Casino Control (Amendment) Bill

Bill No. 24/2024

Read the first time on 6 August 2024.
An Act to amend the Casino Control Act 2006 and to make consequential and related amendments to the Gambling Control Act 2022 and the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Singapore Act 2022.
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows:
Short title and commencement
1.  This Act is the Casino Control (Amendment) Act 2024 and comes into operation on a date that the Minister appoints by notification in the Gazette.
Amendment of long title
2.  In the Casino Control Act 2006 (called in this Act the principal Act), in the long title —
(a)replace “gaming in casinos” with “gambling in casinos and the regulation of persons connected therewith”; and
(b)replace “to establish the Casino Regulatory Authority of Singapore, to provide for its functions and powers” with “to provide for the functions of the National Council on Problem Gambling and measures against problem gambling”.
Amendment of section 2
3.  In the principal Act, in section 2(1) —
(a)in the definition of “casino”, replace “one or more games approved by the Authority under section 100” with “casino gambling approved by the Authority”;
(b)after the definition of “casino”, insert —
“ “casino chip” means any token used instead of money for the purpose of casino gambling, and includes —
(a)any voucher or other instrument that has a fixed dollar wagering value; and
(b)anything prescribed as a casino chip;”;
(c)after the definition of “casino employee”, insert —
“ “casino gambling” means any of the following that is carried out within the casino premises:
(a)playing a casino game;
(b)betting (within the meaning of section 5 of the Gambling Control Act 2022) conducted by a casino operator;
(c)participating in a lottery (within the meaning of section 9 of the Gambling Control Act 2022) conducted by a casino operator,
but does not include any promotional game or any prescribed form of gambling;
“casino game” means a game provided by the casino operator —
(a)that involves a wager in money or casino chips (with or without match play coupons);
(b)that is played at a table or using a gaming machine or gaming program; and
(c)as a result of which winnings may become payable by the casino operator;”;
(d)in the definition of “casino marketing arrangement”, replace “the playing of any game in a casino” with “casino gambling”;
(e)after the definition of “casino premises”, insert —
“ “casino-excluded person” means a person banned from entering or remaining on, or taking part in any casino gambling or promotional game on, any casino premises pursuant to —
(a)an exclusion order under section 121 or 122;
(b)a family exclusion order, provisional family exclusion order or third party exclusion order under Part 10;
(c)section 165A;
(d)self-exclusion under section 165AA; or
(e)section 165D for the remainder of any month by reason of the person having made the maximum number of visits to any casino for the month allowed by a visit limit imposed on him or her;”;
(f)delete the definitions of “chips” and “excluded person”;
(g)replace the definition of “deposit account” with —
“ “deposit account” means an account established by a casino operator for a patron, into which is to be credited deposits of money or any other permitted deposits as may be prescribed;”;
(h)replace the definition of “electronic table game” with —
“ “electronic table game” means a gaming machine or gaming program used for the purpose of playing a casino game traditionally played at tables, and includes any electronic device through which bets may be placed on a casino game played at a table and any other thing prescribed as an electronic table game;”;
(i)in the definition of “gaming equipment”, replace “in connection with gaming” with “in connection with casino gambling”;
(j)in the definition of “gaming equipment”, after paragraph (a), insert —
(aa)an electronic device on which a gaming program may be used to play a casino game or participate in any other form of casino gambling;
(ab)a gaming program;”;
(k)in the definition of “gaming machine”, in paragraph (a), replace “playing a game of chance or a game of mixed chance and skill” with “playing a casino game or for any other form of casino gambling”;
(l)in the definition of “gaming machine”, replace “and includes any machine declared by the Authority to be a gaming machine;” with —
and —
(c)includes anything prescribed as a gaming machine; but
(d)excludes anything prescribed as not being a gaming machine;”;
(m)after the definition of “gaming machine”, insert —
“ “gaming program” means a software application or other computer program that is designed to be used with an electronic device (other than a gaming machine) to play a casino game or participate in any other form of casino gambling;”;
(n)replace the definitions of “jackpot” and “linked jackpot arrangement” with —
“ “jackpot” means a winning event that is —
(a)a combination of letters, numbers, symbols or representations required to be displayed —
(i)on the reels or video screen of a gaming machine; or
(ii)on an electronic device on which a gaming program is used to play a casino game or participate in any other form of casino gambling;
(b)determined by a linked jackpot arrangement; or
(c)determined by a lottery in which the entitlement to participate depends on the playing of a casino game or participating in any other form of casino gambling,
as a result of which the winnings are payable from money which accumulates as contributions are made to a special prize pool;
“linked jackpot arrangement” means an arrangement whereby 2 or more gaming machines or gaming programs, or a combination of both, are linked to a device or connected to an electronic program or system that —
(a)records, from time to time, an amount which, in the event of a jackpot or other result being obtained on one of those gaming machines or gaming programs, may be payable, or part of which may be payable, as winnings; and
(b)for the purpose of recording the amount mentioned in paragraph (a), receives data from each gaming machine or gaming program that is so linked or connected;”;
(o)in the definition of “linked jackpot equipment”, after “gaming machine”, insert “or an electronic device on which a gaming program is used”;
(p)in the definition of “operations”, in paragraphs (a) and (b), replace “gaming” with “casino gambling or promotional games”;
(q)in the definition of “premium player”, in paragraph (b), delete “and” at the end;
(r)in the definition of “premium player”, in paragraph (c), insert “and” at the end;
(s)in the definition of “premium player”, after paragraph (c), insert —
(d)the patron is not disqualified as a premium player by regulations made under section 200;”;
(t)after the definition of “premium player”, insert —
“ “promotional activity” includes a promotional game;
“promotional game” means a game or lottery played within the casino premises —
(a)that is conducted or played as part of an event to promote the visiting of the casino or the playing of any casino game or participation in any other form of casino gambling; and
(b)that does not involve a wager in money or casino chips;”; and
(u)in the definition of “special employee”, in paragraph (b)(i), replace “gaming” with “casino gambling”.
Amendment of section 42
4.  In the principal Act, in section 42(1)(a) and (b), replace “Authority” with “Minister”.
Amendment of section 45
5.  In the principal Act, in section 45 —
(a)in subsection (2)(i), after “prevailing”, insert “and future”; and
(b)after subsection (3), insert —
(4)  In considering whether the applicant is a suitable person to be concerned in the management and operation of a casino, the Authority may, in addition to the matters mentioned in subsections (2) and (3), consider the following matters:
(a)whether the applicant conducts its business (including business conducted outside Singapore or business unrelated to casino operations) in a manner which is unethical or which will bring discredit to casino gambling in Singapore;
(b)whether there has been a systemic deficiency or failure in the applicant’s internal controls or corporate governance.”.
Amendment of section 45A
6.  In the principal Act, in section 45A(1), after paragraph (c), insert —
(ca)the ability of the integrated resort and its attractions and facilities to remain competitive, having regard to future developments in the industry and market;”.
Amendment of section 46
7.  In the principal Act, in section 46, delete subsections (2) and (4).
Amendment of section 49A
8.  In the principal Act, in section 49A, after subsection (1), insert —
(1A)  The casino licence fee prescribed may include any costs of the Council (including any secretary or officer appointed under section 155(2)) in connection with the performance of the Council’s functions under Part 10 as they relate to casinos and casino gambling.”.
Amendment of section 49B
9.  In the principal Act, in section 49B, after subsection (3), insert —
(4)  In the application of section 48 to a casino operator in respect of the renewal of its casino licence —
(a)a reference in section 48(2) to a person whose association with the applicant is in the opinion of the Authority relevant to the application, is to be read as a reference to a person whose association with the casino operator is in the opinion of the Authority relevant to the application for renewal; and
(b)a casino operator who fails to comply with section 48(1) as it applies under this section shall not be guilty of an offence under section 48(3) but shall instead be liable to disciplinary action.”.
Amendment of section 54
10.  In the principal Act, in section 54 —
(a)in subsection (1), in the definition of “grounds for disciplinary action”, in paragraph (d), replace “section 45(2)” with “section 45”;
(b)in subsection (1), in the definition of “serious breach”, in paragraph (a), replace “gaming in the casino” with “casino gambling”;
(c)after subsection (6), insert —
(6A)  A written notice of suspension of a casino licence may include a direction to the casino operator to rectify within a specified time any matter giving rise to the suspension.”;
(d)in subsection (7), after “subsection (6)”, insert “or (6A)”;
(e)in subsection (8), replace “If” with “Except to the extent required by a direction given to the casino operator under subsection (6A), if”; and
(f)after subsection (10), insert —
(11)  Any proceedings started under this section against a casino operator may continue, and the Authority may take disciplinary action mentioned in paragraph (b) or (d) of the definition of “disciplinary action” in subsection (1) against the former casino operator under subsection (4), despite the cancellation, surrender or expiry of the casino operator’s licence.”.
Amendment of section 59
11.  In the principal Act, in section 59(a), after “casino licence”, insert “, having regard to the matters in section 45”.
Deletion of section 61
12.  In the principal Act, delete section 61.
Amendment of section 62
13.  In the principal Act, in section 62(1), after “it takes place”, insert “or such longer period as the Authority may allow in any particular case”.
Amendment of section 63
14.  In the principal Act, in section 63 —
(a)delete subsection (2); and
(b)in subsection (9), delete “(2) or”.
Amendment of section 64
15.  In the principal Act, in section 64 —
(a)in subsection (2), delete the definition of “related corporation”;
(b)in subsection (2), in the definition of “relevant date”, replace “corporation” wherever it appears with “casino operator”; and
(c)in subsection (3), replace paragraphs (c) to (i) with —
(c)A is a person who is accustomed or under an obligation, whether formal or informal, to act in accordance with the directions, instructions or wishes of B;
(d)A is a subsidiary of B;
(e)A is a corporation in which B, alone or together with other associates of B as described in paragraph (b), (c) or (d), is in a position to control not less than 20% of the votes in A; or
(f)A is a person with whom B has an agreement or arrangement, whether oral or in writing and whether express or implied, to act together with respect to the acquisition, holding or disposal of shares or other interests in, or with respect to the exercise of their votes in relation to, the casino operator.”.
Amendment of section 67
16.  In the principal Act, in section 67 —
(a)in subsection (2)(a), delete “or” at the end;
(b)in subsection (2)(b), replace the full‑stop at the end with “; or”;
(c)in subsection (2), after paragraph (b), insert —
(c)requiring the person to carry out the acquisition of shares, interests in shares or voting power within a specified time.”;
(d)after subsection (2), insert —
(2A)  The Authority may at any time add to, vary or revoke any condition imposed under subsection (2).”; and
(e)after subsection (4), insert —
(5)  Where the Authority proposes to add to, vary or revoke under subsection (2A) any condition imposed under subsection (2) (including any condition imposed before the date of commencement of section 16 of the Casino Control (Amendment) Act 2024 under subsection (2) as in force before that date), the Authority must —
(a)give written notice of the proposed addition, variation or revocation to the person subject to the conditions (called the affected person);
(b)allow the affected person a specified period to make submissions to the Authority concerning the proposed addition, variation or revocation;
(c)consider the submissions made, if any; and
(d)notify the affected person of its decision.”.
Miscellaneous amendments for Division 2 of Part 4
17.—(1)  In the principal Act, in the following sections, in the section heading, replace “corporation with casino licence” with “casino operator”:
 Section 65
 Section 66.
(2)  In the principal Act, in the following provisions, replace “corporation” wherever it appears with “casino operator”:
 Section 65(1) and (2)(a)
 Section 66(1), (2), (3) (definitions of “12% controller”, “20% controller” and “indirect controller”) and (4)
 Section 67(1)(b), (2)(a) and (b) and (3).
(3)  In the principal Act, in the following provisions, replace “Minister” wherever it appears with “Authority”:
 Section 65(1) and (2)(a) and (b)
 Section 66(1), (2) and (3) (definition of “indirect controller”)
 Section 67(1), (2) and (4)
 Section 68
 Section 69(1) to (4)
 Section 70(1) and (3)(a), (b) and (c)
 Section 71(3)(b) and (4)(c).
(4)  In the principal Act, in section 69(1)(f), replace “Minister’s” with “Authority’s”.
(5)  In the principal Act, in section 69(2), replace “he or she” with “the Authority”.
(6)  In the principal Act, in section 69(2), replace “his or her” with “its”.
Amendment of section 72
18.  In the principal Act, in section 72(1), replace the definitions of “controlled contract” and “notifiable contract” with —
“ “notifiable contract”, in relation to a casino operator, means —
(a)a contract that relates wholly or partly to the supply of goods or services for the operations of the casino or to any other matter that is prescribed for the purposes of this definition;
(b)a contract above a prescribed value; or
(c)a contract in a class of contracts prescribed as a notifiable contract for the purposes of this Division,
but does not include —
(d)a contract that relates solely to the construction of the casino premises;
(e)a contract approved under subsection (2); or
(f)any other class of contracts prescribed as not being a notifiable contract for the purposes of this Division;”.
Deletion of section 73
19.  In the principal Act, delete section 73.
Amendment of section 74
20.  In the principal Act, in section 74(1), replace paragraphs (a) and (b) with —
(a)in respect of a prescribed class or prescribed classes of notifiable contracts — give written notice to the Authority within the prescribed period of the entering into or variation of the contract and particulars of the contract or variation, together with any supporting documents, in the form and manner specified by the Authority by prior written notice; or
(b)in respect of any other notifiable contract — keep records of the contract or variation in the form and manner specified by the Authority by prior written notice, and submit those records together with any supporting documents to the Authority whenever requested to do so by written notice of the Authority.”.
Amendment of section 75
21.  In the principal Act, in section 75, delete “a controlled contract or”.
Amendment of section 76
22.  In the principal Act, in section 76 —
(a)in the section heading, delete “controlled contract or”;
(b)in subsection (1), delete “a controlled contract or”; and
(c)in subsection (2), delete “controlled contract or”.
Amendment of section 80
23.  In the principal Act, in section 80 —
(a)in subsection (4), after “Any person”, insert “(not being a licensee)”; and
(b)after subsection (4), insert —
(4A)  A licensee who contravenes subsection (1) or (2) shall be liable to disciplinary action under section 93.”.
Amendment of section 81
24.  In the principal Act, in section 81 —
(a)in subsection (1)(a), insert “and” at the end;
(b)in subsection (1)(b), replace “; and” at the end with a full‑stop;
(c)in subsection (1), delete paragraph (c); and
(d)delete subsection (2).
Deletion of provisions relating to special employees
25.  In the principal Act, delete sections 83, 84, 86, 87, 89 to 92, 95, 97, 97A and 98.
Amendment of section 93
26.  In the principal Act, in section 93, after subsection (6), insert —
(7)  Any proceedings started under this section against a licensed special employee may continue, and the Authority may take disciplinary action mentioned in paragraph (a) or (f) of the definition of “disciplinary action” in subsection (1) against the special employee under subsection (5), despite the special employee’s licence ceasing to be valid (whether as a result of cancellation, surrender, expiry or otherwise).”.
Amendment of section 99
27.  In the principal Act, in section 99 —
(a)in subsection (1)(a), replace “as the Authority may prescribe” with “as may be prescribed under subsection (1A) or section 200”; and
(b)after subsection (1), insert —
(1A)  The Minister may, by order in the Gazette, prescribe the maximum gaming area for any casino, and may do so by reference to the terms of the Development Agreement concerning that casino.”.
Amendment of section 100
28.  In the principal Act, in section 100 —
(a)in the section heading, replace “games and rules for games” with “casino gambling and rules, etc.”;
(b)replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  The Authority may —
(a)by a written notice to a casino operator, approve —
(i)the casino games that may be played in the casino of the casino operator, the mode of play and the rules for those games; and
(ii)any other form of casino gambling that may be provided or conducted by the casino operator, the mode of play and the rules for the casino gambling; and
(b)publish the list of casino games and other forms of casino gambling, the mode of play and rules, approved for the time being for each casino on the official website of the Authority.”;
(c)replace subsections (3) and (4) with —
(3)  A casino operator must not permit any gambling to be conducted in a casino except —
(a)casino gambling that —
(i)has been approved by the Authority under subsection (1)(a);
(ii)is conducted in accordance with the mode of play and rules approved by the Authority; and
(iii)is conducted on behalf of the casino operator by a licensed special employee;
(b)casino gambling on a gaming machine, or using a gaming program, approved by the Authority under section 102; or
(c)any promotional game.
(4)  A person must not conduct any gambling, or permit any person to conduct any gambling, in a casino except —
(a)casino gambling that —
(i)has been approved by the Authority under subsection (1)(a); and
(ii)is conducted in accordance with the mode of play and rules approved by the Authority;
(b)casino gambling on a gaming machine, or using a gaming program, approved by the Authority under section 102; or
(c)any promotional game.”; and
(d)in subsection (8), replace “This section does not apply to any game played on a gaming machine” with “Approval under subsection (1)(a) is not required for any casino gambling conducted on a gaming machine or using a gaming program approved by the Authority under section 102”.
Amendment of section 103
29.  In the principal Act, in section 103 —
(a)in the section heading, after “Gaming machines”, insert “and gaming programs”;
(b)in subsection (1), after “any gaming machine”, insert “or gaming program”;
(c)in subsection (1), replace paragraph (a) with —
(a)the gaming machine or gaming program has been obtained from an approved manufacturer (either directly or through an authorised supplier) approved by the Authority under section 103A;”;
(d)in subsection (1)(b), after “the gaming machine”, insert “or gaming program”;
(e)in subsection (1)(b) and (c), after “gaming machines”, insert “or gaming programs”;
(f)in subsection (1), replace paragraph (d) with —
(d)the total number of gaming machines and gaming programs available for casino gambling does not exceed the number prescribed under subsection (1A).”; and
(g)after subsection (1), insert —
(1A)  The Minister may, by order in the Gazette, prescribe the maximum number of gaming machines and gaming programs for any casino, and may do so by reference to the terms of the Development Agreement concerning that casino.”.
Amendment of section 103A
30.  In the principal Act, in section 103A —
(a)in the section heading, replace “and approved suppliers of gaming machines” with “of gaming machines and gaming programs”;
(b)in subsection (1)(a), replace “or supply any gaming machine” with “any gaming machine or gaming program”;
(c)in subsections (1) and (3), delete “, approved supplier”;
(d)in subsection (2), replace paragraph (b) with —
(b)an approved manufacturer of gaming programs; or”; and
(e)replace subsection (4) with —
(4)  For the purposes of this section and section 103 —
(a)a person is a manufacturer of a gaming machine or gaming program if the person has overall control of the design and production of the gaming machine or gaming program (as the case may be), even if the design, manufacture and assembly of the gaming machine or the design and production of the gaming program, or any part of it, is carried out by one or more other persons;
(b)a person is not a manufacturer of a gaming machine or gaming program if the person does not have overall control of the design and production of the gaming machine or gaming program (as the case may be), even if the person carries out the design, manufacture, assembly, production or supply of it, or any part of it; and
(c)a person is an authorised supplier of an approved manufacturer if the person is a supplier that the approved manufacturer has notified the Authority will be used to supply gaming machines or gaming programs of the approved manufacturer.”.
Deletion of section 104
31.  In the principal Act, delete section 104.
Amendment of section 105
32.  In the principal Act, in section 105 —
(a)in the section heading, after “Linked jackpot arrangement”, insert “involving casino”; and
(b)in subsection (1), after “linked jackpot arrangement”, insert “involving one or more gaming machines or gaming programs in a casino”.
Deletion of sections 106 and 107
33.  In the principal Act, delete sections 106 and 107.
Amendment of section 108
34.  In the principal Act, in section 108 —
(a)replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  Except to the extent permitted by this section and regulations made under section 200, the following transactions in connection with any casino gambling are prohibited:
(a)accepting a wager made otherwise than by means of money or casino chips (with or without match play coupons);
(b)lending money or any valuable thing;
(c)providing money, casino chips or match play coupons on credit, including as part of a transaction involving a credit card;
(d)extending any other form of credit as may be prescribed.”;
(b)delete subsections (2) to (6);
(c)in subsections (7) and (8), replace “provide chips on credit” with “provide credit for the purposes of casino gambling”;
(d)in subsection (10)(a), delete “, (6)”;
(e)in subsection (14)(a), replace “chips on credit to persons other than as permitted in subsection (7) or (8)” with “credit for the purposes of casino gambling, other than as permitted in subsection (7) or (8) read with subsection (9),”; and
(f)delete subsection (15).
Amendment of section 110B
35.  In the principal Act, in section 110B(6)(j) —
(a)in sub‑paragraph (i), after “international market agent”, insert “or former licensed international market agent”; and
(b)in sub‑paragraph (ii), after “market agent representative”, insert “or former licensed international market agent representative”.
Amendment of section 111
36.  In the principal Act, in section 111 —
(a)in the section heading, replace “game” with “casino gambling”;
(b)in subsection (1), replace “a game” with “any casino gambling”;
(c)in subsection (1), delete paragraph (a); and
(d)in subsection (5), delete “notify an inspector or”.
Amendment of section 112
37.  In the principal Act, in section 112, after subsection (8), insert —
(9)  The decision of the committee communicated under subsection (8) is final.”.
Amendment of section 113
38.  In the principal Act, in section 113, replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  The person ordered to make payment to the other party must do so within 30 days of —
(a)the inspector’s decision under section 111(4); or
(b)the decision of the committee under section 112 if reconsideration of the inspector’s decision was sought,
unless the Authority allows a longer period in any particular case.”.
Deletion of section 114
39.  In the principal Act, delete section 114.
Amendment of section 116
40.  In the principal Act, in section 116 —
(a)in subsection (1)(a), replace “$100” with “$150”;
(b)in subsection (1)(b), replace “$2,000” with “$3,000”;
(c)in subsection (3), after “subsection (1)”, insert “, unless directed to do so under section 117(4)”;
(d)replace subsection (4) with —
(4)  The Minister may, by order in the Gazette, vary the entry levies specified in subsection (1), and any reference in this Act or any other written law to an entry levy specified in subsection (1)(a) or (b) is a reference to the entry levy so varied.”; and
(e)in subsection (6), replace “game” with “casino gambling or promotional game”.
Amendment of section 117
41.  In the principal Act, in section 117 —
(a)in subsection (1), replace “by such method” with “at such time, in such manner and subject to such conditions”; and
(b)after subsection (8), insert —
(9)  In this section, “Chief Executive” includes an authorised person appointed for the purposes of this section.”.
Replacement of section 125
42.  In the principal Act, replace section 125 with —
Casino-excluded person not to enter casino premises
125.—(1)  A casino-excluded person who knows, or ought reasonably to know, that he or she is a casino‑excluded person, must not —
(a)enter or remain on; or
(b)take part in any casino gambling or promotional game on,
any casino premises.
(2)  Subject to subsection (3), a casino‑excluded person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence.
(3)  Subsection (2) does not apply to a person who is a casino‑excluded person as a result only of —
(a)self-exclusion under section 165AA; or
(b)a voluntary visit limit against himself or herself under section 165B(1).”.
Amendment of section 128
43.  In the principal Act, in section 128 —
(a)in subsection (1), replace paragraph (b) with —
(b)subject to a family exclusion order, provisional family exclusion order or third party exclusion order under Part 10;
(ba)excluded under section 165A;
(bb)subject to self‑exclusion under section 165AA; or”;
(b)in subsection (2), replace “gaming on gaming machines or playing any game approved under section 100 in the casino” with “casino gambling”; and
(c)in subsection (6)(a) and (b), replace “chips” with “casino chips”.
Miscellaneous amendments for Division 4 of Part 6
44.  In the principal Act —
(a)in the following provisions, replace “prohibit the person from entering or remaining on” with “ban the person from entering or remaining on, or taking part in any casino gambling or promotional game on,”:
Section 121(1)
Section 122(1);
(b)in the following sections, in the section heading, replace “excluded” with “casino‑excluded”:
Section 126
Section 127;
(c)in the following provisions, replace “an excluded person” with “a casino‑excluded person”:
Section 126(1)
Section 127(2);
(d)in section 126(2)(c), after “section 163(2)(d)”, insert “, 165(6)(ac) or 166A(8)(d)”; and
(e)in section 127(2)(b)(i), replace “excluded” with “casino‑excluded”.
Deletion of sections 131 and 137
45.  In the principal Act, delete sections 131 and 137.
Amendment of section 139
46.  In the principal Act, in section 139 —
(a)in subsection (1), replace paragraphs (b) and (c) with —
(b)when the casino operator enters into a transaction involving the payment of $4,000 or more (whether or not in cash) in a single transaction to a patron or to any person acting on behalf of a patron;
(c)when the casino operator receives a sum of $4,000 or more (whether or not in cash) in a single transaction from, or on behalf of, a patron;”;
(b)in subsection (2), replace “transaction for any patron account, or with any cash transaction or deposit, as the case may be” with “transaction referred to in subsection (1), and must consider whether to make a suspicious transaction report”;
(c)in subsection (2)(b), after “patron in question”, insert “or any person acting on behalf of the patron”;
(d)in subsection (2)(b), replace “withdraw the cash transaction or deposit” with “stop the transaction in question”;
(e)in subsection (5), after “In this section”, insert “and section 139A”;
(f)in subsection (5), in the definition of “patron”, in paragraph (a), after “casino operator”, insert “in the person’s own behalf”;
(g)in subsection (5), in the definition of “patron”, replace paragraph (b) with —
(b)is involved in any transaction with a casino operator involving the receipt or payment of funds by the person from or to a casino operator, in the person’s own behalf,”;
(h)in subsection (5), in the definition of “patron account”, replace “opened by or on behalf of a patron with a casino operator.” with “established by a casino operator for a patron;”; and
(i)in subsection (5), after the definition of “patron account”, insert —
“ “suspicious transaction report” means a disclosure under section 45(1) of the Corruption, Drug Trafficking and Other Serious Crimes (Confiscation of Benefits) Act 1992 or section 8 or 10 of the Terrorism (Suppression of Financing) Act 2002.”.
New section 139A
47.  In the principal Act, after section 139, insert —
Disclosure of risk information
139A.—(1)  For the purposes of permitting and requiring the disclosure and sharing of certain information by casino operators to prevent and detect money laundering, terrorism financing or the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the Authority may issue a written notice to every casino operator to comply with all or any of the requirements and measures mentioned in subsection (2), where —
(a)the casino operator has made a suspicious transaction report in respect of any property or transaction; and
(b)the casino operator has —
(i)declined to establish a relationship, or decided to decline to establish a relationship, with a relevant party connected to any property or transaction; or
(ii)terminated a relationship, or decided to terminate a relationship, with a relevant party connected to any property or transaction,
or other circumstances set out in the written notice exist.
(2)  The written notice mentioned in subsection (1) may specify —
(a)the risk information in respect of a relevant party that the casino operator must disclose to the Authority and to every other casino operator, and the form, manner and time within which the risk information is to be disclosed;
(b)other circumstances under which the risk information mentioned in paragraph (a) is to be disclosed;
(c)the measures to be taken to ensure the accuracy and completeness of any risk information disclosed, including the measures to be taken to correct any error or omission in any risk information and a requirement to notify the Authority and every other casino operator as soon as practicable after any such error or omission comes to the knowledge of the casino operator;
(d)the measures to be taken to ensure the confidentiality of the risk information disclosed, and received or accessed; and
(e)the records to be kept in relation to any disclosure or receipt of or access to any risk information.
(3)  It is not necessary to publish any written notice issued under subsection (1) in the Gazette.
(4)  The Authority may at any time vary or rescind any written notice issued under subsection (1).
(5)  A casino operator must —
(a)disclose the risk information specified by a written notice issued to it under subsection (1) in accordance with the requirements specified in that notice applicable to it; and
(b)comply with any other requirements mentioned in subsection (2)(c), (d) and (e) imposed by the notice applicable to it.
(6)  The Authority may establish and maintain an electronic information sharing system for the purpose of enabling disclosures of risk information under subsection (1) to be made and received or accessed by casino operators.
(7)  Subject to subsection (8), any risk information disclosed, received or accessed under this section may only be disclosed by a casino operator to a prescribed person, and used for the purposes of preventing and detecting money laundering, terrorism financing or the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
(8)  A casino operator must not disclose any risk information that it receives or accesses under this section to any other person, except where lawfully required to do so by or under the provisions of any written law or by any court.
(9)  A casino operator must comply with any written notice under subsection (1) despite any restriction against the disclosure of that information imposed by law, contract or rules of professional conduct.
(10)  A casino operator and any of its employees authorised to act for the casino operator, who comply with any written notice under subsection (1) are not liable for any loss arising out of the disclosure, or any act or omission in consequence of the disclosure, if the disclosure was made —
(a)with reasonable care and in good faith; and
(b)in accordance with the requirements of the written notice.
(11)  Sections 21 and 22 of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 do not apply to a casino operator in relation to any personal data about an individual that is in the possession or under the control of the casino operator if the personal data was risk information received or accessed by the casino operator under this section.
(12)  Any casino operator who fails to comply with subsection (5) or (8) shall be liable to disciplinary action.
(13)  In this section —
“identifying information” means any of the following information:
(a)full name, including any alias used;
(b)date of birth, for an individual;
(c)date of incorporation or registration, for a body corporate or unincorporate;
(d)address or addresses, which must be —
(i)for an individual, the address of the individual’s usual place of residence; or
(ii)for a body corporate or unincorporate, the address of its registered office, the address of its principal place of business, or both;
(e)contact details;
(f)nationality, for an individual, or place of incorporation or registration, for a body corporate or unincorporate;
(g)identification number, which must be —
(i)for an individual —
(A)an identity card number;
(B)a passport number;
(C)a taxpayer identification number; or
(D)the number of any other document of identity issued by any government as evidence of the individual’s nationality or residence and bearing a photograph of the individual; or
(ii)for a body corporate or unincorporate —
(A)a registration number; or
(B)the number of any other document issued by any government certifying the incorporation, registration or existence of the body corporate or unincorporate;
(h)the type of identifying document referred to in paragraph (g) and the expiry date (if any) of the identifying document;
(i)occupation, for an individual, or business, for a body corporate or unincorporate;
(j)any other information that the Authority may specify in the written notice issued under subsection (1);
“relevant party”, in relation to a casino operator, means a person who —
(a)is a patron, seeks to be a patron or has been a patron of the casino operator; or
(b)is acting on behalf of a person mentioned in paragraph (a);
“risk information”, in relation to a relevant party, means any of the following information or documents:
(a)any particulars of the relevant party, including any identifying information of —
(i)the relevant party;
(ii)the authorised signatory or signatories of the relevant party;
(iii)the beneficial owner or owners of the relevant party;
(iv)any officer of the relevant party;
(v)where the relevant party is a partnership, any partner of the relevant party; and
(vi)where the relevant party is a limited liability partnership, any partner or manager of the relevant party;
(b)any particulars of the relationship between the relevant party and the casino operator;
(c)any particulars of any transaction the relevant party is a party to;
(d)any other information that the casino operator has obtained, or any other analysis that the casino operator has performed, for the purpose of assessing whether the relevant party may have been or may be concerned in money laundering, terrorism financing, or the financing of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction;
(e)any documents evidencing any of the matters in paragraphs (a) to (d);
(f)any other information or documents that the Authority may specify in the written notice issued under subsection (1).”.
Amendment of section 140
48.  In the principal Act, in section 140 —
(a)in subsection (1)(a), replace “an authorised bank” with “one or more authorised banks”;
(b)in subsection (1)(b), after “the authorised bank” wherever it appears, insert “or banks”;
(c)delete subsection (2); and
(d)in subsection (6), delete “or any of the conditions imposed under subsection (2)”.
Amendment of section 141
49.  In the principal Act, in section 141 —
(a)in subsections (1) and (2), replace “accounting records” with “accounting and other records”;
(b)in subsection (1), replace “operations of the casino” with “casino operator”; and
(c)in subsection (2), replace “and accounts” wherever it appears with “, accounts and other documents required to be attached to the financial statements”.
Amendment of section 142
50.  In the principal Act, in section 142 —
(a)replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  A casino operator must, as soon as practicable after the end of its financial year, prepare financial statements for the financial year that comply with the requirements of the Accounting Standards and give a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the casino operator.”; and
(b)after subsection (2), insert —
(3)  In this section, “Accounting Standards” has the meaning given by section 4(1) of the Companies Act 1967.”.
Amendment of section 144A
51.  In the principal Act, in section 144A —
(a)in subsection (2), after “public accountant”, insert “or other suitably qualified person”;
(b)after subsection (2), insert —
(2A)  The Authority may, in a case where the matter to be reviewed or investigated is of a confidential, commercially sensitive or security sensitive nature, appoint a special auditor to undertake the special audit mentioned in subsection (1)(a) and recover the cost of the special audit from the casino operator.”; and
(c)in subsection (3), after “subsection (2)”, insert “or (2A)”.
Deletion of section 145
52.  In the principal Act, delete section 145.
Amendment of section 153
53.  In the principal Act, in section 153(1) —
(a)delete the definitions of “application” and “exclusion order”;
(b)replace the definition of “family exclusion order” with —
“ “family exclusion order” means a family exclusion order made under section 162(1), and includes —
(a)a family exclusion order made under section 162(1) read with section 165C(1), in the respondent’s absence; and
(b)a family exclusion order made in substitution of a family visit limit under section 166A(2)(b);”;
(c)after the definition of “family member”, insert —
“ “family visit limit” means a family visit limit made under section 163A(4), and includes —
(a)a family visit limit made under section 163A(4) read with section 165C(1), in the respondent’s absence; and
(b)a family visit limit made in substitution of a family exclusion order made under section 166A(2)(a);”;
(d)in the definition of “panel”, replace “appointed” with “constituted”;
(e)in the definition of “respondent”, replace “visit limit or exclusion order” with “family visit limit, third party exclusion order or third party visit limit”; and
(f)replace the definitions of “self‑exclusion” and “visit limit” with —
“ “self-exclusion” means a ban of a person from —
(a)entering or remaining on, or taking part in any casino gambling or promotional game on, all casino premises;
(b)entering or remaining in, or taking part in any playing of a gaming machine in, all gaming machine rooms (except entering or remaining in any gaming machine room to perform defined work within the room); or
(c)engaging in all manner of general remote gambling,
upon a voluntary application of that person under section 165AA(1);
“special affiliate” means a former member of the Council appointed under section 156A as a special affiliate of the Council;
“third party exclusion order” means an exclusion order made under section 165(1), and includes —
(a)a third party exclusion order made under section 165(1) read with section 165C(1), in the respondent’s absence; and
(b)a third party exclusion order made in substitution of a third party visit limit under section 166A(2)(d);
“third party visit limit” means a visit limit made under section 165(1), and includes —
(a)a third party visit limit made under section 165(1) read with section 165C(1), in the respondent’s absence; and
(b)a third party visit limit made in substitution of a third party exclusion order under section 166A(2)(c);
“voluntary visit limit” means a visit limit voluntarily applied for by a person under section 165B(1).”.
Amendment of section 154
54.  In the principal Act, in section 154 —
(a)replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  There is to be a National Council on Problem Gambling comprising a chairperson, one or more vice‑chairpersons, and other members to be appointed by the Minister.
(1A)  The Council must consist of not less than 8 and not more than 20 members (including the chairperson and every vice‑chairperson).”;
(b)in subsection (2), after “The chairperson”, insert “, every vice‑chairperson”;
(c)in subsection (2), replace “2 years” with “3 years”; and
(d)in subsection (3), after “the chairperson”, insert “, any vice‑chairperson”.
Amendment of section 155
55.  In the principal Act, in section 155 —
(a)replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  The functions of the Council are to do all the things it is authorised or required to do under this Part, including to appoint a panel of assessors from which members are selected to constitute a Committee of Assessors under section 157(1).”;
(b)in subsection (3), replace “issued under the hand of” with “issued by”;
(c)delete subsections (5), (6) and (7);
(d)in subsection (8)(a), insert “and” at the end;
(e)in subsection (8), delete paragraph (b); and
(f)after subsection (8), insert —
(8A)  The power to decide an appeal under section 165(10) may only be delegated under subsection (8) to a committee comprising not less than a prescribed number of Council members.”.
Amendment of section 156
56.  In the principal Act, in section 156(1), replace “section 155(5)” with “the prescribed requirements for quorum”.
New section 156A
57.  In the principal Act, after section 156, insert —
Special affiliates of the Council
156A.—(1)  The Minister may appoint a former member of the Council as a special affiliate of the Council.
(2)  Each special affiliate may be appointed for a period not exceeding a period to be prescribed and is eligible for reappointment.
(3)  The Minister may, at any time, revoke the appointment of a special affiliate.”.
Replacement of Division 3 heading of Part 10
58.  In the principal Act, in Part 10, in Division 3, replace the Division heading with —
Division 3 — Exclusion orders and visit limits”.
Amendment of section 157
59.  In the principal Act, in section 157 —
(a)in subsection (1), replace “hearing and determining an application for a family exclusion order or a visit limit under section 158 or of making an exclusion order or a visit limit under section 165” with “determining an application for a family exclusion order or a family visit limit under section 158 or of making a third party exclusion order or a third party visit limit”;
(b)in subsection (1)(a), after “a member of the Council”, insert “or a special affiliate”;
(c)in subsection (1)(b), replace “appointed under” with “constituted under”;
(d)replace subsection (2) with —
(2)  For the purpose of enabling a Committee to be formed under subsection (1), there must be constituted a panel of assessors comprising —
(a)individuals who are appointed by the Council; and
(b)special affiliates appointed under section 156A(1).”; and
(e)delete subsections (3) to (6).
New Subdivision (1) heading of Division 3 of Part 10
60.  In the principal Act, after section 157, insert —
Subdivision (1) — Family exclusion orders
and family visit limits”.
Amendment of section 158
61.  In the principal Act, in section 158 —
(a)in the section heading, replace “hear” with “consider”;
(b)in subsection (1), replace “hear” with “consider”;
(c)in subsection (1), replace “visit limits” with “family visit limits”;
(d)replace subsection (2) with —
(2)  Before a Committee makes any determination against any person under subsection (1), the Committee must, by a written notice, give the person a reasonable opportunity to object to the family exclusion order or family visit limit applied for.”;
(e)in subsection (4), replace paragraph (a) with —
(a)where a hearing is held for the application, summon any person whom it may consider able to give evidence to attend at the hearing, and examine such person as a witness;”; and
(f)delete subsection (8).
Amendment of section 162
62.  In the principal Act, in section 162 —
(a)in subsection (1), after “a respondent if”, insert “the Committee is satisfied that”;
(b)in subsection (1)(b) and (d), delete “the Committee is satisfied that”;
(c)in subsection (2)(a), replace “irresponsibly having regard” with “irresponsibly, without due regard”; and
(d)replace subsection (5) with —
(5)  If a respondent consents to the making of a family exclusion order under subsection (1), the Committee may make the family exclusion order without receiving any further submission or evidence as to the grounds, even if the respondent disputes some or all of the grounds on which the family exclusion order is made.”.
Amendment of section 163
63.  In the principal Act, in section 163(2) —
(a)in paragraph (a), replace “program” with “programme”;
(b)in paragraph (b)(ii), replace “gaming in” with “casino gambling or promotional game on”;
(c)in paragraph (e)(ii), replace “any gaming” with “any playing of a gaming machine”;
(d)in paragraph (f), replace “require the respondent to not engage” with “ban the respondent from engaging”; and
(e)in paragraph (g), before “all bans”, insert “impose”.
Amendment of section 163A
64.  In the principal Act, in section 163A —
(a)replace the section heading with —
Application for family visit limit”;
(b)in subsections (1), (2), (4), (5) and (6), replace “visit limit” wherever it appears with “family visit limit”;
(c)in subsection (4)(a), replace “in disregard of” with “irresponsibly, without due regard to”; and
(d)replace subsection (8) with —
(8)  If a respondent consents to the making of a family visit limit under subsection (4), the Committee may make the family visit limit without receiving any further submission or evidence as to the grounds, even if the respondent disputes some or all of the grounds on which the family visit limit is made.”.
Amendment of section 164
65.  In the principal Act, in section 164 —
(a)replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  Where, upon an application for a family exclusion order under section 159, a Committee is satisfied that the respondent has caused serious harm to family members having regard to section 162(2) and further harm to family members is imminent, the Committee may make a provisional family exclusion order, even though the application under section 159 has not been determined.”;
(b)in subsection (2), replace “whichever of the following dates occurs first” with “the first occurrence of any of the following events”;
(c)in subsection (2), replace paragraphs (a) and (b) with —
(a)where the application for the family exclusion order under section 159 is withdrawn before it has been determined — upon the withdrawal of the application;
(b)where the application for the family exclusion order under section 159 has been determined and —
(i)the application is dismissed — upon the dismissal of the application; or
(ii)a family exclusion order is made — upon the family exclusion order taking effect;
(c)where the application for the family exclusion order under section 159 has not been determined before the 28th day after the date of the making of the provisional family exclusion order — upon the 28th day after the date of the making of the provisional family exclusion order, or such later date as the Committee may determine in any particular case.”; and
(d)delete subsection (3).
New Subdivision (2) heading of Division 3 of Part 10
66.  In the principal Act, after section 164, insert —
Subdivision (2) — Other exclusion orders and
visit limits, and exclusion by law”.
Amendment of section 165
67.  In the principal Act, in section 165 —
(a)in the section heading, replace “exclusion order or visit limit” with “third party exclusion order or third party visit limit”;
(b)in subsections (1), (5), (9) and (10), replace “an exclusion order” wherever it appears with “a third party exclusion order”;
(c)in subsections (1), (3)(a), (7), (8), (9) and (10), replace “visit limit” wherever it appears with “third party visit limit”;
(d)in subsection (3)(a), replace “the exclusion order” with “the third party exclusion order”;
(e)in subsection (5), replace “a visit limit” with “a third party visit limit”;
(f)in subsection (6), replace “An exclusion order” with “A third party exclusion order”;
(g)in subsection (6), replace paragraph (a) with —
(a)refer the respondent to participate in a programme of counselling, rehabilitation or special education or any combination of these;
(aa)ban the respondent from —
(i)entering or remaining on all casino premises; or
(ii)taking part in any casino gambling or promotional game on all casino premises;
(ab)require the respondent to close any deposit account in a casino;
(ac)require a casino operator to close any deposit account of the respondent with the casino;”;
(h)in subsection (6)(b)(i), replace “remaining on” with “remaining in”;
(i)in subsection (6)(b)(ii), replace “any gaming” with “any playing of a gaming machine”;
(j)in subsection (6)(c), replace “require the respondent to not engage” with “ban the respondent from engaging”;
(k)in subsection (6), replace paragraph (d) with —
(d)impose all bans and requirements in paragraphs (a), (aa), (ab), (ac), (b) and (c) or any combination thereof,”; and
(l)in subsection (10), replace “30 days of being notified of the decision of the Committee” with “the prescribed period”.
Amendment of section 165A
68.  In the principal Act, in section 165A —
(a)replace the section heading with —
Persons excluded by law from casino, etc.”;
(b)in subsection (1)(b), replace the semi‑colon at the end with a full‑stop;
(c)in subsection (1), delete paragraph (c);
(d)in subsection (3)(a)(ii), replace “gaming in” with “casino gambling or promotional game on”;
(e)in subsection (3)(b)(i), replace “remaining on” with “remaining in”;
(f)in subsection (3)(b)(ii), replace “any gaming” with “any playing of a gaming machine”; and
(g)delete subsections (4) and (5).
New section 165AA
69.  In the principal Act, after section 165A, insert —
Persons self-excluded from casino, etc.
165AA.—(1)  A person may make a voluntary application in the prescribed form and manner to the Council for any of the following:
(a)for the person to be banned from —
(i)entering or remaining on all casino premises; and
(ii)taking part in any casino gambling or promotional game on all casino premises;
(b)for the person to be banned from —
(i)entering or remaining in all gaming machine rooms except to perform defined work within any of those rooms; and
(ii)taking part in any playing of a gaming machine in all gaming machine rooms;
(c)for the person to be banned from engaging in all manner of general remote gambling;
(d)for the person to be subject to all or any of the bans in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) or any combination thereof.
(2)  A person referred to in subsection (1) is subject to the self‑exclusion which the person has applied for (whenever made) until the Council revokes the self‑exclusion.
(3)  The Council may revoke the self‑exclusion of a person —
(a)upon the person’s application for revocation; or
(b)if the person meets the conditions in subsection (4), without any application for revocation having been made.
(4)  The conditions mentioned in subsection (3)(b) are that the person —
(a)is not a citizen of Singapore or a permanent resident of Singapore; and
(b)has remained outside Singapore for the prescribed minimum period.
(5)  The Council may, as a condition of revoking the self‑exclusion of a person, require the person to —
(a)participate in a programme of counselling, rehabilitation or special education; or
(b)undergo an assessment of harm from gambling, including a clinical assessment if necessary, by a suitably qualified person appointed by the Council for this purpose,
or any combination of these.
(6)  In any prescribed class of cases, a decision to revoke a self‑exclusion under subsection (3) may be made by the operation of a computer program for which the Council is responsible.
(7)  A decision made under subsection (6) by the operation of a computer program —
(a)is deemed to be a decision of the Council; but
(b)may, within the prescribed time and subject to any prescribed conditions, be —
(i)reviewed by the Council; and
(ii)confirmed, cancelled or substituted by the Council by written notice to the affected person.”.
Amendment of section 165B
70.  In the principal Act, in section 165B —
(a)in the section heading, delete “application for”;
(b)in subsection (1), replace “make a voluntary application for a visit limit” with “voluntarily apply for, or to vary, a visit limit”;
(c)in subsections (2) and (4), replace “visit limit” with “voluntary visit limit”;
(d)replace subsection (3) with —
(3)  A person is subject to the voluntary visit limit which the person has applied for (or which has been varied in accordance with the person’s application) under subsection (1) until the voluntary visit limit is revoked by the Council.
(3A)  The Council may revoke a voluntary visit limit applicable to a person —
(a)upon the person’s application for revocation; or
(b)if the person meets the conditions in subsection (3B), without any application for revocation having been made.
(3B)  The conditions mentioned in subsection (3A)(b) are that the person —
(a)is not a citizen of Singapore or a permanent resident of Singapore; and
(b)has remained outside Singapore for the prescribed minimum period.”; and
(e)after subsection (4), insert —
(5)  In any prescribed class of cases, a decision to revoke a voluntary visit limit under subsection (3A) may be made by the operation of a computer program for which the Council is responsible.
(6)  A decision made under subsection (5) by the operation of a computer program —
(a)is deemed to be a decision of the Council; but
(b)may, within the prescribed time and subject to any prescribed conditions, be —
(i)reviewed by the Council; and
(ii)confirmed, cancelled or substituted by the Council by written notice to the affected person.”.
New Subdivision (3) heading of Division 3 of Part 10
71.  In the principal Act, after section 165B, insert —
Subdivision (3) — General provisions relating
to exclusion orders and visit limits”.
Amendment of section 165C
72.  In the principal Act, in section 165C —
(a)replace the section heading with —
Making exclusion orders and visit limits in respondent’s absence”;
(b)replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  A family exclusion order, family visit limit, third party exclusion order or third party visit limit under section 162, 163A(4) or 165(1) may be made by a Committee in the absence of the respondent if —
(a)the respondent was served with a notice to object under section 158(2) or 165(5) and failed to respond by the time and date specified in the notice, or has indicated that the respondent does not wish to respond;
(b)where a hearing is to be held before a Committee considering the making of a family exclusion order, family visit limit, third party exclusion order or third party visit limit (as the case may be), the respondent was served with a summons to appear at the hearing and, without reasonable excuse, failed to appear at the time and place appointed for the hearing, or has indicated that the respondent does not wish to attend the hearing; or
(c)no service can be effected after reasonable efforts have been made to locate the respondent who cannot be found or is outside Singapore,
and the Committee is satisfied that there are grounds for making the family exclusion order, family visit limit, third party exclusion order or third party visit limit under section 162, 163A(4) or 165(1), as the case may be.”;
(c)in subsections (2) and (3), replace “visit limit or exclusion order” wherever it appears with “family visit limit, third party exclusion order or third party visit limit”;
(d)in subsection (2), replace “the date of the conclusion of the hearing under section 158 or the date specified in the notice under section 165(5)” with “the date specified in the notice under section 158(2) or 165(5)”; and
(e)replace subsections (4), (5) and (6) with —
(4)  A Committee may determine an application to set aside any family exclusion order, family visit limit, third party exclusion order or third party visit limit by —
(a)in the case of a family exclusion order or family visit limit —
(i)confirming it;
(ii)varying its terms; or
(iii)setting it aside;
(b)in the case of a third party exclusion order —
(i)confirming it;
(ii)varying its terms;
(iii)setting it aside; or
(iv)setting it aside and making a third party visit limit against the same respondent; or
(c)in the case of a third party visit limit —
(i)confirming it;
(ii)varying its terms;
(iii)setting it aside; or
(iv)setting it aside and making a third party exclusion order against the same respondent.
(5)  If the Committee makes any determination under subsection (4), the Committee may refer the respondent to participate in a programme of counselling, rehabilitation or special education or any combination of these.”.
Amendment of section 165D
73.  In the principal Act, in section 165D —
(a)replace “visit limit under section 163A, 165(1) or 165B” with “family visit limit, third party visit limit or voluntary visit limit”;
(b)in paragraph (a), replace “excluded from entering into or remaining on, or taking part in any gaming on” with “banned from entering or remaining on, or taking part in any casino gambling or promotional game on”; and
(c)in paragraph (b), replace “excluded” with “banned”.
Amendment of section 166
74.  In the principal Act, in section 166 —
(a)replace the section heading with —
Applications to vary or revoke exclusion orders and visit limits”;
(b)in subsection (1)(a), replace “visit limit made under section 163A” with “family visit limit”;
(c)in subsection (1)(a)(i), replace “visit limit” with “family visit limit”;
(d)in subsection (1)(b), replace “an exclusion order or a visit limit made under section 165(1)” with “a third party exclusion order or a third party visit limit”;
(e)after subsection (2), insert —
(2A)  On an application under subsection (1) in respect of a family exclusion order or a family visit limit (and in the case of an application by the respondent, where the application is permitted under subsection (2) to be made), the Council may do any of the following:
(a)confirm the order or visit limit;
(b)vary the terms of the order or visit limit;
(c)revoke the order or visit limit;
(d)make a substitution under section 166A(2)(a) or (b), as the case may be.
(2B)  On an application under subsection (1) in respect of a third party exclusion order or a third party visit limit (and where the application is permitted under subsection (2) to be made), the Council may do any of the following:
(a)confirm the order or visit limit;
(b)vary the terms of the order or visit limit;
(c)revoke the order or visit limit;
(d)make a substitution under section 166A(2)(c) or (d), as the case may be.”;
(f)replace subsection (4) with —
(4)  Before confirming, varying, revoking or substituting an order or a visit limit under this section or section 166A, the Council must —
(a)in all cases — allow the respondent a reasonable opportunity to make representations on the matter; and
(b)in the case of a family exclusion order or a family visit limit — allow a family member for whose benefit the order or visit limit was made a reasonable opportunity to make representations on the matter.”;
(g)in subsection (5), replace “this section” with “subsection (2A) or (2B), on an application under subsection (1),”; and
(h)after subsection (5), insert —
(6)  To avoid doubt, subsection (5) does not prevent another application under subsection (1) from being made in respect of an order or visit limit (or prevent the Council from permitting under subsection (2) such an application to be made), after the Council has made a decision under subsection (2A) or (2B) in respect of the same order or visit limit.”.
New section 166A
75.  In the principal Act, after section 166, insert —
Substitution of exclusion orders with visit limits and vice versa
166A.—(1)  This section applies where —
(a)an appeal has been made under section 165(10); or
(b)an application under section 166(1) has been made (and in the case of an application by the respondent, permitted to be made under section 166(2)).
(2)  The Council may, instead of confirming, varying or revoking any order or visit limit —
(a)substitute a family exclusion order with a family visit limit, if the Council is satisfied that the requirements in subsection (3)(a) are met;
(b)substitute a family visit limit with a family exclusion order, if the Council is satisfied that the requirements in subsection (3)(b) are met;
(c)substitute a third party exclusion order with a third party visit limit, if the Council is satisfied that the requirements in subsection (3)(c) are met; or
(d)substitute a third party visit limit with a third party exclusion order, if the Council is satisfied that the requirements in subsection (3)(c) are met.
(3)  In substituting any exclusion order or visit limit under subsection (2) against a respondent, the Council must be satisfied that —
(a)in the case of the substitution of a family exclusion order with a family visit limit —
(i)the requirements in section 163A(4)(a) to (d) are met; and
(ii)it is more appropriate to impose a family visit limit instead of a family exclusion order;
(b)in the case of the substitution of a family visit limit with a family exclusion order —
(i)the requirements in section 162(1)(a) to (d) are met; and
(ii)it is more appropriate to impose a family exclusion order instead of a family visit limit;
(c)in the case of the substitution of a third party exclusion order with a third party visit limit, or a third party visit limit with a third party exclusion order —
(i)the respondent has a poor credit record or is vulnerable to financial harm because of his or her gambling (as mentioned respectively in section 165(1)(a) and (b));
(ii)it is more appropriate to impose a third party visit limit instead of a third party exclusion order, or a third party exclusion order instead of a third party visit limit, as the case may be; and
(iii)it is in the best interests of the respondent and his or her family members to make the substitution.
(4)  For the purposes of subsection (3)(b)(i), the Council may decide that there is a reasonable apprehension that the respondent may cause serious harm to family members because of his or her gambling (as mentioned in section 162(1)(a)), if the Council is satisfied that —
(a)the respondent has caused such harm prior to the application mentioned in section 166(1), according to the test set out in section 162(2); and
(b)there is reason to believe that the respondent’s irresponsible gambling behaviour will continue or recur.
(5)  For the purposes of determining whether a respondent is vulnerable to financial harm because of his or her gambling under subsection (3)(c)(i), the Council may have regard, but not be limited, to all or any of the matters in section 165(2)(a), (b) and (c).
(6)  For the purposes of subsection (3)(a)(i) and (b)(i), the Council may, in determining whether the requirements in sections 163A(4)(a) and 162(1)(a), respectively, are met, take into account events that have taken place outside Singapore.
(7)  If a respondent consents to the making of a family visit limit or a family exclusion order under subsection (2)(a) or (b), respectively, the Council may make the family visit limit or family exclusion order without receiving any further submission or evidence as to the grounds, even if the respondent disputes some or all of the grounds on which the family visit limit or family exclusion order is made.
(8)  A family exclusion order or a third party exclusion order made under subsection (2)(b) or (d), respectively, may do one or more of the following:
(a)refer the respondent to participate in a programme of counselling, rehabilitation or special education or any combination of these;
(b)ban the respondent from —
(i)entering or remaining on all casino premises; or
(ii)taking part in any casino gambling or promotional game on all casino premises;
(c)require the respondent to close any deposit account in a casino;
(d)require a casino operator to close any deposit account of the respondent with the casino;
(e)ban the respondent from —
(i)entering or remaining in all gaming machine rooms except to perform defined work within any of those rooms; or
(ii)taking part in any playing of a gaming machine in all gaming machine rooms;
(f)ban the respondent from engaging in all manner of general remote gambling;
(g)impose all bans and requirements in paragraphs (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f) or any combination thereof.
(9)  A family exclusion order made under subsection (2)(b) must specify the period during which it is in force, and may apply for the benefit of all of the respondent’s family members or specified family members (as mentioned respectively in section 163(1)(a) and (b)).
(10)  A third party exclusion order made under subsection (2)(d) may do one or more things mentioned in subsection (8) for as long as the respondent has a poor credit record or is vulnerable to financial harm because of his or her gambling (as mentioned respectively in section 165(1)(a) and (b)), or for such other period as may be specified in the order.
(11)  A family visit limit or a third party visit limit made under subsection (2)(a) or (c) respectively against a respondent must —
(a)specify the period during which it is in force; and
(b)specify the maximum number of visits in aggregate that the respondent may make to any casino in each month.
(12)  In making a family visit limit or a third party visit limit under subsection (2)(a) or (c) respectively against a respondent, the Council may also refer the respondent to participate in a programme of counselling, rehabilitation or special education or any combination of these.
(13)  The Council may, at any time, revoke a third party visit limit or a third party exclusion order made under subsection (2)(c) or (d) against a person if, having regard to all the circumstances of the case, the Council is of the opinion that the third party visit limit or third party exclusion order (as the case may be) would no longer be in the best interests of the person and his or her family members.
(14)  To avoid doubt, section 165(10) does not apply to any third party visit limits or third party exclusion orders made under subsection (2)(c) or (d) respectively.”.
Amendment of section 167
76.  In the principal Act, in section 167 —
(a)replace the section heading with —
Service of exclusion orders or visit limits”;
(b)in subsection (1), replace “visit limit made under section 163A or 165(1) or exclusion order” with “family visit limit, third party exclusion order or third party visit limit”;
(c)in subsection (2), replace “a visit limit or an exclusion order” with “a family visit limit, a third party exclusion order or a third party visit limit”;
(d)after subsection (2), insert —
(2A)  If a family exclusion order, family visit limit, third party exclusion order or third party visit limit is substituted under section 166A(2), the order or visit limit as in force prior to the substitution continues to be binding on the respondent until the new order or visit limit is served on the respondent.”; and
(e)in subsection (3), replace “visit limit under section 163A” with “family visit limit”.
Amendment of section 168
77.  In the principal Act, in section 168 —
(a)in subsection (1), replace “establish, maintain and regularly update” with “establish and maintain”;
(b)in subsection (1), delete “(called collectively in this section excluded persons under this Part)”;
(c)in subsection (1), replace paragraph (a) with —
(a)the person against whom a family exclusion order, a provisional family exclusion order or a third party exclusion order is made;
(aa)subject to exclusion under section 165A;
(ab)subject to self‑exclusion;”;
(d)after subsection (1), insert —
(1A)  The list of excluded persons must also set out, in relation to each person, which of the following applies to the person due to the person’s status under subsection (1)(a), (aa), (ab), (b), (c) or (d):
(a)the person is banned or excluded from entering or remaining on, or taking part in any casino gambling or promotional game on, all casino premises;
(b)the person is banned or excluded from entering or remaining in, or taking part in any playing of a gaming machine in, all gaming machine rooms (except entering or remaining in any gaming machine room to perform defined work within the room);
(c)the person is banned or excluded from engaging in all manner of general remote gambling.”;
(e)replace subsections (3), (4) and (5) with —
(3)  The Council must provide or make available the list of excluded persons to the Authority and the Commissioner of Police.
(3A)  The Council must provide or make available without charge —
(a)a list of all casino-excluded persons to every casino operator;
(b)a list of all persons who are banned or excluded from entering or remaining in, or taking part in any playing of a gaming machine in, all gaming machine rooms to every gambling operator who is authorised by a licence under the Gambling Control Act 2022 to conduct gaming involving gaming machines installed in a gaming machine room; and
(c)a list of all persons who are banned or excluded from engaging in all manner of general remote gambling to every gambling operator who is authorised by a licence under the Gambling Control Act 2022 to provide facilities for general remote gambling.
(4)  Upon —
(a)the taking effect, cessation, revocation, setting aside, variation or substitution of any family exclusion order, provisional family exclusion order or third party exclusion order;
(b)the taking effect or cessation of any exclusion under section 165A;
(c)the taking effect or revocation of any self‑exclusion;
(d)the taking effect or cessation of any ban under section 165D(a) or (b), respectively;
(e)the taking effect, lapsing or revocation of any exclusion order made under section 121(1) or 122(1); or
(f)the taking effect, lapsing or cancelling of an entry ban made under section 79 of the Gambling Control Act 2022,
the Council must, as soon as is practicable, update the list of excluded persons so as to keep the list of excluded persons as accurate as possible at every point of time.
(5)  Without affecting subsection (4), the Council may vary or update the list of excluded persons —
(a)to correct any clerical or other error in the names or particulars in the list; or
(b)to update any of the names or particulars in the list in order that they remain sufficient to identify any excluded person.
(5A)  When any variation or update has been made to the list of excluded persons, the Council must, as soon as is practicable —
(a)provide or make available the varied or updated list of excluded persons to the Authority and the Commissioner of Police; and
(b)provide or make available, without charge, the varied or updated version of the respective list given to every casino operator and gambling operator under subsection (3A).”;
(f)in subsection (6), replace “an excluded person under this Part” with “a casino‑excluded person”;
(g)in subsection (6)(b), replace “furnished by the Council to the casino operator” with “provided or made available by the Council to the casino operator under subsection (3A)(a)”; and
(h)in subsection (7), replace “furnished or notified by the Council to the casino operator” with “provided or made available by the Council to the casino operator under subsection (3A)(a)”.
Amendment of section 170
78.  In the principal Act, in section 170(2) —
(a)replace paragraphs (a) and (b) with —
(a)the quorum and procedure for the conduct of any proceedings by the Council, including for the conduct of any meeting or hearing using remote communication technology;
(b)the quorum and procedure for the conduct of any proceedings by a Committee, including for the conduct of any meeting or hearing using remote communication technology;”;
(b)in paragraph (c), delete “and” at the end;
(c)in paragraph (d), replace the full-stop at the end with a semi‑colon; and
(d)after paragraph (d), insert —
(e)any matter relating to the appointment of the panel of assessors mentioned in section 157(2);
(f)any matter relating to the making of a decision under —
(i)section 165AA(6) and (7); and
(ii)section 165B(5) and (6); and
(g)anything required or permitted to be prescribed in this Part.”.
Amendment of section 171
79.  In the principal Act, in section 171, replace subsection (1) with —
(1)  Unless authorised by the casino operator or the Authority, a person must not use any device for the purpose of enabling the person or some other person —
(a)to count or otherwise record cards dealt in the course of casino gambling or a promotional game;
(b)to record or transmit a live‑stream of any casino gambling; or
(c)to record or transmit a live‑stream of any promotional game.
(1A)  Any person who uses a recording or live‑streaming device or a recording or live‑streaming function of a device in a casino is presumed, unless the contrary is proven, to be recording or transmitting a live‑stream of casino gambling in contravention of subsection (1)(b).”.
Amendment of section 172A
80.  In the principal Act, in section 172A —
(a)in subsection (1), replace “in relation to the playing of any game in a casino” with “in connection with any form of casino gambling or the playing of a promotional game”;
(b)in subsection (1)(b), insert “or” at the end;
(c)in subsection (1)(c), replace “; or” at the end with a full‑stop;
(d)in subsection (1), delete paragraph (d);
(e)after subsection (1), insert —
(1A)  A person must not, in connection with any form of casino gambling —
(a)obtain or attempt to obtain any money or advantage for himself, herself or any other person by placing a bet after the result of the casino game or the outcome of the matter on which the bet was placed (as the case may be) is known; or
(b)avoid or attempt to avoid any loss to himself, herself or any other person by withdrawing a bet after the result of the casino game or the outcome of the matter on which the bet was placed (as the case may be) is known.”; and
(f)in subsections (2), (3) and (4), after “subsection (1)”, insert “or (1A)”.
Amendment of section 176
81.  In the principal Act, in section 176 —
(a)in subsections (2) and (3)(b) and (c), replace “a document” with “any record”; and
(b)in subsection (2)(a), replace “the document” with “the record”.
Amendment of section 177
82.  In the principal Act, in section 177 —
(a)in the section heading, replace “documents” with “records”;
(b)replace “a document” with “any record”; and
(c)after “under this Act”, insert “, or knowing that such a record is required to be so produced”.
Amendment of section 183
83.  In the principal Act, in section 183 —
(a)in subsections (1) and (2), after “may arrest”, insert “without warrant”;
(b)in subsection (1), replace “name and residential address” with “name, residential address, age and unique identification number”;
(c)in subsection (2), replace “name or residential address” with “name, residential address, age or unique identification number”;
(d)replace subsection (3) with —
(3)  Any person arrested under this section must either —
(a)be brought to a police station as soon as reasonably practicable and may, if required by a police officer of or above the rank of sergeant or an inspector or authorised person, be released upon signing a bond with or without surety to appear before a Magistrate; or
(b)be released without being brought to a police station upon verification of his or her name, residential address, age and unique identification number.”; and
(e)after subsection (5), insert —
(6)  In this section, “unique identification number” means —
(a)a person’s identity card number, passport number or the number of any other similar document of identity issued by a government authority as evidence of the person’s nationality or place of residence, and includes a foreign identification number; or
(b)where a person (who is a citizen of Singapore or a permanent resident of Singapore) is a minor who has not yet been issued with an identity card number, the person’s birth certificate number.”.
Amendment of section 184
84.  In the principal Act, in section 184 —
(a)in subsection (2), replace “, 110C or 114” with “or 110C”;
(b)in subsection (2), replace “or such other period as may be prescribed in lieu thereof” with “, or such longer period as the Authority may allow in any particular case for special reasons”;
(c)in subsection (6)(a), replace “other authorisation” with “any approval or consent under section 53 or 55”;
(d)in subsection (6), after paragraph (b), insert —
(ba)to refuse an application for approval under section 65 or 66, impose any condition under section 67(2), issue a notice of objection under section 69, make any directions under section 69(4) in a written notice of objection or make any direction under section 70(1);”;
(e)in subsection (6)(c), delete “or” at the end;
(f)in subsection (6)(d), replace the comma at the end with “; or”;
(g)in subsection (6), after paragraph (d), insert —
(e)under subsection (5) regarding any matter mentioned in paragraphs (a) to (d),”;
(h)in subsection (6), replace “or such other period as may be prescribed in lieu thereof” with “or such longer period as the Minister may allow in any particular case for special reasons”; and
(i)in subsection (9)(a), after “subsection”, insert “(6),”.
New section 184A
85.  In the principal Act, after section 184, insert —
Designate may hear appeal in place of Minister
184A.—(1)  The Minister may designate any of the following office‑holders in his or her Ministry to hear and determine, in the Minister’s place, any appeal made under section 184(6):
(a)the Second Minister, if any;
(b)any Minister of State or Senior Minister of State;
(c)any Parliamentary Secretary or Senior Parliamentary Secretary.
(2)  A reference to the Minister in section 184 (except for the power to make regulations under section 184(13)) includes a reference to a person designated under subsection (1).”.
Amendment of section 185B
86.  In the principal Act, in section 185B, after subsection (2), insert —
(3)  For the purposes of investigating the suitability of the applicant for a licence or approval, the Authority may cause to be carried out all such investigations and inquiries in relation to the applicant or each applicant (in the case of a consolidated application) as the Authority considers necessary to enable it to consider the application properly and, in particular, may —
(a)investigate the applicant and any person whose association with the applicant is, in the opinion of the Authority, relevant to the application insofar as it affects the applicant’s suitability to be licensed or approved;
(b)require the applicant or any person whose association with the applicant is, in the opinion of the Authority, relevant to the application to —
(i)provide such information or produce such records relevant to the investigation of the application as may be necessary;
(ii)provide such authorisations or consents as the Authority may direct for the purpose of enabling the Authority to obtain information (including financial and other confidential information) concerning the person and the person’s associates from other persons; or
(iii)consent to having his or her photograph, fingerprints and palm prints taken; and
(c)send a copy of the application and any photograph, fingerprints and palm prints taken under paragraph (b)(iii), and any supporting documents to the Commissioner of Police.
(4)  The Authority may refuse to consider an application if any person from whom it requires information, records, authorisations or consents, photographs, fingerprints or palm prints under this section in relation to that application refuses to so provide.”.
Replacement of section 189
87.  In the principal Act, replace section 189 with —
Offences by corporations
189.—(1)  Where, in a proceeding for an offence under this Act, it is necessary to prove the state of mind of a corporation in relation to a particular conduct, evidence that —
(a)an officer, employee or agent of the corporation engaged in that conduct within the scope of his or her actual or apparent authority; and
(b)the officer, employee or agent had that state of mind,
is evidence that the corporation had that state of mind.
(2)  Where a corporation commits an offence under this Act, a person —
(a)who is —
(i)an officer of the corporation; or
(ii)an individual involved in the management of the corporation and in a position to influence the conduct of the corporation in relation to the commission of the offence; and
(b)who —
(i)consented or connived, or conspired with others, to effect the commission of the offence;
(ii)is in any other way, whether by act or omission, knowingly concerned in, or is party to, the commission of the offence by the corporation; or
(iii)knew or ought reasonably to have known that the offence by the corporation (or an offence of the same type) would be or is being committed, and failed to take all reasonable steps to prevent or stop the commission of that offence,
shall be guilty of that same offence as is the corporation, and shall be liable on conviction to be punished accordingly.
(3)  A person mentioned in subsection (2) may rely on a defence that would be available to the corporation if it were charged with the offence with which the person is charged and, in doing so, the person bears the same burden of proof that the corporation would bear.
(4)  To avoid doubt, this section does not affect the application of —
(a)Chapters 5 and 5A of the Penal Code 1871; or
(b)the Evidence Act 1893 or any other law or practice regarding the admissibility of evidence.
(5)  To avoid doubt, subsection (2) also does not affect the liability of the corporation for an offence under this Act, and applies whether or not the corporation is convicted of the offence.
(6)  In this section —
“corporation” includes a limited liability partnership;
“officer”, in relation to a corporation, means any director, partner, chief executive, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the corporation, and includes —
(a)any person purporting to act in any such capacity; and
(b)for a corporation whose affairs are managed by its members, any of those members as if the member were a director of the corporation;
“reasonable steps”, in relation to the commission of an offence, includes, but is not limited to, such action (if any) of the following kinds as is reasonable in all the circumstances:
(a)action towards —
(i)assessing the corporation’s compliance with the provision creating the offence; and
(ii)ensuring that the corporation arranged regular professional assessments of its compliance with the provision;
(b)action towards ensuring that the corporation’s employees, agents and contractors are provided with information, training, instruction and supervision appropriate to them to enable them to comply with the provision creating the offence so far as the provision is relevant to them;
(c)action towards ensuring that —
(i)the equipment and other resources; and
(ii)the structures, work systems and other processes,
relevant to compliance with the provision creating the offence are appropriate in all the circumstances;
(d)action towards creating and maintaining a corporate culture that does not direct, encourage, tolerate or lead to non‑compliance with the provision creating the offence;
“state of mind” of a person includes —
(a)the knowledge, intention, opinion, belief or purpose of the person; and
(b)the person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief or purpose.
(7)  The Minister may make rules to provide for the application of any provision of this section, with such modifications as the Minister considers appropriate, to any corporation formed or recognised under the law of a territory outside Singapore.
Offences by unincorporated associations or partnerships
189A.—(1)  Where, in a proceeding for an offence under this Act, it is necessary to prove the state of mind of an unincorporated association or a partnership in relation to a particular conduct, evidence that —
(a)an employee or agent of the unincorporated association or partnership engaged in that conduct within the scope of his or her actual or apparent authority; and
(b)the employee or agent had that state of mind,
is evidence that the unincorporated association or partnership had that state of mind.
(2)  Where an unincorporated association or a partnership commits an offence under this Act, a person —
(a)who is —
(i)an officer of the unincorporated association or a member of its governing body;
(ii)a partner in the partnership; or
(iii)an individual involved in the management of the unincorporated association or partnership and in a position to influence the conduct of the unincorporated association or partnership (as the case may be) in relation to the commission of the offence; and
(b)who —
(i)consented or connived, or conspired with others, to effect the commission of the offence;
(ii)is in any other way, whether by act or omission, knowingly concerned in, or is party to, the commission of the offence by the unincorporated association or partnership; or
(iii)knew or ought reasonably to have known that the offence by the unincorporated association or partnership (or an offence of the same type) would be or is being committed, and failed to take all reasonable steps to prevent or stop the commission of that offence,
shall be guilty of the same offence as is the unincorporated association or partnership (as the case may be), and shall be liable on conviction to be punished accordingly.
(3)  A person mentioned in subsection (2) may rely on a defence that would be available to the unincorporated association or partnership if it were charged with the offence with which the person is charged and, in doing so, the person bears the same burden of proof that the unincorporated association or partnership would bear.
(4)  To avoid doubt, this section does not affect the application of —
(a)Chapters 5 and 5A of the Penal Code 1871; or
(b)the Evidence Act 1893 or any other law or practice regarding the admissibility of evidence.
(5)  To avoid doubt, subsection (2) also does not affect the liability of an unincorporated association or a partnership for an offence under this Act, and applies whether or not the unincorporated association or partnership is convicted of the offence.
(6)  In this section —
“officer”, in relation to an unincorporated association (other than a partnership), means the president, the secretary or any member of a committee of the unincorporated association, and includes —
(a)any person holding a position analogous to that of president, secretary or member of a committee of the unincorporated association; and
(b)any person purporting to act in any such capacity;
“partner” includes a person purporting to act as a partner;
“reasonable steps” has the meaning given by section 189(6) except that any reference to the corporation is a reference to the unincorporated association or partnership mentioned in subsection (2);
“state of mind” of a person includes —
(a)the knowledge, intention, opinion, belief or purpose of the person; and
(b)the person’s reasons for the intention, opinion, belief or purpose.
(7)  The Minister may make rules to provide for the application of any provision of this section, with such modifications as the Minister considers appropriate, to any unincorporated association or partnership formed or recognised under the law of a territory outside Singapore.”.
Amendment of section 190
88.  In the principal Act, in section 190 —
(a)in subsection (1)(c), after “employed”, insert “, engaged”; and
(b)after subsection (4), insert —
(5)  In subsection (2), “Chief Executive” includes an authorised person appointed for the purposes of that subsection.”.
Replacement of section 199
89.  In the principal Act, replace section 199 with —
Service of documents
199.—(1)  A document that is permitted or required by this Act to be served on a person may be served as described in this section.
(2)  A document permitted or required by this Act to be served on an individual may be served —
(a)by giving it to the individual personally;
(b)by sending it by post to the address specified by the individual for the service of documents or, if no address is so specified, the individual’s residential address or business address;
(c)by leaving it at the individual’s residential address with an adult apparently resident there, or at the individual’s business address with an adult apparently employed there;
(d)by affixing a copy of the document in a conspicuous place at the individual’s residential address or business address;
(e)by sending it by fax to the fax number last known to the person giving or serving the document as the fax number for the service of documents on the individual; or
(f)by sending it by email to the individual’s last email address.
(3)  A document permitted or required by this Act to be served on a partnership (other than a limited liability partnership) may be served —
(a)by giving it to any partner, secretary or other similar officer of the partnership;
(b)by leaving it at, or by sending it by post to, the partnership’s business address;
(c)by sending it by fax to the fax number used at the partnership’s business address; or
(d)by sending it by email to the partnership’s last email address.
(4)  A document permitted or required by this Act to be served on a body corporate (including a limited liability partnership) or an unincorporated association may be served —
(a)by giving it to the secretary or other similar officer of the body corporate or unincorporated association, or the limited liability partnership’s manager;
(b)by leaving it at, or by sending it by post to, the registered office or principal office in Singapore of the body corporate or unincorporated association;
(c)by sending it by fax to the fax number used at the registered office or principal office in Singapore of the body corporate or unincorporated association; or
(d)by sending it by email to the last email address of the body corporate or unincorporated association.
(5)  In addition, a document (other than a summons) permitted or required by this Act to be served on an individual, a partnership, a body corporate or an unincorporated association may be served —
(a)by giving an electronic notice to the individual, partnership, body corporate or unincorporated association (called in this section an addressee) by the addressee’s chosen means of notification, stating that the document is available and how the addressee may use the addressee’s chosen means of access to access the document’s contents; or
(b)by any other method authorised by the regulations for the service of documents of that kind if the addressee consents to service of a document of that kind in that way.
(6)  Service of a document takes effect —
(a)if the document is sent by post, 2 days after the day the document was posted (even if it is returned undelivered);
(b)if the document is sent by fax and a notification of successful transmission is received, on the day of transmission;
(c)if the document is sent by email, at the time that the email becomes capable of being retrieved by the person to whom it is sent;
(d)if the document is served under subsection (5)(a), at the time the electronic notice is capable of being retrieved by the addressee by the addressee’s chosen means of notification, and the contents of the document are capable of being accessed by the addressee by the addressee’s chosen means of access; or
(e)at any other time prescribed by regulations for any other means of service.
(7)  However, service of any document under this Act on a person by email or by an electronic notice at the person’s chosen means of notification, may be effected only with the person’s prior consent to service in that way.
(8)  This section does not apply to documents to be served in proceedings in court.
(9)  In this section —
“business address” means —
(a)in the case of an individual, the individual’s usual or last known place of business in Singapore; or
(b)in the case of a partnership (other than a limited liability partnership), the partnership’s principal or last known place of business in Singapore;
“chosen means of access”, for an addressee on whom is or is to be served a document permitted or required by this Act, means an electronic means that the addressee agrees with the person giving or serving the document as the means by which the addressee may access that document’s contents;
“chosen means of notification”, for an addressee on whom is or is to be served a document permitted or required by this Act, means an electronic means that the addressee nominates to the person giving or serving the document as the means by which the addressee may be notified that such a document has been served on the addressee;
“document” includes a notice or an order permitted or required by this Act to be served;
“last email address” means the last email address given by the addressee concerned to the person giving or serving the document as the email address for the service of documents under this Act;
“residential address” means an individual’s usual or last known place of residence in Singapore.”.
Amendment of section 200
90.  In the principal Act, in section 200 —
(a)in subsection (2)(d), replace “on casino premises for gaming” with “within the designated site and on casino premises for casino gambling”;
(b)in subsection (2)(f), replace “the facilities” with “the notices, facilities”;
(c)in subsection (2)(g), replace “in a casino of information relevant to gaming on gaming machines” with “or gaming programs in a casino of information relevant to casino gambling”;
(d)in subsection (2)(l)(i), replace “gambling” wherever it appears with “casino gambling”;
(e)in subsection (2), after paragraph (m), insert —
(ma)applications for a special employee licence and renewal thereof, conditions of such licence, the duration and variation of such licence, the information that must be given to the Authority regarding special employees and the duties of special employees;”;
(f)in subsection (2)(o), after “casino”, insert “, including simulated gambling”;
(g)in subsection (2)(p), replace “gaming and provision of credit for gaming” with “casino gambling, the provision of credit and modes of payment for casino gambling, and the establishing and use of credit accounts and deposit accounts for patrons”;
(h)in subsection (2)(s), replace “controlled contracts” with “notifiable contracts”; and
(i)in subsection (3), after paragraph (a), insert —
(aa)may provide that any contravention of any provision of the regulations by a casino operator or a licensed special employee is a contravention for which the casino operator or licensed special employee is liable to disciplinary action under section 54 or 93, respectively;”.
Miscellaneous amendments to penalties
91.  In the principal Act —
(a)in section 42(3), replace paragraphs (a) and (b) with —
(a)in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding $125,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both; or
(b)in any other case, to a fine not exceeding $250,000.”;
(b)in section 42(5), replace paragraphs (a) and (b) with —
(a)in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding $125,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $12,500 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction; or
(b)in any other case, to a fine not exceeding $250,000 and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $25,000 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction.”;
(c)in section 43, replace subsection (2) with —
(2)  Any person who contravenes subsection (1) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction —
(a)for a first offence, to a fine not exceeding $500,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $50,000 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction; and
(b)for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding $700,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $70,000 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction.”;
(d)in section 60, replace subsection (6) with —
(6)  Any person (other than a casino operator) who fails to comply with a requirement of a notice under this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction —
(a)in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding $125,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $12,500 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction; or
(b)in any other case, to a fine not exceeding $250,000 and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $25,000 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction.”;
(e)in section 100(6), replace paragraph (b) with —
(b)in any other case, guilty of an offence and liable on conviction —
(i)for a first offence, to a fine not exceeding $500,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years or to both; and
(ii)for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding $700,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to both.”;
(f)in section 105(3), replace paragraph (b) with —
(b)in any other case, guilty of an offence and liable on conviction —
(i)for a first offence, to a fine not exceeding $500,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years or to both; and
(ii)for a second or subsequent offence, to a fine not exceeding $700,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years or to both.”;
(g)in section 110(3)(a)(i), replace “4 years” with “5 years”;
(h)in section 110A(5)(a)(i), replace “4 years” with “5 years”;
(i)in section 116(7) and (8), replace “$1,000” with “$1,500”;
(j)in section 135(2), replace “$1,000” with “$10,000”;
(k)in section 136, replace “$1,000” with “$10,000”;
(l)in section 175B(3), replace “liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000.” with —
liable on conviction —
(a)in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding $125,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $12,500 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction; or
(b)in any other case, to a fine not exceeding $250,000 and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $25,000 for every day or part of a day during which the offence continues after conviction.”;
(m)in section 177, replace “liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $100,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.” with —
liable on conviction —
(c)in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding $125,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both; or
(d)in any other case, to a fine not exceeding $250,000.”; and
(n)in section 178(3), replace “liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $50,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or to both.” with —
liable on conviction —
(a)in the case of an individual, to a fine not exceeding $125,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years or to both; or
(b)in any other case, to a fine not exceeding $250,000.”.
Miscellaneous amendments relating to gambling terminology
92.  In the principal Act, in each provision listed in the first column of the following table, replace the term specified in the second column for that provision with the corresponding term specified in the third column:
First column
Second column
Third column
Old term
New term
Section 2(1), definitions of “chip purchase voucher”, “gaming equipment”, “match play coupon” and “special employee”, wherever it appears
casino chips
Section 14(d)
conduct of gaming
conduct of casino gambling
Section 15(1)(d)
Section 40, section heading
gaming and wagering
Section 40(a)
the playing in the casino of a game
any casino gambling or playing of promotional games
Section 40(b)
gaming machine
gaming machine or gaming program
Division 1 of Part 6 heading
casino gambling
Section 101, section heading
played, etc.
Section 101(1)
particular games that may not be played
particular games and other forms of gambling that may not be played or conducted
Section 102(3), wherever it appears
possession or use
Section 110A(2)(b)
giving chips on credit
providing credit for the purposes of casino gambling
Section 129(1)(d)
betting or gaming activities
gambling activities
Section 132(1)
casino gambling or promotional game
Section 170D(1)(b)
gambling in the casino premises
participating in casino gambling
Section 170D(2)(b)
gambles within the casino premises
participates in casino gambling
Section 171(2)(a), (b) and (c), (3)(a)(i) and (ii) and (4)(a) and (b), wherever it appears
casino chips
Section 172(5)(b)
gaming within a casino
casino gambling
Section 173, section heading
casino chips
Section 173(1)
casino chips
Section 174(1)(a)
casino chips
Consequential and related amendments to Gambling Control Act 2022
93.  In the Gambling Control Act 2022 —
(a)in section 3(1), replace the definition of “casino gambling” with —
“ “casino gambling” has the meaning given by section 2(1) of the Casino Control Act 2006;”;
(b)in section 3(1), replace the definition of “excluded person” with —
“ “excluded person” means an individual who is subject to —
(a)a family exclusion order, provisional family exclusion order or third party exclusion order made under Part 10 of the Casino Control Act 2006 against the individual;
(b)section 165A of the Casino Control Act 2006;
(c)self-exclusion under section 165AA of the Casino Control Act 2006; or
(d)an entry ban made against the individual;”;
(c)in section 3(1), replace the definition of “gambling ban” with —
“ “gambling ban”, in relation to an individual, means —
(a)a family exclusion order, provisional family exclusion order or third party exclusion order made under Part 10 of the Casino Control Act 2006 against the individual;
(b)section 165A of the Casino Control Act 2006 where applicable to the individual; or
(c)an entry ban made against the individual;”;
(d)in section 18(1)(f), replace “an employee thereof” with “an individual conducting it on the person’s behalf”;
(e)in section 82(1) and (2)(b), replace “section 165A(1)(c)” with “section 165AA”;
(f)in sections 82(3)(b) and 83(1), after “NCPG to the licensee”, insert “under section 168(3A)(b) of the Casino Control Act 2006”;
(g)in section 84(1), after “section 31 or 32”, insert “, or an excluded person is gambling in contravention of his or her self‑exclusion under section 165AA of the Casino Control Act 2006,”;
(h)in section 89(1)(a), after “date of expiry”, insert “, cancellation or surrender”;
(i)in section 105(1), replace “an offence under section 30 or 31” with “a non‑arrestable offence under this Act”;
(j)in section 105(1)(a), replace “correct age, name and address” with “correct name, residential address, age and unique identification number”;
(k)in section 105(1)(b), replace “age, name or address” with “name, residential address, age or unique identification number”;
(l)in section 105(4), replace “an authorised person may arrest the individual without warrant and bring him or her before a Magistrate to be dealt with according to law” with “an authorised officer may arrest the individual without warrant”;
(m)in section 105, replace subsection (5) with —
(5)  Any individual arrested under this section must either —
(a)be brought to a police station as soon as reasonably practicable and may, if required by a police officer of or above the rank of sergeant or an authorised officer, be released upon signing a bond with or without surety to appear before a Magistrate; or
(b)be released without being brought to a police station upon verification of his or her name, residential address, age and unique identification number.
(6)  If the individual refuses or is unable to sign the bond as required, he or she must, within 24 hours of the arrest (excluding the time necessary for the journey to a Magistrate’s Court), be brought before a Magistrate’s Court.
(7)  The individual who is brought before a Magistrate’s Court under subsection (6) may —
(a)be ordered to be detained in custody until he or she can be tried; or
(b)if so required by the Magistrate, be released upon signing a bond, with or without surety, to appear before a Magistrate’s Court.
(8)  Despite section 42(2) and (3) of the Children and Young Persons Act 1993, an underaged individual must not be imprisoned, or detained in a detention centre in respect of an offence under this section, including as a consequence of a failure to pay a fine that is imposed in respect of an offence under this section.
(9)  In this section and section 106, “unique identification number” means —
(a)an individual’s identity card number, passport number or the number of any other similar document of identity issued by a government authority as evidence of the individual’s nationality or place of residence, and includes a foreign identification number; or
(b)where an individual (who is a citizen of Singapore or a Singapore permanent resident) is a minor who has not yet been issued with an identity card number, the individual’s birth certificate number.”;
(n)in section 106(1)(a) and (2)(a)(i), replace “correct age, name and address” with “correct name, residential address, age and unique identification number”;
(o)in section 106(1)(b) and (2)(b), replace “age, name or address” with “name, residential address, age or unique identification number”;
(p)in section 106(5), replace “an authorised person may arrest the individual without warrant and bring him or her before a Magistrate to be dealt with according to law” with “an authorised officer may arrest the individual without warrant and deal with him or her in accordance with section 105(5), (6) and (7) as if the individual were arrested under section 105(4)”;
(q)in section 131(6), in the definition of “reasonable steps”, after “section 130”, insert “, except that any reference to the corporation is a reference to the unincorporated association or partnership mentioned in subsection (2)”;
(r)in section 133(6)(b), delete “or” at the end;
(s)in section 133(6)(c), replace the full‑stop at the end with a semi‑colon;
(t)in section 133(6), after paragraph (c), insert —
(d)if the document is served under subsection (5)(a), at the time the electronic notice is capable of being retrieved by the addressee by the addressee’s chosen means of notification, and the contents of the document are capable of being accessed by the addressee by the addressee’s chosen means of access; or
(e)at any other time prescribed by regulations for any other means of service.”; and
(u)in the First Schedule, in Part 1, after paragraph 3, insert —
3A.  Providing for the fee for a licence to provide any gambling service to include an amount in respect of the costs of the NCPG (including any secretary or officer of the NCPG) in connection with the performance of the NCPG’s functions under Part 10 of the Casino Control Act 2006 as they relate to the gambling service authorised by the licence.”.
Related amendments to Gambling Regulatory Authority of Singapore Act 2022
94.  In the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Singapore Act 2022, in section 5 —
(a)in subsection (1), in paragraph (d)(i), delete “and” at the end;
(b)in subsection (1), in paragraph (d)(ii), insert “and” at the end;
(c)in subsection (1), in paragraph (d), after sub‑paragraph (ii), insert —
(iii)the Ministry of Trade and Industry to ensure that any casino licensed by the Authority is and remains a part of an integrated resort developed on the designated site on which the casino is located;”; and
(d)after subsection (4), insert —
(5)  In this section, “casino”, “designated site” and “integrated resort” have the meanings given by section 2(1) of the Casino Control Act 2006.”.
95.—(1)  Every sum purportedly collected as entry levy, in respect of entry to or stay in a casino during the period starting on 4 April 2024 and ending on 7 May 2024, at the rate set out in section 116(1) of the principal Act as amended by section 40 is deemed to be and always to have been validly collected.
(2)  No legal proceedings may be instituted on or after 6 August 2024 in any court on account of or in respect of the collection or payment of any amount mentioned in subsection (1).
Saving and transitional provisions
96.—(1)  As from the date of commencement of sections 15, 16 and 17 —
(a)subject to subsection (2), any approval granted or condition imposed by the Minister under section 67 of the principal Act as in force before that date continues and is deemed to be a decision made or condition imposed by the Authority under section 67 of the principal Act;
(b)any application to the Minister for approval by a person under section 65 or 66 of the principal Act as in force before that date and for which a decision is pending immediately before that date, continues and must be determined by the Authority under section 67 of the principal Act as if it were an application made to the Authority;
(c)any exemption granted by the Minister under section 68 of the principal Act as in force before that date continues and is deemed to be an exemption granted by the Authority under section 68 of the principal Act;
(d)any written notice of objection served by a Minister under section 69 of the principal Act as in force before that date continues and is deemed to be a written notice of objection served by the Authority under section 69 of the principal Act;
(e)the Authority may serve a written notice of objection under section 69(1) of the principal Act if the Authority is satisfied that, in respect of an approval granted by the Minister under section 67 before that date, any of the circumstances in section 69(1)(a) to (f) of the principal Act as in force immediately before that date exist in respect of that approval, for which no written notice of objection has been served; and
(f)any direction made by the Minister under section 70 of the principal Act as in force before that date continues and is deemed to be a direction made by the Authority under section 70 of the principal Act.
(2)  Where any person —
(a)has been granted approval for the acquisition of shares, interests in shares or voting power or to become a 12% controller or 20% controller by the Minister under section 67(1) of the principal Act as in force before the date of commencement of section 16; but
(b)does not carry out the acquisition so approved or become the controller so approved by 16 February 2025,
the approval of the Minister lapses.
(3)  Sections 75, 76, 77 and 78 of the principal Act as in force immediately before the date of commencement of sections 21 and 22 continue to apply in relation to a controlled contract entered into by a casino operator before that date, as if those provisions had not been enacted.
(4)  Where a person (A) is an approved manufacturer of gaming machines immediately before the date of commencement of sections 29 and 30 (called in this subsection the commencement date) and on or after that date —
(a)A continues to be a manufacturer of gaming machines within the meaning given by section 103A(4) of the principal Act as amended by that section, A’s approval as an approved manufacturer continues and sections 103 and 103A of the principal Act as amended by this Act apply in relation to A; or
(b)A is no longer a manufacturer of gaming machines within the meaning given by section 103A(4) of the principal Act as amended by section 30, A is treated as an approved manufacturer for a period of 12 months after the commencement date, and sections 103 and 103A of the principal Act as in force immediately before that date apply in relation to A for that period.
(5)  Where a person (B) is an approved supplier of gaming machines immediately before the date of commencement of sections 29 and 30 (called in this subsection the commencement date), B’s approval as an approved supplier continues, and sections 103 and 103A of the principal Act as in force immediately before that date apply in relation to B and the gaming machines supplied by B, until the earlier of the following dates:
(a)the date an approved manufacturer notifies the Authority that B is an authorised supplier of the approved manufacturer;
(b)the expiry of a period of 12 months after the commencement date.
(6)  Any approval for simulated gaming granted by the Authority before the date of commencement of section 31 continues, and section 104 of the principal Act as in force immediately before that date applies in relation to that simulated gaming, as if section 31 had not been enacted.
(7)  Any appeal to the Authority made under section 112(1) of the principal Act —
(a)before the date of commencement of sections 37, 38 and 39, is to be dealt with in accordance with sections 112, 113 and 114 of the principal Act as in force immediately before that date; or
(b)on or after the date of commencement of sections 37, 38 and 39, is to be dealt with in accordance with sections 112 and 113 of the principal Act as amended by that section, and there is to be no appeal to the Authority against the decision of the committee, even though the inspector’s decision appealed against was made before that date.
(8)  For a period of 2 years after the date of commencement of any provision of this Act, the Minister may, by regulations, prescribe such additional provisions of a saving or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of that provision as the Minister may consider necessary or expedient.