Boundaries and Survey Maps Bill

Bill No. 32/1998

Read the first time on 31st July 1998.
An Act to provide for the demarcation of land, the establishment and maintenance of boundary marks and the publication of certain survey maps, and to repeal the Boundaries and Survey Maps Act (Chapter 25 of the 1985 Revised Edition) and the Landmarks Act (Chapter 159 of the 1985 Revised Edition) and to make consequential amendments to the Land Surveyors Act (Chapter 156 of the 1992 Revised Edition).
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows:
Short title and commencement
1.  This Act may be cited as the Boundaries and Survey Maps Act 1998 and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint.
2.—(1)  In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
“appointed day” means the date of commencement of this Act;
“approved co-ordinates” means co-ordinates approved by the Chief Surveyor or approved under section 7(c) which are capable of describing and ascertaining the boundaries of any land in relation to survey control marks;
“boundary mark” includes any survey stone, iron pipe, spike, or other survey mark authorised by law for the purpose of marking boundaries;
“cadastral survey” means any survey relating to the recording of land boundaries, subdivision lines, buildings and related details;
“certified plan” means a survey plan which has been approved by, and filed in the office of, the Chief Surveyor under section 4(1)(e);
“Chief Surveyor” means the Chief Surveyor appointed under section 3(1) and includes an acting Chief Surveyor appointed under section 3(2);
“land” includes —
(a)a parcel of land which is in the actual possession of the owner by himself or other person holding by, through or under him;
(b)land covered by water;
(c)a building or a structure erected on land;
(d)any parcel of airspace or any subterranean space held apart from the surface of the earth; and
(e)any estate or interest in land;
“owner”, in relation to any parcel of land, means the person for the time being receiving the rent of the land, whether on his own account or as agent or trustee or who would receive the rent if the land were let to a tenant;
“registered surveyor” means a surveyor registered under the Land Surveyors Act (Cap. 156);
“repealed Act” means the Boundaries and Survey Maps Act (Cap. 25) in force immediately before the appointed day;
“survey control mark” means any survey mark placed under the supervision of the Chief Surveyor the horizontal position or height of which is determined;
“survey officer” means any person authorised by the Chief Surveyor to carry out a cadastral survey for any parcel of land.
(2)  In this Act, any reference to a plan shall, unless the context otherwise requires, include a reference to a plan in electronic form.
Appointment of Chief Surveyor
3.—(1)  The Minister may appoint a Chief Surveyor who shall administer this Act and act in accordance with such directions as may be given by the Minister from time to time.
(2)  If the Chief Surveyor is temporarily absent from Singapore or temporarily incapacitated by reason of illness or for any reason temporarily unable to perform his duties, the Minister may appoint a person to act in the place of the Chief Surveyor during any such period of absence from duty.
(3)  The functions, duties and powers of the Chief Surveyor under this Act may be carried out, discharged, performed or exercised by any person who is duly authorised by the Chief Surveyor to act on his behalf.