Regulation of Employment Bill |
Bill No. 67/1965
Read the first time on 17th December 1965. |
An Act to provide for the regulation of employment in Singapore and for matters connected therewith. |
Be it enacted by the President with the advice and consent of the Parliament of Singapore, as follows: — |
Short title and commencement |
1. This Act may be cited as the Regulation of Employment Act, 1965, and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by notification in the Gazette, appoint. |
Interpretation |
2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires —
Officers |
Application for work permit, etc |
4.—(1) Every employee and every contract worker shall, before accepting employment, make application for a work permit to the Commissioner in such form as the Commissioner may require.
Issue of work permit, etc |
5.—(1) Upon the receipt of an application for a work permit under the provisions of section 4, the Commissioner may, in his discretion, issue a work permit to an employee or contract worker attaching thereto such conditions as he may determine for carrying out the purposes of this Act, or without attaching conditions thereto.
Register |
6.—(1) The Commissioner shall cause to be kept separate registers of employees and contract workers to whom work permits have been issued under section 5.
Termination of employment of employees and contract workers in employment on appointed date, etc |
7.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any written law or of any term or condition of any contract or agreement, an employer or contractor shall terminate the services of any employee or contract worker —
Prohibition of employment of employee or contract worker without work permit |
8.—(1) No employer or contractor shall employ an employee or contract worker, as the case may be, who has not been issued a work permit.
Extent of validity of work permit |
9.—(1) A work permit issued to an employee shall be valid only in respect of the trade or occupation and the employer specified therein.
Custody of work permit, etc |
10.—(1) A work permit issued to an employee or a contract worker shall not be transferable.
Loss of work permit |
11.—(1) When a work permit has been lost, destroyed or defaced, the employee or contract worker, to whom the work permit was issued shall, within fourteen days of such loss, destruction or defacement, report the same to the Commissioner and shall apply for a duplicate work permit.
(4) Any person who finds or comes into possession of a work permit other than his own shall forthwith deliver it to the Commissioner. |
Onus of proof |
12. The onus of proving the truth of the contents of a written application for a work permit under the provisions of section 4 shall be on the employee or contract worker, as the case may be, who makes the application. |
Powers of employment officer |
13. An employment officer may —
Penalties |
14.—(1) Any person who —
Effect of contravention of section 7 |
15. Where in respect of the employment of any person there has been any contravention of the provisions of section 7, such person shall not, by reason only of such contravention, be deemed to be employed under an illegal contract of employment. |
Application of Act |
16.—(1) The provisions of subsections (1) and (3) of section 4 and subsection (2) of section 8 shall not apply to citizens of Singapore.
Regulations |
17.—(1) The Minister may make regulations generally for carrying out the provisions of this Act.
Forms |
18. For the purposes of this Act, the Commissioner may devise and use such forms as he may consider necessary. |
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