Rubber Dealers Act |
(CHAPTER 279) |
(Original Enactment: Ordinance 27 of 1921)
(30th March 1987) |
An Act to control dealings in rubber. |
[28th November 1921] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Rubber Dealers Act. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless there is something repugnant in the subject or context —
Prohibition of purchase, treatment or storage except under licence |
3. No person shall purchase, treat or store rubber unless he has been duly licensed in that behalf by a licensing officer. |
Licence to purchase rubber |
General licence to treat and store rubber |
5.—(1) A licence to treat and store rubber or a licence to store rubber, when the rubber to be treated and stored or to be stored, as the case may be, consists wholly or partly of rubber which is not grown or produced on land in the occupation of the licensee, shall confer the right to keep a place or places for the treatment and also for the storage of rubber, and shall be in such form as may be prescribed.
Licence to treat and store rubber produced on licensee’s land |
6.—(1) A licence to treat and store rubber solely grown or produced on land in the occupation of the licensee shall confer the right to keep a place or places for the treatment and also for the storage of rubber so grown or produced. The licence shall be in such form as may be prescribed and may be issued as a separate document or may, if so prescribed, be entered in, endorsed on or affixed to the certificate of registration issued under section 15.
Duration of licence |
7.—(1) Every licence shall expire on 31st December of the year in respect of which it is granted and shall be valid only for the place or places and purpose specified therein.
Refusal to grant and revocation of licence |
8.—(1) A licensing officer may in his discretion refuse to grant a licence or to renew any licence which has expired, and may revoke any licence already granted.
Provisions with regard to partners |
9.—(1) Two or more persons carrying on business in partnership shall not be obliged to obtain more than one licence appropriate to the circumstances in respect of which the licence is granted, and a licence to two or more persons shall not be determined by the death or retirement from business of any one or more of the partners.
Words to be painted on certain licensed premises |
10. Every holder of a licence —
Duties of licensee |
11.—(1) Every licensee shall allow at all times the inspection of his licensed premises by any Magistrate or any Land Office bailiff or any police officer not below the rank of inspector or by any other person authorised thereto in writing by a licensing officer.
Books of account |
12.—(1) Every licensee mentioned in section 10 shall keep books of account in which shall be entered day by day the following particulars concerning all purchases, deliveries, sales, shipments and other consignments of rubber;
Written authority for sale or consignment |
13.—(1) No licensed dealer shall purchase any rubber except upon delivery to him by the vendor of a written authority for the sale thereof.
Written memorandum from purchaser to vendor |
14.—(1) Every licensed dealer shall deliver to every person from whom he purchases any rubber a written memorandum bearing his signature or chop and the number of his licence and setting forth —
Cultivation of rubber to be registered |
15.—(1) Every person who cultivates rubber shall at such time or times and in such manner as may be prescribed give notice of the cultivation to a Collector of Land Revenue, and shall furnish to that Collector of Land Revenue the particulars in the prescribed form and any other particulars relating to the cultivation required by the Collector of Land Revenue.
Return of deposit |
16.—(1) Every applicant for, and every holder of, a licence to purchase rubber shall on demand be entitled to receive from a licensing officer an order on the Accountant-General authorising the return of any deposit made under section 4(2).
Penalty for breach of this Act |
17. Except as provided in section 15, any person who commits any offence under this Act, or who makes default in complying with any obligation imposed on him by this Act, shall be liable on conviction before a District Court to a fine not exceeding $2,000. |
Rules |
18.—(1) The Minister may make rules for —
Power to exempt from this Act |
19. The Minister may grant to any person or class of persons total or partial exemption from all or any of the provisions of this Act or of any rules made thereunder subject to such conditions and restrictions as he thinks fit, and may likewise declare, subject to any like conditions or restrictions, that any provisions of this Act or of any rules made thereunder shall not apply to any part of Singapore:
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