Published by Authority

NO. 49]Friday, December 22 [2017

The following Act was passed by Parliament on 4 July 2017 and assented to by the President on 25 July 2017:—
Home Team Corps Act 2017

(No. 32 of 2017)

I assent.

25 July 2017.
Date of Commencement: 1 March 2018
An Act to provide for the establishment of a Home Team Corps comprising the National Police Cadet Corps and the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, and for matters connected with that; and to repeal the National Police Cadet Corps Act (Chapter 199 of the 2014 Revised Edition).
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows:
Short title and commencement
1.  This Act is the Home Team Corps Act 2017 and comes into operation on a date that the Minister appoints by notification in the Gazette.
2.  In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
“cadet” means an individual enrolled under section 9 in the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps;
“Commandant” means —
(a)in relation to the National Police Cadet Corps, the Commandant of the National Police Cadet Corps appointed under section 6(1)(a); and
(b)in relation to the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, the Commandant of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps appointed under section 6(1)(b);
“Commissioner of Civil Defence” includes an individual who is for the time being exercising the powers of the Commissioner of Civil Defence;
“Commissioner of Police” includes an individual who is for the time being exercising the powers of the Commissioner of Police;
“general or routine order” means a general or routine order made, or deemed made, under section 16;
“Home Team Corps” means the National Police Cadet Corps and the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps established under section 3;
“Home Team Corps Council” means the Home Team Corps Council established under section 5;
“member” means an officer of, or a cadet enrolled in, the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, as the case may be, and includes an individual undergoing an officer cadet course;
“National Civil Defence Cadet Corps” means the corps established under section 3(b);
“National Police Cadet Corps” means the corps established under section 3(a);
“officer”, for the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, means an individual appointed as an officer, an honorary officer or an honorary instructor under section 7(1), (2) or (3), respectively, of that Corps;
“officer‑in‑charge” means an officer for the time being commanding a unit of the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, as the case may be;
“permanent resident” means an individual who is not subject to any restriction as to the individual’s period of residence in Singapore imposed under the provisions of any written law relating to immigration for the time being in force in Singapore;
“school” means a school to which the Education Act (Cap. 87) applies;
“Singapore Civil Defence Force” means the Singapore Civil Defence Force established under the Civil Defence Act (Cap. 42);
“Singapore Police Force” means the Singapore Police Force established under the Police Force Act (Cap. 235).
Establishment of Home Team Corps
3.  The Home Team Corps is established by this Act, which consists of —
(a)the National Police Cadet Corps; and
(b)the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
4.—(1)  The Home Team Corps consists of such numbers of officers and cadets as the Minister may from time to time determine.
(2)  The officers and cadets of the Home Team Corps are to be formed into such units, training institutions, services, departments or other bodies as the Minister may from time to time establish.
(3)  The Minister may disband any unit, training institution, service, department or other body established under subsection (2) in whole or in part or amalgamate any such unit, training institution, service, department or other body or alter its name or title.
Home Team Corps Council
5.—(1)  For the purpose of the administration of matters relating to the Home Team Corps under this Act, a Home Team Corps Council is established, which consists of the following individuals, each of whom is appointed by the Minister:
(a)a Chairman;
(b)2 Deputy Chairmen, one from among individuals nominated by the Commissioner of Police and the other from individuals nominated by the Commissioner of Civil Defence;
(c)2 members from among individuals nominated by the Commissioner of Police;
(d)2 members from among individuals nominated by the Commissioner of Civil Defence;
(e)such other number of individuals as the Minister may think fit to appoint.
(2)  The Home Team Corps Council may meet at such intervals as it thinks fit and may regulate its own procedure.
(3)  The Home Team Corps Council may delegate any of its functions and powers under this Act —
(a)where the function or power relates to the National Police Cadet Corps, to an appropriately qualified police officer or officer of the National Police Cadet Corps; and
(b)where the function or power relates to the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, to an appropriately qualified officer of the Singapore Civil Defence Force or officer of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
(4)  However, subsection (3) does not apply to any function or power of the Home Team Corps Council to make any subsidiary legislation under this Act or the power of delegation conferred by this section.
Appointment of Commandant
6.—(1)  The Minister may appoint —
(a)the Commandant of the National Police Cadet Corps, on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Police; and
(b)the Commandant of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, on the recommendation of the Commissioner of Civil Defence.
(2)  A Commandant exercises executive command of the Corps to which the Commandant is appointed, and is responsible to the Home Team Corps Council in matters of administration affecting the recruitment, promotion, training, conditions of service, finance and discipline of that Corps.
(3)  A Commandant holds office for a period specified by the Minister (which in no case exceeds 3 years) and is eligible for reappointment on completion of that period.
(4)  A Commandant may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint a Deputy Commandant and so many other Assistant Commandants as the Commandant requires to assist in the general administration of the Corps the Commandant has executive command of.
Appointment of officers, honorary officers and honorary instructors
7.—(1)  The Minister may appoint —
(a)officers of the National Police Cadet Corps from among the teaching staff of any school or from among members of the National Police Cadet Corps; and
(b)officers of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps from among the teaching staff of any school or from among members of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
(2)  The Minister may appoint, from among such individuals as the Minister thinks fit —
(a)honorary officers of the National Police Cadet Corps; and
(b)honorary officers of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
(3)  The Minister may appoint individuals who are not cadets, officers appointed under subsection (1) or honorary officers appointed under subsection (2), and who wish to volunteer their services to the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, as honorary instructors of that Corps.
(4)  An officer, honorary officer or honorary instructor may resign from the appointment at any time by giving notice to the Minister.
(5)  The Minister may, with or without assigning any reason, revoke the appointment of any officer, honorary officer or honorary instructor.
Secondment of Singapore Police Force and Singapore Civil Defence Force personnel
8.—(1)  The Commissioner of Police may second any member of the Singapore Police Force for full‑time or part‑time service in the National Police Cadet Corps.
(2)  The Commissioner of Civil Defence may second any member of the Singapore Civil Defence Force for full‑time or part‑time service in the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
9.—(1)  Subject to the provisions of this Act, a citizen of Singapore or a permanent resident is eligible to be enrolled as a cadet or appointed as an officer in one of the following Corps, but not both:
(a)the National Police Cadet Corps;
(b)the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
(2)  The Minister may in special cases approve the enrolment as a cadet, or an appointment as an officer, of an individual who is neither a citizen of Singapore nor a permanent resident.
Discharge and dismissal of cadets
10.—(1)  A cadet of the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps is discharged from service in that Corps when the cadet has completed the period of service for which the cadet was enrolled.
(2)  A cadet of the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps may be dismissed by the competent authority —
(a)on the recommendation of the cadet’s officer‑in‑charge; and
(b)where the cadet is a student of a school, with the concurrence of the principal of the school which the cadet is enrolled in.
(3)  In this section, “competent authority” means —
(a)the Commandant of the National Police Cadet Corps, in the case of a cadet of the National Police Cadet Corps; or
(b)the Commandant of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, in the case of a cadet of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
Disobedience of regulations, general or routine orders, etc.
11.  A cadet who —
(a)in such manner as to show wilful defiance of authority, disobeys any lawful command given to the cadet or conveyed to the cadet personally; or
(b)contravenes any general or routine order applicable to the cadet or regulation made under this Act, being an order or regulation known to the cadet or that the cadet might reasonably be expected to know,
must be dealt with summarily by the cadet’s officer‑in‑charge in the manner prescribed in regulations made under this Act.
12.  Where an officer‑in‑charge deals with a case summarily, the officer‑in‑charge may, if a finding of guilt is recorded, impose one or more of the following punishments:
(b)where the cadet holds a rank, reduction in rank;
(c)suspension of membership in the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, as the case may be, for a period not exceeding 3 months.
Board of inquiry
13.—(1)  If a Commandant of a Corps has reason to believe that an officer under that Commandant’s executive command has committed a breach of any general or routine order of the Corps or any regulation made under this Act, the Commandant may convene a board of inquiry to investigate and report on the facts relating to the matter and the board of inquiry must, if directed by the Commandant to do so, express its opinion on any question arising out of any matter referred to the board.
(2)  A board of inquiry must consist of —
(a)a Chairman who —
(i)in an inquiry convened to investigate an officer of the National Police Cadet Corps, is either a police officer not below the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police or an officer of the National Police Cadet Corps not below the rank of Assistant Superintendent; or
(ii)in an inquiry convened to investigate an officer of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, is either an officer of the Singapore Civil Defence Force not below the rank of Captain of Civil Defence or an officer of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps not below the rank of Captain; and
(b)not less than 2 other individuals, one of whom must be nominated by a Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of Education.
(3)  If the board of inquiry is of the opinion that an officer is guilty of a breach of any general or routine order, or any regulation made under this Act, the board must recommend to the Commandant who convened the board which of the following punishments or combination of them should be imposed on the officer:
(b)reduction in rank;
(c)dismissal from the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, as the case may be.
Compensation for death or personal injury
14.  It is lawful for the Minister to compensate, in accordance with regulations made under this Act, any member or the member’s dependants for the member’s death or personal injury arising out of or in the execution of the member’s duty and that is attributable solely to the discharge of the member’s duty.
Exemptions from certain laws
15.  Nothing in the Arms Offences Act (Cap. 14) and the Corrosive and Explosive Substances and Offensive Weapons Act (Cap. 65) applies to members whilst on parade or in the course of their duty.
General and routine orders
16.—(1)  A Commandant may, from time to time, make such general or routine orders, not inconsistent with this Act —
(a)for the control, direction and information of the Corps the Commandant has executive command of; and
(b)relating to the awards, in the form of badges or other insignia, to cadets enrolled to the Corps the Commandant has executive command of, for proficiency in training and other achievements.
(2)  It is not necessary to publish in the Gazette any general or routine orders made under subsection (1).
17.—(1)  The Home Team Corps Council may, with the approval of the Minister, make such regulations as may be necessary or expedient to carry out the provisions of this Act.
(2)  Without prejudice to the generality of subsection (1), the Home Team Corps Council may make regulations relating to —
(a)the organisation, control, administration and discipline of the National Police Cadet Corps or the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps;
(c)the appointment, promotion, advancement or reduction in rank of officers and the termination of services of officers;
(d)the age and other qualifications for cadet membership, promotion, advancement or reduction in rank of cadets, and dismissal or discharge of cadets;
(e)the payment of allowances;
(f)the badges of rank to be worn by members and the award of decorations;
(g)the award of compensation in respect of members’ death or personal injury arising out of or in the execution of duty and which is solely due to and attributable to the discharge of such duty;
(h)dress; and
(i)the expenditure of funds raised from the public.
18.  The National Police Cadet Corps Act (Cap. 199) is repealed.
Saving and transitional provisions
19.—(1)  Every individual who, immediately before the appointed day, is an officer appointed or an individual enrolled in the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, is deemed —
(a)to be an officer appointed or an individual enrolled in the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps under this Act, as the case may be; and
(b)to have the rank and seniority not less favourable than that accorded to the individual immediately before the appointed day.
(2)  The individual who, immediately before the appointed day, is the Commandant of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps, is deemed to be appointed under section 6(1)(b) of this Act as the Commandant of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps.
(3)  The National Police Cadet Corps, which is raised and maintained under section 3 of the repealed Act as in force immediately before the appointed day, continues as if raised and maintained under section 3(a) of this Act.
(4)  Every individual who, immediately before the appointed day, is an officer appointed or an individual enrolled in the National Police Cadet Corps, is deemed —
(a)to be an officer appointed or an individual enrolled in the National Police Cadet Corps under this Act, as the case may be; and
(b)to have the rank and seniority not less favourable than that accorded to the individual immediately before the appointed day.
(5)  The individual who, immediately before the appointed day, is the Commandant, a Deputy Commandant or an Assistant Commandant of the National Police Cadet Corps, is deemed to be appointed under section 6(1)(a) or (4) of this Act, as the case may be, as the Commandant, a Deputy Commandant or an Assistant Commandant of the National Police Cadet Corps.
(6)  Any decision, certificate, general or routine order or recommendation made, issued or approved by or under the authority of —
(a)the Minister under the repealed Act;
(b)the National Police Cadet Corps Council under the repealed Act;
(c)the Commandant, the Deputy Commandant or an Assistant Commandant of the National Police Cadet Corps under the repealed Act; or
(d)the Commandant of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps before the appointed day,
so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, continues and is deemed to have been made, issued or approved under the relevant provisions of this Act.
(7)  Subject to subsection (8)(a), where anything has been commenced by or on behalf of the Commandant of the National Police Cadet Corps or the Commandant of the National Civil Defence Cadet Corps before the appointed day, such thing may be carried on and completed by or under the authority of the respective Commandant appointed under this Act.
(8)  This Act does not affect —
(a)any inquiry before a board of inquiry convened before the appointed day under section 13 of the repealed Act and is pending on that day, and every such inquiry may be continued and everything in relation to that inquiry may be done in all respects after that date under the repealed Act, as if this Act had not been enacted; and
(b)the continued force of any recommendation of a board of inquiry made before the appointed day.
(9)  For a period of 2 years after the appointed day, the Minister may, by regulations, prescribe such other transitional, incidental and consequential matters arising from the repeal of the repealed Act, as the Minister may consider necessary or expedient.
(10)  In this section —
“appointed day” means the day this Act comes into operation;
“repealed Act” means the National Police Cadet Corps Act (Cap. 199) repealed by this Act.