Broadcasting Act
(Chapter 28, Section 66)
Broadcasting (TVRO System) Regulations
Rg 3
G.N. No. S 126/1991

(29th February 2004)
[22nd March 1991]
1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Broadcasting (TVRO System) Regulations.
2.  In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —
“broadcast television receiver” means any apparatus used for the visual and aural reception of any broadcasting service;
“institution” means any body of persons, corporate or unincorporate, and includes any undertaking;
“licence” means a licence to install or operate one or more TVRO systems;
“licensee” means a person to whom a licence is granted;
“telecommunications” has the same meaning as in the Telecommunications Act (Cap. 323);
“TVRO system” means any apparatus (including a dish antenna) or any combination of apparatus capable of direct reception of broadcast matter emitted from or passing through any communication or broadcast satellite in extra-terrestrial space.
Application and qualifications
3.—(1)  An application for a licence shall —
(a)be made in such form and manner as the Authority may determine; and
(b)contain a full and true account of such particulars as the Authority may require.
(2)  No person other than an institution may be granted with a licence.
Licence fee
4.—(1)  The Authority may refuse to grant or renew any licence unless such fee as the Authority may determine to be levied in respect of the licence is paid.
(2)  No fee or part thereof paid in respect of any licence granted by the Authority shall be refunded in respect of the unexpired period of any licence which has been cancelled or suspended in accordance with section 21, read with section 12, of the Act.
Period of licence
5.  A licence shall be valid for such period as the Authority may determine unless it is sooner cancelled or suspended.
Replacement of licence
6.—(1)  If the Authority is satisfied that any licence granted by it has been lost, destroyed or defaced, the Authority may, subject to paragraph (2), on payment of a fee of $2 issue a duplicate licence in place thereof.
(2)  No duplicate licence shall be issued under this regulation in place of a defaced licence unless the defaced licence is surrendered to the Authority for cancellation.
Licence non-transferable
7.  A licensee shall not transfer, assign or dispose of his licence.
Changes to or inaccuracy in particulars
8.  A licensee shall inform the Authority in writing of any change to or inaccuracy in any of its particulars furnished to the Authority under regulation 3(1)(b).
Surrender of licence
9.  A person whose licence is cancelled or suspended under section 21, read with section 12, of the Act shall, if required by the Authority, surrender the licence to the Authority within such time as the Authority may specify.
Installation diagrams, etc.
10.  A licensee of a TVRO system shall, within 14 days of the installation of the TVRO system in respect of which the licence is granted, furnish the following to the Authority:
(a)a diagram or diagrams showing the location of the TVRO system installed and the cable distribution system connecting the TVRO system to broadcast television receivers;
(b)particulars of the type and model of the apparatus constituting the TVRO system; and
(c)the location of every broadcast television receiver that the licensee has caused to be connected to the TVRO system.
Operation of TVRO system
11.—(1)  No TVRO system shall be operated in a manner which interferes or may interfere with the efficient or convenient operation or maintenance of any telephone, telegraph or power line which existed at the time of installation of such TVRO system.
(2)  No licensee shall operate any TVRO system in such manner as knowingly to cause interference or disturbance to reception by any other broadcasting apparatus licensed under the Act or the Telecommunications Act (Cap. 323).
(3)  No licensee shall intercept any signal, sign, writing, image, sound or intelligence of any nature transmitted which is not intended for reception by the general public.
International telecommunication agreements
12.  A licensee shall, in the installation or operation of a TVRO system, observe the provisions of the International Telecommunication Convention and any bilateral or multilateral telecommunication agreements in force and the regulations pertaining to the operation of TVRO systems that are made under that Convention and agreements.
Modifications to TVRO system, etc.
13.—(1)  A licensee of a TVRO system shall not —
(a)modify or alter any apparatus constituting the TVRO system; or
(b)change the location of that TVRO system,
except with the approval of the Authority.
(2)  If there is any change in the number of broadcast television receivers in his possession connected to a TVRO system or a change in the location of any such broadcast television receiver, the licensee of that TVRO system shall immediately inform the Authority in writing of such change.
Non-operation of TVRO system
14.  When a licensee ceases to operate the TVRO system in respect of which his licence is granted, he shall not sell, offer for sale or otherwise dispose of the TVRO system or any part thereof except with the approval of the Authority.