Published by Authority |
NO. 6] | Friday, March 3 | [1989 |
The following Act was passed by Parliament on 26th January 1989 and assented to by the President on 21st February 1989:— |
Destitute Persons Act 1989 |
(No. 8 of 1989)
I assent.
President. 21st February 1989. |
An Act to repeal and re-enact with amendments the Destitute Persons Act (Chapter 78 of the 1985 Revised Edition) and to provide for matters connected therewith. |
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows: |
Short title and commencement |
1. This Act may be cited as the Destitute Persons Act 1989 and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint. |
Interpretation |
Power to require a destitute person to reside in a welfare home |
3.—(1) Any public officer acting under the direction of the Director or any police officer may take in his charge any destitute person and deliver him to the custody of the Director.
Penalty for begging |
4.—(1) Any person being a habitual beggar found begging in a public place in such a way as to cause or to be likely to cause annoyance to persons frequenting the place or otherwise to create a nuisance shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $3,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years.
Voluntary admission into a welfare home |
5. Any destitute person who voluntarily seeks admission into a welfare home shall be required to undertake that, if admitted, he will abide by the conditions of admission imposed under this Act or any rules made thereunder. |
Taking of finger impressions and photographs |
6.—(1) The Director may authorise the taking of finger impressions and photographs of any destitute person residing in a welfare home.
Minister may establish welfare homes |
7.—(1) The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, establish welfare homes at such places as he thinks proper within Singapore for the care and rehabilitation of destitute persons in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Board of Visitors |
8.—(1) The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint a Board of Visitors to advise and make recommendations to the Director on all matters pertaining to the welfare of the residents and such other matters as the Minister may refer to it.
Rules for management of welfare homes |
9. The Minister may make rules —
Review Committee |
10.—(1) The Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint a Review Committee which shall review the case of every resident at intervals of not more than 12 months to assess his suitability for discharge from the welfare home.
Discharge from welfare homes |
11. Any person admitted to a welfare home, either on his own application or otherwise, may be discharged by the Director either conditionally or unconditionally on the advice of the Review Committee. |
Discharge to the care of a relative or other person |
12.—(1) Whenever any relative or a friend of a destitute person who, in the opinion of the Director is willing and able to provide care and support for the destitute person, desires that the destitute person be discharged from a welfare home to his care and support, the Director shall upon the application of that relative or friend and on his giving security to the satisfaction of the Director that the person will be properly taken care of and that he will ensure that person’s compliance with any condition of discharge from the welfare home, order that person to be discharged to the care of the relative or friend.
Persons in a welfare home may be required to work |
13.—(1) Any person residing in a welfare home may be required to engage in any suitable work, for which the medical officer of the home certifies him to be capable, either with a view to fitting him for an employment outside the welfare home or with a view to contributing to his maintenance in the welfare home.
Persons in a welfare home may be sent to hospital |
14. Any person residing in a welfare home may, if so directed by the medical officer of the home, be sent to a hospital or other medical institution for treatment, and shall be deemed while receiving such treatment to be a resident of the welfare home. |
Director may transfer persons in welfare homes |
15. Any person residing in a welfare home may, if so directed by the Director, be removed from the welfare home and admitted to another welfare home. |
Penalty for escape from lawful custody of welfare home |
16. Any person who —
Penalty for behaving in a disorderly manner |
17. Any person residing in a welfare home who —
Arrest of escaped destitute person |
18. Any person who is reasonably suspected of having committed an offence under section 16 or 17 and who refuses or fails to accompany a police officer to, or to appear before, a Magistrate’s Court when required to do so for the purposes of this Act may be arrested without a warrant. |
Return to welfare home after serving sentence |
19. A person who has completed serving a sentence imposed on him under section 16 or 17 shall be returned to a welfare home, and the Director shall have the power to take such person into custody for this purpose after he has served his sentence. |
Discharge |
20. The Minister may at any time order any person admitted to a welfare home to be discharged. |
Repeal |
21. The Destitute Persons Act (Cap. 78) is repealed. |
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