Charities Act
(CHAPTER 37, Sections 16(1) and 48)
Charities (Annual Report)
Rg 4
G.N. No. S 481/1994

(1st April 1995)
[1st January 1995]
1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Charities (Annual Report) Regulations.
Annual report
2.  For the purposes of section 16(1) of the Act, the annual report to be prepared by the charity trustees of a charity shall contain —
(a)the following particulars:
(i)a description of the instrument setting up the charity;
(ii)the charity registration number;
(iii)where the charity is a society registered under the Societies Act [Cap. 311] or a company, the registration number of the society or the company;
(iv)the registered address of the charity;
(v)the names of the charity trustees and their dates of appointment;
(vi)the names, designations and dates of appointment of the members of the management committee, advisory council or other similar body, if any; and
(vii)the names of the bankers, lawyers, auditors, investment advisers or other advisers of the charity;
(b)a report by the charity trustees containing —
(i)an explanation of the objectives of the charity and a description of the way in which the charity is organised, and the policies adopted during the financial year in pursuance of its objectives;
(ii)a review of the activities during the financial year;
(iii)a review of the financial state of the charity and an explanation of all major financial transactions and salient features of the statement of accounts prepared under section 13(1) of the Act or the account and statement prepared under section 13(3) of the Act; and
(iv)an explanation of the purposes for which the charity’s assets are held and an indication of the charity’s future plans and commitments, with particular regard to on-going items of expenditure, projects not yet completed and obligations not yet met; and
(c)a statement of accounts prepared under section 13(1) of the Act or, if allowed under section 13(3) of the Act, a receipts and payments account and a statement of assets and liabilities.