Films Bill |
Bill No. 22/1981
Read the first time on 21st July 1981. |
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the possession, distribution and exhibition of films. |
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows: — |
Short title and commencement |
1. This Act may be cited as the Films Act, 1981, and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
The Board and appointment of officers |
Procedure of the Board |
4.—(1) The Board may act notwithstanding any vacancy in its membership.
Delegation of powers and duties by the Board |
5.—(1) The Board may in its discretion delegate to any Censor, Deputy or Assistant Censor of Films, either generally or in a particular case, all or any of the powers conferred and duties imposed upon it by this Act except the power —
Licence for carrying on any business of importing, making, distributing or exhibiting films |
6.—(1) No person shall carry on any business, whether or not the business is carried on for profit, of importing, making, distributing or exhibiting films unless he is in possession of a valid licence granted under this Act.
Application for licence |
7.—(1) An application for a licence shall be made to the Licensing Officer in such form as he may require.
Security |
8.—(1) The Licensing Officer may, before granting a licence, require the applicant to give such security as may be prescribed.
Licence fee |
9. Every licensee shall pay such licence fee as may be prescribed. |
Period for which licence is in force |
10. A licence shall be in force for such period as the Licensing Officer may determine and may be renewed at the discretion of the Licensing Officer on its expiry. |
Revocation and suspension of a licence |
11. The Licensing Officer may revoke or suspend a licence if he is satisfied that the licensee —
Films made in Singapore to be deposited in approved warehouse |
12.—(1) The owner of any film made in Singapore shall within seven days after the making of the film deposit the film in a warehouse approved for this purpose by the Board.
Importation of films and removal of films from approved warehouse |
13.—(1) No film shall, on importation by sea, be removed from the vessel wherein the same was imported or from any Port of Singapore Authority godown, or, if imported by land or air, from a post office, railway station or other place of arrival without a permit from the Board.
Submission of films for censorship |
14.—(1) Every film in the possession of any person shall be submitted to the Board without any alteration or excision for the purpose of censorship at the owner’s risk and expense and at such time and place as the Board may appoint.
Prohibition and approval of films for exhibition |
15.—(1) After the submission of a film for the purpose of censorship the Board may —
Classification of films |
16.—(1) The Board may, when approving the exhibition of any film under section 15, classify the film in such manner as it may think fit and the Minister may approve the classifications under which films may be classified.
Alterations and excisions of films by the Board |
17.—(1) When alterations or excisions to a film are required by the Board, the alterations or excisions may be made by the Board or, with the consent of the Board, by the owner of the film.
Retention of prohibited films by the Board |
18.—(1) Where the Board has prohibited the exhibition of any film or any part of any film, it may retain the film or any excised part of the film until it is exported or is disposed of under section 28.
Duplicate film |
19. If the owner of a film satisfies the Chairman that a duplicate of a film already approved for exhibition by the Board is deposited in an approved warehouse, the Chairman may, without any further inspection, issue a certificate approving the exhibition of that film. |
Interdiction of films approved by the Board |
20.—(1) A certificate shall cease to be valid on notice to that effect being given by the Board to the person who submitted the film for the purpose of censorship or to any person in possession of the film; and where any such person cannot be found the notice may be given by publication in the Gazette.
Penalty for possession, exhibition or distribution of uncensored films |
21.—(1) Any person who —
Advertisement of films for exhibition prohibited unless approved by the Board |
22.—(1) No person shall advertise or cause to be advertised the exhibition or distribution of any film unless the advertisement has been approved by the Board.
Search for unauthorised films and arrest of persons concerned |
23.—(1) Whenever a Deputy or Assistant Commissioner of Police is satisfied upon written information and after any further inquiry which he may think necessary that any film —
Appeals |
24.—(1) Any owner of a film aggrieved by any act or decision of the Board may, within thirty days of the date on which he is notified thereof, and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed, appeal to a Committee of Appeal by lodging with the Secretary a written notice of appeal.
Committee of Appeal |
25.—(1) For the purposes of this Act there shall be a Committee of Appeal consisting of nine persons to be appointed by the Minister.
Powers of the Committee of Appeal |
26.—(1) The Committee of Appeal is hereby empowered to make such order as it thinks fit in regard to —
Minister may order Committee of Appeal to inspect any film |
27.—(1) The Minister may, whenever he thinks it necessary or desirable, order the Committee of Appeal to cause to be exhibited before the Committee of Appeal any film whether it has been approved for exhibition or not for the purpose of considering whether the film should or should not be so approved.
Disposal of unclaimed films |
28. Any film which has been deposited in any approved warehouse for two years and the owner whereof is unknown or has failed during that period to obtain the approval of the Board or having obtained it has failed to remove the film from the possession of the Board, and any film retained by the Board under section 18 and not claimed by the owner within two years of the date upon which approval for exhibition was refused or, if there is any appeal, from the date of the decision of the Committee of Appeal, may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the Board thinks fit. |
Penalty for possession, distribution or exhibition of obscene or lewd film |
29.—(1) Any person who —
Minister may prohibit the possession or distribution of any film |
30.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act if the Minister is of the opinion that the possession or distribution of any film would be contrary to the public interest, he may in his discretion by order published in the Gazette prohibit the possession or distribution of that film by any person.
Protection from personal liability |
31. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person employed in the office of the Board or other person acting under the direction of the Board for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done in the execution or purported execution of this Act. |
Protection of Board and Government from liability |
32. Any film deposited in or delivered at any approved warehouse shall be stored therein at the risk and expense of the owner, and neither the Board nor the Government shall be liable for any loss of or damage to the film unless the loss or damage has been caused by some wilful act on the part of the Board, any member thereof, or its staff. |
Officers to be public servants |
33. All persons employed in the office of the Board and all members of the Committee of Appeal shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of the Penal Code (Cap. 103). |
Court for trial of offence |
34. Any offence under this Act may be tried by a District or Magistrate’s Court and such Court shall, notwithstanding any other written law, have jurisdiction to impose the maximum penalty provided for by this Act. |
Exemptions |
35.—(1) This Act shall not apply to —
Regulations |
36.—(1) The Minister may make regulations for, or in respect of, every purpose which is deemed necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act and for the prescribing of any matter which is authorised or required under this Act to be so prescribed.
Repeal |
37. The Films Act (Cap. 239) is repealed. |
Transitional provision |
38. Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act a person who, immediately before the commencement of this Act, was carrying on any business of importing, distributing, making or exhibiting films shall be entitled to do the same without a licence for a period of one month from the commencement of this Act, and if before the expiration of that period he applies for a licence then he may continue to do the same until the licence is granted or finally refused or the application for a licence is withdrawn. |
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