Moneylenders Act |
(CHAPTER 188) |
(Original Enactment: Ordinance 58 of 1959)
(30th March 1987) |
An Act for the regulation of money-lending. |
[11th September 1959] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Moneylenders Act. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Certain persons and firms presumed to be moneylenders |
3. Save as excepted in paragraphs (a) to (g) of the definition of “moneylender” in section 2, any person who lends a sum of money in consideration of a larger sum being repaid shall be presumed until the contrary is proved to be a moneylender. |
Appointment of Registrars |
4. The Minister may appoint any public officer to be the Registrar of Moneylenders under this Act and may also appoint as many public officers as he may think fit to be Assistant Registrars of Moneylenders. |
Licences to be taken out by moneylenders |
Particulars to be shown on licences |
6.—(1) Every licence granted to a moneylender shall show his true name and the name under which, and the address at which, he is authorised by the licence to carry on business as such, and in the case of an agent in addition the true name of the principal, whether an individual or a firm, on whose behalf the business is carried on. A licence shall not authorise a moneylender to carry on business at more than one address or under more than one name or under any name which includes the word “bank” or otherwise implies that he carries on the business of banking, and no licence shall authorise a moneylender to carry on business under any name except —
List to be published |
7.—(1) The Registrar shall from time to time cause to be published in the Gazette a list of all persons licensed under this Act, and shall also cause to be so published any addition to or alteration in the list.
Offences |
8.—(1) If any person —
[Act 20/93] [44/2005 wef 01/01/2006]
Grounds for refusing licence |
9.—(1) A licence shall not be refused except on one or more of the following grounds:
Revocation or suspension of licence |
10.—(1) The Registrar may by order revoke a licence, or suspend it for such period as he considers appropriate if he is satisfied —
Power to require information and documents |
10A.—(1) For the purpose of determining whether the provisions of this Act or any rules made thereunder have been complied with, the Registrar or an officer duly authorised by him may by notice to a moneylender require him to give to the Registrar or the officer any particular information or document, or information or document of a particular kind, within the period and in the manner specified in the notice.
Powers of entry and inspection |
10B.—(1) The Registrar or an officer duly authorised by him may —
Names to be stated on documents issued by moneylenders |
11. A moneylender shall not for the purpose of the business carried on by him as such issue or publish or cause to be issued or published any advertisement, circular, business letter or other document which does not show, in such manner as to be not less conspicuous than any other name, the authorised name of the moneylender, and any moneylender who acts in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $500 in respect of the offence. |
No circular implying a banking business to be issued |
12. If a moneylender for the purpose of the business carried on by him as such issues or publishes or causes to be issued or published any advertisement, circular or document of any kind whatsoever containing expressions which might reasonably be held to imply that he carries on the business of banking, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000 and for a second or subsequent offence to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both and an offender being a company shall for a second or subsequent offence be liable to a fine not exceeding $5,000. |
Restriction on moneylenders’ advertisements |
13.—(1) No person shall knowingly send or deliver or cause to be sent or delivered, to any person, except in response to his written request any circular or other document advertising the name, address or telephone number of a moneylender or containing an invitation —
Board to be affixed at place of business of moneylender |
14.—(1) Every person licensed as a moneylender under the provisions of this Act shall affix in a conspicuous position outside his authorised address a board bearing the authorised name and the authorised address of the business and the words “Licensed Moneylender” in Malay, English, Chinese and Tamil distinctly printed in letters not less than 5 centimetres high.
Contract by unlicensed moneylender unenforceable |
15. No contract for the repayment of money lent by an unlicensed moneylender shall be enforceable:
Note or memorandum of moneylender’s contract to be given to borrower |
16.—(1) No contract for the repayment by a borrower or his agent of money lent to him or to any agent on his behalf by a moneylender or his agent or for the payment by him of interest on money so lent, and no security given by the borrower or by any such agent as aforesaid in respect of any such contract, shall be enforceable unless a note or memorandum in writing of the contract in the English language and in the prescribed form is signed by the parties to the contract or their respective agents or, in the case of a loan to a partnership firm, by a partner in or agent of the firm, and unless a copy thereof authenticated by the lender or his agent is delivered to the borrower or his agent or, in the case of a loan to a partnership firm, to a partner in or agent of the firm, before the money is lent, and no such contract or security shall be enforceable if it is proved that the note or memorandum aforesaid was not so signed before the money was lent or before the security was given, as the case may be:
17. [Deleted by Act 28/2000 wef 01/11/2000] |
Prohibition of compound interest |
18.—(1) Any contract for the loan of money by a moneylender shall be illegal in so far as it provides, directly or indirectly, for the payment of compound interest, or for the rate or amount of interest to be increased by reason of any default in the payment of sums due under the contract:
Accounts to be kept in permanent books |
19.—(1) Every moneylender shall keep or cause to be kept a regular account of each loan made by him clearly stating in plain words and in English numerals with or without the numerals of the script otherwise used the terms and transactions incidental to the account entered in a book paged and bound in such manner as not to facilitate the elimination of pages or the interpolation or substitution of pages.
Obligation to supply information as to state of loan and copies of documents relating thereto |
20.—(1) In respect of every contract for the repayment of money lent by a moneylender the moneylender shall, on any reasonable demand in writing being made by the borrower at any time during the continuance of the contract and on tender by the borrower of the sum of 50 cents for expenses, supply to the borrower or, if the borrower so requires, to any person specified in that behalf in the demand, a statement of account in English figures signed by the moneylender or his agent showing —
Provisions as to bankruptcy proceedings for moneylenders’ loans |
21.—(1) Where a debt due to a moneylender in respect of a loan made by him includes interest, that interest shall, for the purposes of the provisions of the Bankruptcy Act, be calculated at a rate not exceeding 4% per annum, but nothing in the foregoing provision shall prejudice the right of the moneylender to receive out of the estate, after all the debts proved in the estate have been paid in full, any higher rate of interest to which he may be entitled.
Accounts under section 20 to be produced when suing in court |
22.—(1) When proceedings are taken in any court by a moneylender for the recovery of any money lent or the enforcement of any agreement or security made or taken in respect of money lent, he shall produce a statement of his account as prescribed in section 20.
Prescribed maximum rate of interest |
23.—(1) Where, in any proceedings taken in any court by a moneylender in respect of any money lent or in respect of any agreement or security in respect of money lent, it is found that the interest charged exceeds the prescribed maximum rate of interest for such loan, the court shall, unless the contrary is proved, presume for the purposes of section 22 that the interest charged is excessive and that the transaction is harsh and unconscionable or substantially unfair, but this provision shall be without prejudice to the powers of the court under that section where the court is satisfied that the interest charged, although not exceeding the prescribed maximum rate of interest for that loan, is excessive or that the transaction is harsh or unconscionable or substantially unfair.
Burden of proof of amount lent |
24.—(1) Where in any proceedings taken in any court by a moneylender for the recovery of any money lent or the enforcement of any agreement or security made or taken in respect of money lent any dispute arises as to the amount of the money lent to and received by the borrower, the burden of proving the amount shall be on the moneylender.
Repayment of loan |
25.—(1) The borrower shall be entitled to repay any money lent or interest thereon by cheque, money order or postal order and where in any proceedings taken in any court by a moneylender for the recovery of any money lent or the enforcement of any agreement or security made or taken in respect of money lent, the borrower gives evidence that he has posted a cheque, money order or postal order to the moneylender at his authorised address in payment of the money lent or any part thereof or of interest thereon, it shall be presumed that the amount stated in the cheque, money order or postal order has been paid to the moneylender towards payment of the money lent or interest thereon, as the case may be.
Prohibition of charge for expenses on loans by moneylender |
26. Any agreement between a moneylender and a borrower or intending borrower for the payment by the borrower or intending borrower to the moneylender of any sum on account of costs, charges or expenses other than fees payable by law and legal costs incidental to or relating to the negotiations for or the granting of the loan or proposed loan shall be illegal, and if any sum is paid to a moneylender by a borrower or intending borrower as, for or on account of any such costs, charges or expenses other than as aforesaid, that sum shall be recoverable as a debt due to the borrower or intending borrower, or, in the event of the loan being completed, shall, if not so recovered, be set off against the amount actually lent and that amount shall be deemed to be reduced accordingly. |
Calculation of interest |
27. Where the interest charged on a loan is not expressed in terms of a rate per cent per annum, the rate of interest per cent per annum charged on the loan shall be calculated in accordance with the Second Schedule or, where the contract provides for the payment of equal instalments of principal and interest at equal intervals of time, in accordance with the formula given in the Third Schedule. |
Notice and information to be given on assignment of moneylender’s debts |
28.—(1) Where any debt in respect of money lent by a moneylender or in respect of interest on any such debt, or the benefit of any agreement made or security taken in respect of any such debt or interest, is assigned to any assignee, the assignor (whether he is the moneylender by whom the money was lent or any person to whom the debt has been previously assigned) shall, before the assignment is made —
Application of this Act as respects assignees |
29.—(1) Subject as hereinafter provided the provisions of this Act shall continue to apply as respects any debt to a moneylender in respect of money lent by him or in respect of interest on money so lent or of the benefit of any agreement made or security taken in respect of any such debt or interest notwithstanding that the debts or the benefit of the agreement or security may have been assigned to any assignee and, except where the context otherwise requires, references in this Act to a moneylender shall accordingly be construed as including any such assignee.
Attestation of certain promissory notes |
30.—(1) Whenever a promissory note is taken as security for any loan and the borrower is a person who does not understand the written language on the note, the note shall be attested by an advocate and solicitor, a Magistrate, Justice of the Peace, commissioner for oaths or such other person as may be appointed by the Minister generally for that purpose. The attestor shall explain the terms of the promissory note to the borrower, and shall certify thereon that the borrower appeared to understand the meaning of the note. The money borrowed shall be paid over by the lender to the borrower in the presence of the attestor who shall certify the fact upon the promissory note.
Penalty for taking promissory note in which amount left blank or not truly stated |
31. Any moneylender who makes any note or memorandum under section 16 or who takes as security for any loan a promissory note or other contract for the repayment of money lent in which the principal or rate of interest is, to the knowledge of the moneylender, not truly stated or is left blank shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000 and for a second or subsequent offence to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both. [22/75] |
False statements or representations to induce borrowing an offence |
32. If any moneylender or any manager, agent or clerk of a moneylender or if any person being a director, manager or other officer of any company, by any false, misleading or deceptive statement, representation or promise or by any dishonest concealment of material facts fraudulently induces or attempts to induce any person to borrow money or to agree to the terms on which money is or is to be borrowed, he shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both. |
Harassing debtor, besetting his residence, etc. |
33.—(1) Subject to subsection (3), where a person who does not hold a licence but who is presumed to be a moneylender under section 3 —
Special provisions relating to non-resident principal |
34.—(1) When any fine is imposed on an agent who is or has been licensed under this Act to carry on a moneylending business on behalf of a principal not resident in Singapore, the fine, if it has been imposed in respect of an offence under this Act committed by the agent in the course of carrying on the business shall, unless the court imposing the fine otherwise directs, be recoverable out of the property situate in Singapore belonging to the principal as well as out of the property belonging to the agent and any such property of the principal may be taken in execution and sold under any warrant issued against the agent for the levy of the amount of the fine.
Powers of police officer |
35. Any police officer not below the rank of sergeant who is authorised in writing by the Registrar, or by a police officer not below the rank of Assistant Superintendent of Police, may at all times enter into the premises of any licensed moneylender or any person who is suspected of carrying on the business of moneylending to inspect or seize any book or document relating to any moneylending transaction without a warrant being issued by a Magistrate for that purpose. [34A [22/75] |
Jurisdiction of court |
35A. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the Criminal Procedure Code (Cap. 68), a District Court shall have jurisdiction to try any offence under this Act and shall have power to impose the full penalty or punishment in respect of the offence. |
Offences by bodies corporate, etc. |
35B.—(1) Where an offence under this Act committed by a body corporate is proved —
Presumption |
35C.—(1) Where the bank account or automated teller machine card of any person is proved to the satisfaction of the court to have been used in the collection of debts by an unlicensed moneylender, that person shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to have assisted in the carrying on of the business of an unlicensed moneylender in contravention of section 8(1)(b).
Power of Minister to grant exemptions |
36.—(1) The Minister may, upon payment of the prescribed fee, exempt, with or without conditions, any person from all or any of the provisions of this Act.
Rules |
37.—(1) The Minister may make rules —
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