Administration of Muslim Law (Certification Mark) Notification
Administration of Muslim Law (Halal Certificates) Rules
Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (Certification Mark) (No. 2) Notification
Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (Certification Mark) (No. 3) Notification
Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (Certification Mark) Notification
Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (Certification Marks) Regulations
Air Navigation (Aviation Security) Order
Air Navigation (Composition of Offences) Rules
Animals and Birds (Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes) Rules
Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules
Animals and Birds (Prevention of Avian Disease in Non-Commercial Poultry) Rules
Animals and Birds (Prohibition of Live Poultry on Pulau Ubin) Rules
Animals and Birds (Quarantine) Rules
Animals and Birds (Veterinary Fees) Rules
Appointment of Competent Authority
Appointment of Licensing Officer and Assistant Licensing Officers
Architects (Election of Board Members) Rules
Architects (Prescribed Amount of Paid-Up Capital) Notification
Arms and Explosives (Arms) Rules
Arms and Explosives (Explosives) Rules
Betting and Sweepstake Duties Order
Biological Agents and Toxins (Transportation) Regulations
Boundaries and Survey Maps (Conduct of Cadastral Surveys) Rules
Boundaries and Survey Maps (Electronic Transmission) Rules
Boundaries and Survey Maps (Prescribed Fees) Rules
Boundaries and Survey Maps (Singapore Land Authority Fees) Rules
Broadcasting (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Broadcasting (Exemption) (No. 3) Order
Central Provident Fund (Medisave Account Withdrawals) Regulations
Central Provident Fund (Self-employed Persons) Regulations
Deposit Insurance (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Deposit Insurance (Designation of Deposit Insurance Agency) Notification
Deposit Insurance (Effective Date) Notification
Deposit Insurance Regulations
Direction under Section 19(1)(d)
Financial Advisers (Appeals) Regulations
Financial Advisers (Exemption from Sections 25 to 29 and 36) Regulations
Financial Advisers (Structured Deposits — Prescribed Investment Product and Exemption) Regulations
Interest Rate on Money Lodged in Court
Limited Liability Partnerships (Identical Names) Rules
Limited Liability Partnerships (Winding Up) Rules
Limited Liability Partnerships Regulations
Nanyang Technological University Students’ Union and Constituent Bodies (Exemption) Order
National University of Singapore Students’ Union and Constituent Bodies (Exemption) Order
Notification under Section 11(1)
Notification under Section 32(1)
Patents (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Patents Rules
Payment Systems (Oversight) (Composition of Offences) Regulations
Payment Systems (Oversight) (Designated Payment Systems) (Consolidation) Order