Financial Procedure Bill

Bill No. 13/1966

Read the first time on 23rd February 1966.
An Act to provide for the control and management of the public finances of Singapore, and for financial and accounting procedure, including procedure for the collection, custody and payment of the public moneys of Singapore, and the purchase, custody and disposal of public property, other than land, of Singapore and for matters connected therewith.
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows: —
Short title and commencement
1.  This Act may be cited as the Financial Procedure Act, 1966, and shall be deemed to have come into operation on the 9th day of August, 1965.
2.  In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
“accounting officer” includes every public officer who is charged with the duty of collecting, receiving, or accounting for, or who in fact collects, receives or accounts for, any public moneys, or who is charged with the duty of disbursing, or who does in fact disburse, any public moneys, and every public officer who is charged with the receipt, custody or disposal of, or the accounting for, public stores or who in fact receives, holds or disposes of public stores;
“Consolidated Fund” means the Consolidated Fund constituted by Article 83 of the Constitution;
“financial year” means a period of twelve months ending on the 31st day of December in any year;
“public moneys” means all revenue, loan, trust and other moneys and all bonds, debentures, and other securities whatsoever raised or received by or on account of Singapore;
“public stores” means chattels which are the property of or in the possession of or under the control of Singapore;
“statutory expenditure” has the same meaning as in clause (4) of Article 85 of the Constitution;
“Treasury” means the Minister charged with the responsibility for finance and includes any officer under the administrative control or direction of the Minister.