Mutual Benefit Organisations Act 1960 |
This revised edition incorporates all amendments up to and including 1 December 2021 and comes into operation on 31 December 2021 |
An Act for the registration and control of mutual benefit organisations. |
[1 August 1960] |
Short title |
1. This Act is the Mutual Benefit Organisations Act 1960. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Appointment of Registrar and Assistant Registrars |
3. The Minister may appoint by name or office an officer to be the Registrar of Mutual Benefit Organisations and officers to be Assistant Registrars of Mutual Benefit Organisations. |
Conditions of registration |
Registration and issue of certificate of registration |
5.—(1) Subject to this Act, the Registrar shall, upon an application being made therefor by a mutual benefit organisation and on payment of the prescribed fee, register the organisation with or without conditions.
Refusal to register mutual benefit organisation |
6.—(1) The Registrar shall refuse to register a mutual benefit organisation if he is satisfied that —
Appeal from refusal to register |
7. Any person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Registrar under section 5(1) or (5) or section 6 may, within one month of being notified of the decision of the Registrar, appeal against his decision to the Minister whose decision shall be final. |
Annual registers to be published |
8. The Registrar shall cause to be published in the Gazette in July of each year a list of all existing registered organisations. |
Registration of amendments of rules |
9.—(1) An amendment of the rules of a registered organisation shall not be valid until the amendment has been registered under this Act, for which purpose copies of the amendment signed by 3 members and the secretary shall be sent to the Registrar.
Registered office |
10. Every registered organisation shall have a registered office to which all communications and notices may be addressed, and shall send to the Registrar notice of the address of that office and of every change therein. |
Appointment of trustees |
11.—(1) Every registered organisation shall have one or more trustees.
Persons prohibited from acting as officers of organisation |
12.—(1) No person shall act as an officer of a mutual benefit organisation or manage or assist in the management of the organisation if —
Audit |
13.—(1) Every registered organisation shall once at least in every year submit its accounts for audit by an auditor approved generally or for any particular audit by the Registrar.
Annual returns |
14.—(1) Every registered organisation shall once in every year, not later than 31 May, send to the Registrar a return (referred to in this Act as the annual return) of the receipts and expenditure, funds and effects of the registered organisation as audited.
Copy of last balance sheet |
15. Every registered organisation shall keep a copy of the last annual balance sheet together with any special report of the auditors always displayed in a conspicuous place at the registered office of the organisation. |
Priority on death, bankruptcy, etc., of officer |
16. In the following cases:
[Act 25 of 2021 wef 01/04/2022] |
Membership of minors |
17.—(1) The rules of a registered organisation may provide for the admission of a person under 21 years of age as a member or subscriber.
Restriction on nominees |
18. No member or subscriber of a registered organisation may nominate as the person to receive the benefits provided under the rules of the organisation a person other than the wife, children (including adopted children), grandchildren, mother, father, sons‑in‑law, daughters‑in‑law, brothers or sisters of the whole blood, brothers or sisters of the half‑blood, children of such brothers and sisters of the whole or half‑blood, uncles or aunts of the whole blood, uncles or aunts of the half‑blood or children of those uncles or aunts of the whole or half‑blood of that member or subscriber:
Right to supply of copies of rules |
19. Every registered organisation shall deliver to any person on demand and on payment of a sum not exceeding one dollar, a copy of the rules of the organisation. |
Right to supply of copies of annual return |
20. Every registered organisation shall supply free of charge to every member or subscriber or person having an interest in its funds on his application either —
Inspection of books by members |
21. A member or subscriber or person having an interest in the funds of a registered organisation may inspect the books of the organisation at all reasonable hours at the registered office of the organisation or at any place where the books are kept. |
Subscriptions and benefits |
22.—(1) The amount deducted by a registered organisation for administration or any other expense shall not exceed such percentage of the total receipts from subscriptions as may be prescribed by the Minister by rules made under this Act.
Utilisation of reserve funds |
23. The reserve funds of a mutual benefit organisation referred to in section 22(2), or any part thereof, may be utilised for any purpose approved by the Minister. |
Power to change name |
24.—(1) A registered organisation may, by special resolution, with the approval in writing of the Registrar, change its name and shall not change its name in any other manner.
Meaning of special resolution |
25.—(1) For the purpose of this Act, “a special resolution” means a resolution that is —
Registration of special resolutions |
26. A copy of every special resolution signed by the chairman of the meeting and countersigned by the secretary shall be sent to the Registrar and registered and until that copy is registered the special resolution shall not take effect. |
Inspectors and special meetings |
27.—(1) Upon the application of one-fifth of the total number of members of a registered organisation, the Registrar may —
Cancellation and suspension of registration |
28.—(1) The Registrar may cancel the registration of a mutual benefit organisation —
Power to freeze bank accounts |
29.—(1) Where a notice has been given by the Registrar to a mutual benefit organisation under section 28(3), the Minister may, where he is satisfied that it is likely that the funds of the mutual benefit organisation may be misused, by order, direct any bank in Singapore not to pay any money out and not to pay cheques drawn on the account of that organisation for a specified period not exceeding 3 months.
Power to seize documents |
30.—(1) Where a notice has been given by the Registrar to a mutual benefit organisation under section 28(3), the Registrar or a police officer authorised in writing by the Registrar may at any time enter any place which the Registrar has reason to believe is kept or used by any mutual benefit organisation or any of its members as a place of meeting or business and seize any account book, document or record of the mutual benefit organisation.
Consequences upon cancellation of registration of organisation |
31.—(1) Upon the cancellation of the registration of any organisation —
Dissolution of registered organisations |
32. A registered organisation may terminate or be dissolved in any of the following ways:
Instrument of dissolution |
33. Where a registered organisation is terminated by an instrument of dissolution —
Dissolution by Registrar |
34.—(1) Upon the application made in writing under their hands of one-fifth of the total number of members of a registered organisation, the Registrar may, by himself or by any Assistant Registrar or by any auditor whom the Registrar appoints in writing, investigate the affairs of the organisation, but the Registrar shall give not less than one month’s previous notice in writing to the organisation whose affairs are to be investigated.
Notice of proceedings to set aside dissolution |
35.—(1) Where a person takes any proceedings to set aside the dissolution of an organisation, he shall give notice of the proceeding to the Registrar not less than 7 days before the proceeding is commenced.
Decision on disputes |
36.—(1) Every dispute between —
Unlawful organisations |
37. Every mutual benefit organisation, not being a registered organisation, shall be deemed to be an unlawful organisation. |
Penalties on office-bearer, etc., of unlawful organisation |
38. Any office-bearer and any person managing or assisting in the management of any unlawful organisation shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $3,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both. |
Penalties on member of unlawful organisation |
39. Any person who is or acts as a member of an unlawful organisation or attends a meeting of an unlawful organisation shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both. |
Persons allowing unlawful organisation on premises |
40. Any person who knowingly allows a meeting of an unlawful organisation or of members of an unlawful organisation to be held in any house, building or place belonging to or occupied by him or over which he has control, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both. |
Presumptions |
41. In any proceedings under this Act —
Offences |
42.—(1) It shall be an offence if —
Offences by organisation to be also offences by officers, etc. |
43. Where a registered organisation is guilty of an offence, every officer of the organisation bound by the rules thereof to fulfil any duty whereof the offence is a breach, or if there is no such officer then every member of the committee, unless that member is proved to have been ignorant of or to have attempted to prevent the commission of the offence, shall be liable to the same penalty as if he had committed the offence. |
Continuing offence |
44. Every default under this Act constituting an offence, if continued, shall constitute a new offence in every week during which the default continues. |
Punishment of fraud, false declaration and misappropriation |
45.—(1) Any person who with intent to mislead or defraud gives to any person a copy of any rules, laws, regulations or other documents, other than the rules of a registered organisation, on the pretence that they are the existing rules of that organisation or that there are no other rules of the organisation or gives to any person a copy of any rules on the pretence that those rules are the rules of a registered organisation when the organisation is not registered, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both.
Falsification |
46. Any person who wilfully makes, orders or allows to be made any entry, erasure in or omission from a balance sheet of a registered organisation or a return or document required to be sent, produced or delivered for the purposes of this Act, with intent to falsify it or to evade the provisions of this Act, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $500 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both. |
Legal proceedings |
47.—(1) Every registered organisation may sue and be sued in the name in which it is registered under this Act.
Exemption |
48.—(1) Nothing in this Act shall apply to any person, body or organisation to which the Insurance Act 1966 applies or which is registered under the Co‑operative Societies Act 1979, the Trade Unions Act 1940 or the Platform Workers Act 2024. [Act 30 of 2024 wef 01/11/2024]
Rules |
49.—(1) The Minister may make rules for any of the following purposes:
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