State Lands Encroachments Act |
(CHAPTER 315) |
(Original Enactment: Ordinance 10 of 1883)
(30th March 1987) |
An Act to prevent encroachments upon State lands. |
[2nd November 1883] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the State Lands Encroachments Act. |
Information of encroachment |
2. A Magistrate’s Court, upon the sworn information of the Commissioner of Lands, or of any land revenue or other public officer, charging any person with being in unlawful occupation of any State land, may issue a summons for the appearance before it of that person. |
Removal of unlawful occupants |
Warrant issuable by court for dispossession |
4.—(1) The Magistrate’s Court on being satisfied of the truth of the information shall issue a warrant addressed to the Commissioner of Police or to any police officer requiring him forthwith to dispossess and remove that person from the land, and on behalf of the State to take possession of the land, together with all crops growing thereon, and all buildings and other immovable property upon and affixed thereto, and all movable property found thereon. [23/74]
Forms |
5. The information, summons and warrant respectively referred to in sections 2 and 4 may be in the forms A, B and C in the Schedule. |
Demolition of unlawful buildings |
6.—(1) A Magistrate’s Court, upon the sworn information of the Commissioner of Lands, or of any land revenue or other public officer, that any building has been erected or constructed upon State land without lawful authority, shall issue a summons calling upon any person interested to show cause why an order should not be made declaring the building to be State property and authorising its demolition by or under the authority of the Commissioner of Lands, or any land revenue or other public officer.
Penalties for trespassing |
7.—(1) Any person who —
Recovery of expenses |
8.—(1) The court before which any person is convicted of an offence under section 7 may order that person to pay, in addition to any fine which has been imposed for the offence, the value of any timber or other Government property cut down, destroyed or injured upon the land during any period of the unlawful occupation thereof by that person, and the expense of any survey which has become necessary for proving such unlawful occupation, or for ascertaining the extent thereof.
Forfeiture of abandoned land to State |
9. Subject to section 10, any land alienated or demised by or on behalf of the State which has been abandoned for 3 years or upwards by the person to whom it was alienated or demised or by any person claiming title through him, shall, notwithstanding that some person may be found in occupation thereof or of any part thereof, be forfeited to the State. |
Procedure for resumption |
10.—(1) When any land alienated or demised by or on behalf of the Crown or the State appears to the Collector of Land Revenue to have been so abandoned for 3 years or upwards, the Collector may, with the sanction of the Minister, declare by notice in the Gazette and by a notice in the English, Malay, Chinese and Tamil languages posted on the land, that, unless within 6 months a claim to the land or to any interest therein, whether by long possession or otherwise, is established to the satisfaction of the Collector, it shall be deemed to have been forfeited to the State.
Limitation |
11.—(1) Any land forfeited to the State under section 10 may be dealt with as seems expedient to the President.
State land not to be acquired by adverse possession |
12. No State land shall be acquired by possession or unlawful occupation and the provisions of the Limitation Act [Cap. 163] shall not apply to any action brought by the Government for the recovery of State land. [23/74] |
Penalty for depasturing on State land |
13. Any person who knowingly and wilfully depastures without authority in that behalf any horse or cattle on any State land, not being a common, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $500. [23/74] |
Penalty for other trespasses on State land |
14. Any person who is not authorised in that behalf cuts, digs or takes from any State land any live or dead timber, or other vegetable product, or any beeswax, guano, mineral, gravel, stone, coral, shell, sand, loam, brick-earth or other product, or cuts, removes or sells any timber or produce lying or being on State land or strips or removes bark from any tree in any State land, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000. [23/74] |
15. [Repealed by Act 15/2010 wef 02/01/2011] |
Forest rangers and penghulus |
16.—(1) The Minister may appoint a sufficient number of persons to be forest rangers and penghulus, and may define the boundaries within which the forest rangers and penghulus shall exercise the functions herein assigned to them.
Forest rangers and penghulus to give information |
17.—(1) Any forest ranger or penghulu who wilfully or knowingly refuses or neglects to give every information within his knowledge or power immediately to the Commissioner of Lands, or to the Collector of Land Revenue, of any encroachment made by any person upon any State land, and situated in the district of that forest ranger or penghulu shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $200.
Arrest without warrant |
18. All forest rangers, penghulus and police officers within their respective jurisdictions are hereby required to arrest without warrant and take before a Magistrate any person whom they find committing any offence punishable under section 13 or 14. |
Right of proceeding under the law |
19. Nothing in this Act shall be held to deprive the Government of any right to proceed under the law, or of any remedy against trespassers given by law. |
Interpretation |
20. In this Act, “State land” includes all land contained or referred to in a notification or declaration made under the provisions of section 3 or 5 of the Land Acquisition Act [Cap. 152], and published in the Gazette in accordance with those provisions. |
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