Penalty for possession, distribution or exhibition of obscene or lewd film
29.—(1)  Any person who —
(a)has in his possession; or
(b)exhibits or distributes,
any obscene or lewd films shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction —
(i)in respect of an offence under paragraph (a), to a fine of not less than $500 for each such film he had in his possession (but not to exceed in the aggregate $20,000) or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both; and
(ii)in respect of an offence under paragraph (b), to a fine of not less than $1,000 for each such film he had exhibited or distributed (but not to exceed in the aggregate $40,000) or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.
(2)  A Deputy or Assistant Commissioner of Police or any Censor, Deputy or Assistant Censor or Inspector of Films if satisfied upon written information and after such further inquiry as he thinks necessary that any person has in his possession any obscene or lewd film, may without warrant, with such assistance and by such force as is necessary, by night or by day, enter and search any place where he has reason to believe the film is kept, seize the film and any equipment used in the exhibition or making of the film and take into custody any person reasonably believed to be in possession thereof.
(3)  Any film and equipment used in the exhibition or making of the film in respect of which any person has been convicted under this section shall be forfeited and shall be destroyed or otherwise disposed of in such manner as the Minister may direct.