Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) (Amendment) Bill

Bill No. 19/1982

Read the first time on 27th July 1982.
An Act to amend the Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) Act (Chapter 135 of the Revised Edition).
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows: —
Short title
1.  This Act may be cited as the Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) (Amendment) Act, 1982, and shall have effect for the year of assessment 1983 and subsequent years of assessment.
Amendment of section 46A
2.  Subsection (1) of section 46A of the Economic Expansion Incentives (Relief from Income Tax) Act (referred to in this Act as the principal Act) is amended —
(a)by inserting, immediately after the definition of “approved project”, the following definition: —
“ “construction operations” means —
(a)construction, alteration, repair, extension or demolition of buildings and structures;
(b)construction, alteration, repair, extension or demolition of any works forming, or to form, part of any land; or
(c)any operations which form an integral part of, or are preparatory to, or are for rendering complete the operations described in paragraph (a) or (b) including site clearance, earthmoving, excavation, laying of foundations, site restoration, landscaping and the provision of drains and of roadways and other access works;”; and
(b)by deleting the words “or (c)” in the definition of “fixed capital expenditure” and substituting the words “, (c) or (d)”.
Amendment of section 46B
3.  Subsection (1) of section 46B of the principal Act is amended —
(a)by deleting the word “or” at the end of paragraph (b); and
(b)by deleting the comma at the end of paragraph (c) and substituting the words “; or”, and by inserting immediately thereafter the following paragraph: —
(d)for construction operations,”.
Amendment of section 46C
4.  Section 46C of the principal Act is amended by deleting the proviso to subsection (1) and substituting the following proviso: —
Provided that the fixed capital expenditure is incurred —
(a)within such period (hereinafter referred to as the qualifying period), not exceeding five years, commencing from the investment day as the Minister may determine; and
(b)in the case of a project under paragraph (d) of subsection (1) of section 46B, during the period 1st April, 1982 and 31st March, 1987 or such later date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, specify.”.
Miscellaneous amendments
5.  The principal Act is amended by inserting, immediately after the figures “19,” in the following provisions, the figures “19A,”: —
Sections 37G(1)(b), (e) and (f), 46P(1)(b), (e) and (f) and 46X(1)(b), (e) and (f).