Division 1 — Duties of police officers
Division 2 — Discipline of police officers
Division 3 — Service offences
Division 1 — Organisation and duties of Special Constabulary
Division 2 — Discipline in Special Constabulary
Division 3 — Special provision for volunteers
Division 4 — Special provisions for national servicemen
Division 5 — Miscellaneous
Division 1 — Preliminary
Division 1A — Creation of Auxiliary Police Forces
Division 1B — Monitoring control of certain employers of Auxiliary Police Force
Division 1C — Special administration order
Division 2 — Auxiliary police officers
Division 3 — Mobilisation of Auxiliary Police Forces
Division 4 — General provisions
Sections 2(1) and 40(1) |
Disciplinary offences |
1. Absence from duty without leave within the meaning of section 36. |
2. Sleeping on duty. |
3. Conduct to the prejudice of good order and discipline. |
4. Cowardice in the performance of duty. |
5. Disobedience of Police Regulations, Special Police Regulations, Police General Orders, Force Orders, Standing Orders or any orders of a superior officer whether written or verbal. |
6. Being unfit for duty through intoxication. |
7. Insubordination. |
8. Abuse of authority by knowingly exceeding his or her authority over an officer of lower rank. |
9. Neglect of duty or orders. |
10. Intentionally rendering or keeping himself or herself unfit for service or duty —
11. Doing any of the following acts in relation to a document which is the property of or is submitted to the Police Force or the Special Constabulary (as the case may be) for any purpose (called in this Schedule a service document) with a view to gaining for himself or herself or another or with intent to deceive another or cause loss to another:
12. Excess of duty resulting in loss or injury to any other person. |
13. Wilful destruction or negligent loss of or injury to property belonging to the Government. |
14. Misapplies or wastefully expends any property used by, or in the possession or control of, the Police Force or the Special Constabulary, or any mess, club, common room, canteen or association of the Police Force or the Special Constabulary. |
15. Stealing or dishonestly misappropriating any property used by, or in the possession or control of, the Police Force or the Special Constabulary, or any mess, club, common room, canteen or association of the Police Force or the Special Constabulary, or is concerned in the stealing or dishonest misappropriation of any such property. |
16. Receiving any property used by, or in the possession or control of, the Police Force or the Special Constabulary, or any mess, club, common room, canteen or association of the Police Force or the Special Constabulary, knowing such property to have been stolen or to have been dishonestly misappropriated. |
17. Escaping from custody or any detention barrack in which he or she is being held under or under the authority of this Act. |
18. Refusing to obey a lawful order for his or her arrest, or committing an assault on a police officer who gives the order or a person, whether or not a police officer, who attempts to apprehend him or her, or take or hold him or her in custody, pursuant to the order. |
19. Failing to do any of the following in relation to any person who is under arrest or in custody for an alleged service offence where he or she is required by or under this Act to take such action:
20. Unlawful release of persons in custody by —
21. Commits contempt by —
22. Engaging in trade or other employment without the permission of the Commissioner. |
23. Failing, without reasonable excuse, to submit to —
[53/2018] |