Singapore Management University Act |
(CHAPTER 302A) |
(Original Enactment: Act 7 of 2000)
(31st December 2001) |
An Act to provide for certain matters relating to the operation of a university known as the Singapore Management University. |
Whereas a company limited by guarantee has been incorporated under the Companies Act (Cap. 50) by the name “Singapore Management University” having as its objects the establishment, operation, maintenance and promotion of a university in Singapore under the name and style “Singapore Management University”. |
And whereas it is desirable that statutory provision be made in relation to the operation of the Singapore Management University and certain of the powers of the company. |
[1st April 2000] |
Short title |
1. This Act may be cited as the Singapore Management University Act. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Function of university company |
3. The function of the university company is to pursue, within the limits of the financial resources available to it, the objects provided by its constituent documents and, in particular, the university company may confer and award degrees, diplomas and certificates, including honorary degrees and other distinctions. |
Accountability and evaluation |
Directions in respect of policies on higher education in Singapore |
3B.—(1) The Minister may, in consultation with the university company, establish such policies on higher education in Singapore as the Minister thinks fit and may direct the university company to implement such policies.
Appointment to Board |
4.—(1) The Board shall consist of such number of trustees as the Minister may, in his discretion, appoint.
Consent of Minister |
5.—(1) The prior written consent of the Minister is required for —
Provision of funds |
6.—(1) The Minister shall pay to the university company such moneys as may be provided by Parliament, from time to time, for the funding of the university company.
Access to accounts and summary of financial statements |
7.—(1) The Minister or any person authorised by him is entitled, at all reasonable times, to full and free access to all accounting and other records relating, directly or indirectly, to the financial transactions of the university company.
Application of Societies Act to student bodies |
8.—(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Societies Act (Cap. 311), the provisions of that Act shall have effect in relation to any student body constituted pursuant to the provisions of the constituent documents of the university company.
Act to prevail over constituent documents, etc. |
9.—(1) Any provision of the constituent documents, or any regulation of the university company made in pursuance thereof, that is inconsistent with any provision of this Act shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void.
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