Business Registration Act |
Business Registration Regulations |
Rg 1 |
G.N. No. S 250/1974 |
(1st July 1999) |
[1st September 1974] |
Citation |
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Business Registration Regulations. |
Register |
2. The Registrar shall keep and maintain a Register of Businesses in such manner and in such place as he thinks fit. |
Place of business |
3. Where a person has no fixed or permanent place for carrying on business, the place at which the person can usually be contacted shall be deemed the place of business for the purposes of section 2(2) of the Act. |
Forms |
Identification documents |
5. The Registrar may require the production of the identity card or the passport or such other identification documents which are acceptable for verification of the identity of the person to be registered under the Act. |
Appointment of local manager |
6.—(1) Where a person carrying on business required to be registered under the Act is, or in the case of any corporation the Directors are or the Secretary of the corporation is, not ordinarily resident in Singapore, the Registrar may require a local manager to be appointed and the particulars of the local manager to be stated in the form for registration.
Statement to be signed by existing partner or by deceased’s personal representative |
7.—(1) For the purposes of section 8 (1)(d)(ii) of the Act, a partner is one whose name has previously been registered as such and who has not withdrawn from the partnership but does not include a withdrawing partner.
Display of business name |
8.—(1) A person who is registered under the Act shall display the registered business name in a conspicuous position on the outside of every place where he carries on business.
Penalty for late renewal of certificate of registration |
9.—(1) The Registrar may impose a late renewal fee of $10 where an application for the renewal of a certificate of registration is lodged within one month from the date of expiry and $25 where an application for the renewal of a certificate of registration is lodged after one month from the date of expiry.
Composition of offences |
10. The Registrar may compound any of the following offences:
Payment of composition |
11.—(1) When an offer of composition of any offence is made and accepted, payment shall be made by cash, money order or postal order to the Registrar.
Appeal to Minister |
12.—(1) Any person intending to lodge an appeal to the Minister under the Act shall deliver to the Registrar a notice of appeal stating the grounds of appeal.
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