Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act |
(Original Enactment: Act 4 of 1989)
(15th March 1990) |
An Act to give effect to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora by controlling the importation, exportation and introduction from the sea of certain animals and plants and parts of such animals and plants and for matters connected therewith. |
[17th March 1989] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Endangered Species (Import and Export) Act. |
Interpretation |
Administration of Act and appointment of authorised officer, etc. |
3.—(1) The Director-General shall be responsible for the administration of this Act, subject to the general or special directions of the Minister.
Restriction on import, export, re-export or introduction from sea of scheduled species |
4.—(1) No person shall import, export, re-export or introduce from the sea any scheduled species without a permit.
Restriction on sale of scheduled species |
4A.—(1) No person shall sell, offer or expose for sale, or display to the public such scheduled species as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, specify.
Issue of permit |
5.—(1) Any person who wishes to import, export, re-export or introduce from the sea any scheduled species may apply to the Director-General, in such form as the Director-General may determine and on payment of the prescribed fee, for a permit.
Cancellation of permit |
6.—(1) The Director-General may at any time cancel a permit issued under section 5 if —
Abetment of offences under this Act |
7. Any person who abets the commission of or who attempts to commit any offence under this Act or any rules made thereunder shall be guilty of an offence. |
Offence by corporations and liability of employees |
8. Where any offence under this Act or any rules made thereunder committed by a body corporate is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the body corporate, he as well as the body corporate shall be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against accordingly. |
Powers of search, etc. |
9.—(1) An authorised officer may —
Obstruction |
10. Any person who —
Penalty for false declarations, etc. |
11. Any person who, being required by this Act or any rules made thereunder, to make or furnish any declaration, statement, representation or information or to produce any permit or who, for the purpose of obtaining any licence under this Act —
Penalty |
12. Any person who commits an offence under this Act or any rules made thereunder for which a penalty is not expressly provided shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both. |
Forfeiture |
13.—(1) Upon the conviction of any person for an offence under section 4 or 4A, the scheduled species in respect of which the offence was committed and any other thing seized under section 9(4)(b), (c) or (d) shall, without further order, be forfeited to the Director-General. [Act 30/92]
Power to require scheduled species to be marked, etc. |
14.—(1) The Director-General may require any importer, exporter or re-exporter of scheduled species to brand, label or otherwise mark such scheduled species to the satisfaction of the Director-General.
Power to require information |
15.—(1) If the Director-General has reason to suspect that any scheduled species found in any premises or conveyance or possession of any person has been imported, he may require any person who has in his possession or custody or under his control the scheduled species to declare its scientific name and to furnish him with such other information as he may require.
Power to investigate |
16.—(1) Where the Director-General has reason to believe that any person has contravened or failed to comply with any provisions of this Act or any rules made thereunder, the Director-General may investigate the matter and, for the purposes of any such investigation, the Director-General may —
Advisory Committee |
17.—(1) The Minister may establish an Advisory Committee consisting of such members as he may appoint.
Exemption |
18. The Director-General may exempt any person or scheduled species or group or description of persons or scheduled species from all or any of the provisions of this Act. |
Fees, etc., payable to Authority |
18A. All fees, charges, composition fines and moneys collected under this Act or any rules made thereunder shall be paid to the Authority. [16/2000 wef 01/04/2000] |
Amendment of Schedules |
19. The Minister may, by notification published in the Gazette, add to, alter or amend the Schedules. |
Authority not liable for damage caused to goods as a result of search |
20. The Authority shall not be liable to make good any damage caused to or any loss of goods or property as a result of an entry, search, detention or anything which is done under the provisions of this Act or any rules made thereunder. |
Power of Director-General to compound offences |
21.—(1) The Director-General may compound any offence under this Act or any rules made thereunder by collecting from a person reasonably suspected of having committed the offence a sum not exceeding $1,000.
Rules |
22. The Minister may make rules —