Published by Authority

NO. 10]Friday, March 16 [2018

The following Act was passed by Parliament on 5 February 2018 and assented to by the President on 2 March 2018:—
Enterprise Singapore Board Act 2018

(No. 10 of 2018)

I assent.

2 March 2018.
Date of Commencement: 1 April 2018 Parts 1 to 8, sections 66, 67(1), 68, 69, 71 to 78
Date of Commencement: 2 April 2018 Sections 64 and 65
An Act to establish the Enterprise Singapore Board, to repeal the International Enterprise Singapore Board Act (Chapter 143B of the 2002 Revised Edition) and the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board Act (Chapter 303A of the 2002 Revised Edition), and to make consequential and related amendments to certain other Acts.
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows:
Short title and commencement
1.  This Act is the Enterprise Singapore Board Act 2018 and comes into operation on a date that the Minister appoints by notification in the Gazette.
2.  In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
“accreditation mark” means an accreditation mark specified by the Board under section 6(2)(i)(iv);
“Board” means the Enterprise Singapore Board established by section 3;
“certification mark” means a certification mark specified by the Board under section 6(2)(i)(iv);
“Chairperson” means the individual appointed under section 12(1)(a) as the Chairperson of the Board, and includes any individual appointed under section 14 to act in that capacity;
“Chief Executive” means the Chief Executive of the Board, and includes any individual acting in that capacity;
“Deputy Chairperson” means the Deputy Chairperson of the Board appointed under section 12(1)(b);
“document” includes any device or medium on which information is recorded or stored;
“function”, in relation to the Board, means a function conferred on the Board by or under this Act or any other Act;
“goods” means any movable property, and includes any commodity, fish, livestock or plant;
“inspector” means an inspector appointed under section 33;
“International Enterprise Singapore Board” means the International Enterprise Singapore Board established by the International Enterprise Singapore Board Act (Cap. 143B);
“officer”, in relation to the Board, means an employee of the Board and includes an individual under a secondment arrangement which makes available the service of the individual to the Board;
“process” means one or more related or interacting activities that use inputs to deliver an intended result, and includes any test method;
“product” means any output, tangible or intangible, that results from a process, and includes any goods, material, service, terminology or management system;
“public authority” means a body established or constituted by or under a public Act to perform or discharge a public function;
“registering authority” means any authority competent under any written law to register a company, firm or other body of persons, or a trade mark or design;
“Singapore Rubber Fund” means the Singapore Rubber Fund as defined in the Rubber Industry Act (Cap. 280);
“Singapore Standard” means a standard established by the Board under section 6(2)(i)(iii);
“standard” means a definition, classification, description, requirement, specification, guideline or characteristic, by reference to which a product or process is assessed to be fit for its purpose;
“Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board” means the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board established by the Standards, Productivity and Innovation Board Act (Cap. 303A);
“trade mark” has the same meaning as in the Trade Marks Act (Cap. 332).