House to House and Street Collections Act |
House to House and Street Collections Regulations |
Rg 1 |
(15th December 2009) |
[1st October 1976] |
Citation |
1. These Regulations may be cited as the House to House and Street Collections Regulations. |
Definitions |
Application and licence |
3.—(1) An application for a licence to promote a collection shall be in the form set out in the First Schedule.
Duties of promoter |
4. Every promoter of a collection shall exercise due diligence to ensure —
Certificate of authority |
5.—(1) Where a licence is issued to the chief promoter of a collection, every form of a certificate of authority to be issued by a promoter of the collection under paragraph (2) shall be obtained from the Commissioner of Police by the chief promoter.
Duties of collector |
6. Every collector shall —
Age limit of collector |
7.—(1) No person below the age of 16 years shall act as a collector of money or as a promoter of a collection without the permission of the Commissioner of Police.
Behaviour of collector |
8. No collector shall, for the purposes of a collection, importune any person to the annoyance of that person, or remain at the door of or in any premises, if requested by an occupant thereof to leave the premises or the place where the premises are situated. |
Collecting boxes and receipts |
9.—(1) Where a collector is collecting money by means of a collecting box issued under regulation 5(2)(b), he shall not receive any money collected except by allowing the person from whom the money is received to place it in the collecting box.
Return of collecting box and receipt book by collector |
10.—(1) Every collector who has been issued with a collecting box by a promoter of a collection pursuant to regulation 5(2)(b) shall return or deliver the collecting box with its seal unbroken to the promoter or such bank as may be appointed by the chief promoter of the collection —
Examination of collecting boxes and receipt books |
11.—(1) Where a collecting box is returned to the promoter of a collection pursuant to regulation 10(1), the collecting box shall be examined by, and if it contains money, be opened in the presence of the promoter and another person appointed by the chief promoter of the collection to examine the collecting box and its contents; and as soon as the collecting box is opened, the sum contained therein shall be counted and recorded in such book, as is in the custody of the promoter under regulation 4(c), against the distinguishing number referred to in that regulation, and certified by the promoter and that other person.
Chief promoter to furnish account to Commissioner of Police |
12. The chief promoter of a collection shall, within 2 months of the expiry of the licence authorising the promotion of the collection or within such further period as may be allowed by the Commissioner of Police, furnish an account of the collection to the Commissioner of Police. |
Form of account |
13. Any account furnished under regulation 12 shall —
Chief promoter to return certificate of authority |
14. The chief promoter of a collection shall return to the Commissioner of Police every certificate of authority when the certificate is no longer required for the purposes of the collection or when the collection is completed. |
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