Land Improvement Act |
(CHAPTER 153) |
(Original Enactment: Ordinance 2 of 1901)
(30th March 1987) |
An Act to provide for the improvement of agricultural lands. |
[5th February 1901] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Land Improvement Act. |
Works contemplated by this Act |
2. The following works and repairs may be carried out under this Act:
Expediency of work determined by meeting of proprietors |
3. The Collector of Land Revenue may, either of his own motion or at the request of 3 or more proprietors of agricultural land, call a meeting of the proprietors of any lands which are likely to be affected by any proposed work or repairs, and may require them, in the notice calling the meeting, to show cause thereat why the work or repairs, as the case may be, should not be carried out under this Act. |
Report by Collector of Land Revenue |
Specification of works |
5. If it appears to the Minister expedient that the proposed work should be undertaken by the Government, the Minister shall appoint a committee consisting of two or more persons to make a detailed specification showing —
Deposit of specification for objections |
6.—(1) The specification, with a plan of the land, shall be deposited with the Collector of Land Revenue and shall remain so deposited and open to inspection at all reasonable hours for a period of 3 months.
Procedure when Minister decides work to be carried out |
7.—(1) At the expiration of that period of 3 months the Minister shall consider the specification and the objections thereto, and if after such consideration he decides that the work shall be carried out, the committee referred to in section 5, or another like committee appointed by the Minister, shall make a further specification showing —
Deposit of further specification for objections |
8.—(1) Such last-mentioned specification shall be deposited with the Collector of Land Revenue and shall remain so deposited and open to inspection at all reasonable hours for a period of 3 months.
Objections, how heard and determined |
9.—(1) All objections so made shall be heard and determined by the Collector of Land Revenue.
Cost of works, how defrayed |
10. Every such work shall be carried out under the supervision of the Director-General of Public Works, or such officer of his Department as he may appoint, and the cost of the construction of every work carried out under this Act shall in the first instance be charged on and paid out of the Consolidated Fund and shall, together with interest at the rate of 6% per annum, be payable by the proprietors of the lands benefited in the manner hereinafter provided. |
Repayment by proprietors |
11. Interest at the rate of 6% per annum, if payable, shall be calculated on the cost and on the amount which will for the time being remain unpaid, in accordance with such rules as the Minister may prescribe, and the sum of principal and interest shall be apportioned among those proprietors in accordance with the specification mentioned in section 9, and the portion of the cost and interest payable in respect of each such holding shall be paid by the proprietor thereof in 10 equal yearly instalments. |
Repairs of works not exceeding $1,000 may be executed by Director-General of Public Works |
12.—(1) Where repair is required to a work which was not constructed under this Act, but is of one of the kinds specified in section 2, and the cost of the repair will not exceed $1,000, the Director-General of Public Works may, with the consent of the Minister, execute the work, to be charged on and paid out of the Consolidated Fund, apportioning the amount of the cost, with interest at the rate of 6% per annum, among the proprietors or reputed proprietors of the holdings benefited by the work, who shall repay the same in the manner hereinafter provided.
Requisition for payment |
13.—(1) When any work has been constructed under this Act, the Collector of Land Revenue shall cause a requisition to be served on the proprietor of each holding, stating the total amount payable and the amount of each instalment payable in respect of that holding, and calling upon the proprietor to pay that amount once in every year, at the office of the Collector of Land Revenue, on a day to be specified in the requisition.
Cost of maintenance |
14.—(1) When any work has been constructed under this Act, the lands benefited and the proprietors thereof shall, upon the expiration of the period of 10 years limited for the repayment of the cost of construction of the work, be severally bound and liable to an annual rate not exceeding 50 cents per annum per 4,047 square metres for the maintenance of the work.
Sums payable under this Act to be a first charge on the land. How recoverable |
15. All sums payable in respect of any instalment or rate due in respect of any works constructed under this Act shall be a first charge upon the several lands in respect of which the sums are payable, and shall take precedence over all mortgages, charges and incumbrances whatsoever, and in case of default may be recovered in the manner prescribed by the Property Tax Act for the recovery of assessments under that Act. |
Requisitions and assessments to be registered |
16. A certificate under the hand of the Collector of Land Revenue, containing a schedule giving particulars of the requisitions made in respect of any work done under this Act, and of the holdings in respect of which the requisitions are made, and also a like certificate containing a schedule giving particulars of every assessment made in respect of the maintenance of the work, shall be presented for registration to the Registrar of Deeds and shall be registered by him free of charge. |
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