Tourist Promotion (Cess Collection) Bill |
Bill No. 26/1971
Read the first time on 2nd December 1971. |
An Act to make better provisions for the collection of cess by the Tourist Promotion Board and to repeal the provisions relating thereto in the Tourist Promotion Board Act (Chapter 205 of the 1970 Revised Edition). |
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows: — |
Short title and commencement |
1. This Act may be cited as the Tourist Promotion (Cess Collection) Act, 1971, and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Delegation of functions |
Cess to be paid into the Fund |
4. All monies collected under the provisions of this Act shall be paid into the Fund. |
Imposition of cess |
5.—(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, there shall be levied —
Person liable to pay cess |
6.—(1) The cess levied in respect of every room or suite occupied each day in a tourist hotel shall be accounted for and paid by the proprietor of the tourist hotel to the Board within the time and in the manner prescribed by the Board.
Recovery of cess from a customer |
7.—(1) Any person who is liable under section 6 of this Act to pay cess may recover such cess from a customer or from the person for whom services are rendered and the person so recovering the cess shall show on a receipt or other document issued by him the amount of cess which has been so recovered.
Power of Director to obtain information |
8.—(1) The Director or any officer or agent of the Board authorised by the Director in that behalf shall at all times have full and free access to all buildings, places, books, documents and other papers for the purpose of ascertaining the amount of cess to be paid by any person under the provisions of this Act, and may, without fee or reward, inspect, copy or make extracts from any such books, documents or papers.
Keeping of books of account and giving of receipts |
9.—(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, every person liable to pay cess under the provisions of this Act —
Duty to inform |
10.—(1) Every person liable to pay cess under the provisions of this Act shall, within seven days of the date of commencement or cessation of any business carried on by him in respect of which cess may be levied on any transaction relating thereto, inform the Board in writing of the business carried on by him.
Recovery of cess |
11. Without prejudice to any other remedy any cess levied under the provisions of this Act may be recovered as a debt due to the Board from the person accountable therefor. |
Recovery of cess on basis of Board’s estimate |
12.—(1) Where an amount is due from any person on account of cess, and such cess is not accounted for and paid to the Board within the prescribed time, the Board may estimate the amount of cess due.
Penalty |
13.—(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, if any cess is not accounted for and paid within the time prescribed by the Board, a sum equal to five per cent of the amount of cess payable whether estimated or not shall be added thereto, and the provisions of this Act relating to the collection and recovery of cess shall apply to the collection and recovery of such sum.
Suit for cess and penalty by the Board |
14.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other written law, cess and any penalty imposed under this Act may be sued for by way of a specially endorsed writ of summons and the Board shall be entitled to all costs allowed by law against the person liable thereto.
Return of cess or penalty overpaid or erroneously paid |
15. It shall be lawful for the Board, if it is proved to the satisfaction that any money has been over-paid or erroneously paid as cess or penalty under this Act, to order the refund of the money so over-paid or erroneously paid:
Payment of cess short levied or erroneously refunded |
16. Whenever any cess or penalty under this Act has been short levied or erroneously refunded for any reason or owing to any cause, the person who should have paid the amount short levied or to whom the refund has been erroneously refunded shall pay the deficiency or repay the amount erroneously refunded to him on demand being made within one year of the date of the short levy or refund. |
Incorrect return |
17. Any person who makes an incorrect return under this Act or the regulations made thereunder by omitting therefrom any information or gives any incorrect information in relation to any matter affecting his own liability to cess or the liability of any other person or of a partnership shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars. |
Evasion of cess |
18.—(1) Any person who wilfully with intent to evade or to assist any other person to evade cess —
Obstructing officers of the Board |
19. Any person who obstructs or hinders any officer or agent of the Board acting in the discharge of his duty under this Act or of any of the regulations made thereunder shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars. |
Power to remit and exempt |
20.—(1) The Minister may, if he thinks fit, remit the whole or any part of the cess paid under this Act.
Security for payment of cess |
21.—(1) The Board shall have the right to require and take from the proprietor of a tourist hotel or tourist food establishment or tourist public house securities for payment of all cess and other monies payable under the provisions of this Act for which he may become liable.
Proceedings conducted by officer of Board |
22. Proceedings in respect of any offence under this Act or of any of the regulations made thereunder may be conducted by an officer of the Board or an officer of the Government authorised in writing in that behalf by the Director. |
Sanction of Public Prosecutor |
23. No court shall take cognizance of any offence under this Act or the regulations made thereunder except with the sanction of the Public Prosecutor. |
Priority of case in bankruptcy |
24.—(1) There shall be included among the debts which, under section 43 of the Bankruptcy Act (Cap. 18), are to be paid in priority to all other debts in the distribution of property of a bankrupt or a person dying insolvent, the amount of any cess due from the bankrupt at the date of the receiving order, or from the person so dying at the date of his death, and having become due within twelve months before that date.
Offence by body corporate |
25. Where any offence under this Act or the regulations made thereunder has been committed by a body corporate and is found to have been committed with the consent of, connivance of or to be attributable to any act or default on the part of any director, manager, secretary or other officer, such director, manager, secretary or other officer as well as the body corporate, shall be guilty of an offence under this Act and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars. |
Regulations |
26. The Board may, with the approval of the Minister, make such regulations as are necessary for carrying into effect the provisions of this Act. |
Repeal of sections 11 and 12 of the Tourist Promotion Board Act |
27. Sections 11 and 12 of the Tourist Promotion Board Act (Cap. 205) are hereby repealed. |
Transitional provisions |
28. Any subsidiary legislation made under the provisions of the Tourist Promotion Board Act relating to the matters falling within the scope of this Act and which is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act shall remain in force and shall be deemed to be made under this Act until it has been revoked or replaced by subsidiary legislation issued or made under this Act. |
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