Education Act |
Education (Grant-in-Aid) Regulations |
Rg 3 |
(25th March 1992) |
[1st January 1983] |
Citation |
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Education (Grant-in-Aid) Regulations. |
Definitions |
2. In these Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires —
Application to junior colleges |
3. These Regulations shall apply with such modifications as may be necessary to junior colleges which are in receipt of grant-in-aid as if such colleges were aided schools. |
Forms of grant-in-aid |
4. Grant-in-aid may take the following forms:
Application for grant-in-aid |
Withdrawal of grant-in aid |
6.—(1) Every aided school which is in receipt of contributions described in regulation 4(a), (b) or (c) shall, except as otherwise provided in regulation 38, maintain the standards set out in regulation 7 and fulfil the conditions set out in regulations 8 to 37 inclusive, respectively.
Standards to be complied with |
7. Every aided school shall conform to and maintain standards that are comparable with or similar to those of Government schools of the same type in respect of —
Admission policy |
8. An aided school shall not refuse any person admission to study in the school on the grounds only of religion or race. |
Manager to comply with requests, rules and regulations |
9. The manager of every aided school shall comply with all requests relating to the management and conduct of the school made by the Permanent Secretary or the Director of Education and shall comply with all rules and regulations made under the Act. |
Manager to open bank account |
10. The manager of every aided school shall open a bank account into which shall be paid the Government cheques for grant-in-aid. |
Account of capitation grant |
11. The manager shall keep an account in a form approved by the Permanent Secretary and supported by sub-vouchers of the moneys paid to the school as capitation grant. This account shall clearly show the objects on which all sums expended have been spent. |
Registers to be maintained |
12. The manager shall cause to be maintained for each class a register in the form approved by the Permanent Secretary which shall clearly show all fees paid by pupils and the authority for remission in the case of children not required to pay fees. These registers shall be available for inspection at any time by an authorised officer of the Ministry of Education. |
Terms and holidays of aided schools |
13. Every aided school shall unless otherwise authorised by the Director of Education observe the same terms and holidays as Government schools of the same type. |
Appointment of teachers |
14. No person shall be appointed as a teacher in an aided school unless the appointment of the selected candidate is approved by the Permanent Secretary. |
Re-employment of retired employees |
15. Employees who have reached retirement age may be encouraged to continue to be employed by the school beyond the retirement age provided they are medically fit and their work and conduct are satisfactory. |
Termination of service for incompetence, etc. |
16. The Permanent Secretary may require the termination of the services of, or the imposition of a lesser penalty such as stoppage or deferment of increment, fine or reprimand or a combination of such penalties on any employee on grounds of incompetence, indiscipline, moral turpitude, indebtedness or conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline. |
Teachers may teach part-time for payment |
17. Teachers in an aided school may engage in part-time teaching for payment but shall not accept payment from pupils of the same school in which they are employed. |
Employees not to benefit from sale of stationery, etc. |
18. No employee of an aided school shall derive any profit from books, stationery or other articles sold to pupils. |
Prohibition of other employment |
19. No employee of an aided school shall, except with the prior permission of the principal —
No publication without permission |
20. An employee shall obtain the prior permission of the Permanent Secretary to publish any written work and to receive and retain any fees, royalties or other benefits derived from such publication. |
Salary scales and allowances |
21. The salary scales and allowances for employees in aided schools shall be similar to those of employees holding the same grades in Government schools. |
Qualifications of graduate and other teachers |
22. The requirements for the recognition of graduate status and of trained teacher status shall be the same for aided schools as for Government schools of the same type. |
Leave similar to Government schools |
23. The conditions for the grant of full-pay, half-pay and no-pay leave for employees of aided schools shall be the same as those for the same categories of employees in Government schools. |
Sick leave certificates |
24. Except with the prior approval of the principal, no employee in an aided school shall be allowed to take leave except on account of illness supported by a medical certificate certifying that he is unfit to discharge the ordinary duties of his appointment which is issued by a Government medical or dental officer, a Government Medical Board, or a registered private medical or dental practitioner. |
Employees medically unfit |
25.—(1) If there is reason to believe that an employee of an aided school is likely to be unfit on medical grounds to discharge his duties efficiently, the principal may consult the Permanent Secretary who will arrange with the Director of Medical Services to convene a Medical Board and the employee shall appear before the Medical Board.
When progress payments to be made |
26. The manager of an aided school shall not make progress payments out of any grant-in-aid received for capital expenditure on or in connection with building works except against the actual progress of the works as certified by the architect employed. |
Extension of time for project |
27. The Permanent Secretary may, in relation to any grant-in-aid of capital expenditure on or in connection with building works, specify the period within which such works must be completed and if, in the opinion of the manager of the aided school concerned, it is not possible to complete the works within the period so specified, the manager shall, not less than two months before the expiration of that period, inform the Permanent Secretary of that fact and may apply for an extension of the period. |
Notification of closure of aided school |
28. The manager of an aided school who intends to close the school shall notify the Permanent Secretary at least two academic years before the beginning of the calendar year in which the school is to be closed. |
Director of Education may take over school |
29. If for any reason the manager of an aided school declares himself unable to continue to conduct the school, the Director of Educationshall have authority after due and proper enquiry to take over the management of the school, if he is satisfied that it is in the interests of Singapore and of the pupils that the school should continue in being. The Ministry of Education shall thereupon be entitled to the use of the school buildings and any equipment and furniture therein free of charge. |
Declaration of assets, etc. |
30. If the manager of an aided school gives notice of the closure of the school under regulation 28 or closes the school without giving such notice, the manager —
Religious instruction |
31. Aided schools conducted by religious organisations may provide religious instruction distinctive of their beliefs:
Aided schools to provide religious instruction if required by curriculum |
32. Aided schools conducted by religious organisations shall not be required to provide any form of religious (as distinct from ethical) teaching other than is consonant with their own beliefs, unless such teaching is required as a school subject in the curriculum. |
Annual estimates |
33. The manager of every aided school shall submit to the Permanent Secretary in such forms and by such date as the Permanent Secretary may direct annual estimates of the amount of fees likely to be collected, the amounts of salaries, allowances and provident fund contributions and Skills Development Fund contributions likely to be paid out and the amount of capitation payment likely to be required for the following financial year. |
Use of capitation payments |
34.—(1) Capitation payments may only be used to cover contingent expenditure for the following items:
Capitation payments account |
35. The account of capitation payments required to be kept under regulation 11 shall be kept under the headings given in regulation 34. |
Statements of account, etc. |
36. The manager of every aided school shall submit to the Permanent Secretary at intervals to be determined by the Permanent Secretary, statements of account of the capitation grant, school fees, emoluments and remission of fees and a statement of the school’s emolument. |
Signature of principal to suffice |
37. If a school is conducted by a religious order, the signature of the principal shall be accepted for the salaries of all members of the religious order whose names appear in the school’s pay-sheet. |
Certain regulations not to apply to specified aided schools |
38. Regulations 7(a) to (d), 13, 14 to 27, 31(c), 33 and 37 shall not apply to the aided schools set out in the Schedule. |
Conditions for approval for capital expenditure |
39.—(1) No application for capital expenditure shall be approved which does not fit into the Ministry of Education’s overall plan for the development of education.
Grant-in-aid for school buildings |
40.—(1) No grant-in-aid shall be approved with respect to a school building unless —
Grant-in-aid to include certain costs |
41. Grant-in-aid of capital expenditure may include the following:
Approval only by formal written notice |
42. No application shall be regarded as having been approved by the Government in whole or in part until the applicant has been so informed in writing by the Permanent Secretary. |
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