birth —
(a)his father, not being a citizen of Singapore, possessed such immunity from suit and legal process as is accorded to an envoy of a sovereign power accredited to the President;
(b)his father was an enemy alien and the birth occurred in a place then under the occupation of the enemy; or
(c)neither of his parents was a citizen of Singapore.
(3)  Notwithstanding clause (2)(c), the Government may, where it considers it just and fair and having regard to all the circumstances prevailing at the time of the application, confer citizenship upon a person born in Singapore.
Commonwealth citizenship
139.—(1)  In accordance with the position of Singapore within the Commonwealth, every person who is a citizen of Singapore enjoys by virtue of that citizenship the status of a Commonwealth citizen in common with the citizens of other Commonwealth countries.
(2)  Any existing law shall, except so far as Parliament otherwise provides, apply in relation to a citizen of the Republic of Ireland who is not also a Commonwealth citizen as it applies in relation to a Commonwealth citizen.