Registration of Deeds Act |
Registration of Deeds Rules |
R 1 |
G.N. No. S 380/1988 |
(30th April 2000) |
[17th December 1988] |
Citation |
1. These Rules may be cited as the Registration of Deeds Rules. |
Definition |
2. In these Rules, any reference to a register, index, book or other record kept or maintained under the Act shall include a reference to a register, index, book or other record which was kept or maintained under the repealed Registration of Deeds Ordinance 1886 (XIII, 1886) or the repealed Registration of Deeds Act (Cap. 269, 1985 Ed.). |
Inspection of register by public |
3. During the hours prescribed for searches, any person may search the copy of the register which is kept on microfilm and other books required to be kept at the Registry upon payment of the prescribed fees and upon observance of the rules prescribed for such inspection. |
Use of microfilm reader |
Hours of search and registration |
5.—(1) The hours for inspection and search of the records kept at the Registry shall be from —
Use of lead pencil |
6.—(1) No person shall use in the Registry any ink or other writing fluid or indelible pencil.
Forms |
7.—(1) Any person desiring to register an instrument or any dealing affecting any land shall use one of the forms set out in the Second Schedule for the registration of the instrument or dealing.
Address in Singapore |
8. Every instrument shall contain an address in Singapore of the person or body corporate, as the case may be, acquiring any estate or interest in land under the instrument to whom or on which any notice authorised or required by the Act or these Rules may be served. |
Quality and dimensions of forms |
9.—(1) All instruments presented for enrolment in the Registry and requisitions for official searches shall be clearly legible for the purpose of microfilming under rule 10.
Preservation of records |
10.—(1) For the purposes of preserving the Registry’s records, every instrument and its accompanying form in the Second Schedule presented for enrolment in the Registry shall on final registration be microfilmed under the Registrar’s direction.
Copies of plans to be furnished |
11.—(1) Rule 9 shall apply to any plan annexed to any instrument presented for registration and, in addition, the land or part thereof comprised in the instrument shall be clearly delineated and hatched and the plan shall be in a form suitable for microfilming.
Area of land stated in any instrument or plan to be expressed in square metres |
12.—(1) The area of land stated in any instrument and the plan (if any) annexed thereto which are presented for registration shall be expressed in square metres.
Mode of conducting registration |
13.—(1) Where the Registrar has accepted any instrument for provisional registration, the Registrar shall cause entries to be made forthwith in the margin of the instrument of —
Unreasonable delay in complying with requisition stating grounds of objection |
14.—(1) Where, in the opinion of the Registrar, there has been unreasonable delay in complying with any requisition made by him in connection with the registration of an instrument, the Registrar may forfeit the registration fee paid in respect of the instrument after giving to the person having conduct of the instrument 2 weeks’ notice in writing of his intention to do so.
Memorials may be prepared in Registry |
15. The Registrar may, upon a request being made and payment of the prescribed fee, prepare or cause to be prepared the memorial required under section 5 of the Act. |
Registrar may dispense with compliance with certain provisions of Act |
16.—(1) The Registrar may, in his discretion, dispense with compliance with any of the requirements of section 13(1)(c) of the Act in the following cases:
Requisition for official searches |
17.—(1) Every requisition for an official search of any instrument registered or enrolled under the Act or under any written law in force prior to 30th November 1988 shall be signed by or on behalf of the person requiring the search to be made.
Probate and letters of administration |
18.—(1) In the case of a probate, the memorial shall be in Form 4 set out in the Second Schedule and signed by —
Memorandum of lien or charge |
19. Every memorandum of lien or charge shall be in Form 6 set out in the Second Schedule and signed by the person on whose behalf the memorandum of lien or charge is to be registered or by his agent duly authorised in that behalf. |
Memorandum of discharge of lien or charge |
20. Where any document enrolled in the register has reference to the creation or assignment of any lien or charge affecting any land and such lien or charge is thereafter satisfied or discharged, the following provisions shall have effect:
Records to be kept at Registry |
21. The following records shall be maintained by the Registrar:
Register |
22. The register shall consist of all instruments enrolled after final registration and the instruments shall be filed in the order in which they are received for the purposes of registration. |
Index of lands |
23.—(1) The Registrar shall cause proper entries to be made in the index of lands in respect of every instrument which has been provisionally registered.
Index of caveats |
24.—(1) The Registrar shall cause proper entries to be made in the index of caveats in respect of every caveat, withdrawal, removal or cancellation of caveat which has been provisionally registered.
Record of official searches |
25.—(1) The record of official searches shall consist of the duplicate certificates of the result of official searches which are retained at the Registry.
Books or documents filed not to be removed |
26. Where any register or index under the control or custody of the Registrar has been microfilmed —
Copies of documents |
27.—(1) Where any document filed in a register or index has not yet been microfilmed, an application may be made to the Registrar for a copy or certified true copy of the document.
Withdrawal, removal or cancellation of caveats |
28.—(1) A caveat may be —
Particulars of acquiring party to be disclosed in instruments |
29.—(1) For the purpose of complying with the requirements of section 19 of the Residential Property Act (Cap. 274), every instrument under which a person acquires an estate or interest in land shall disclose —
Memorandum of mortgages |
30. The Registrar may refuse to accept for registration any instrument of mortgage which —
Severance of joint tenancy |
31. Every deed of declaration by a joint tenant for the severance of a joint tenancy shall be lodged together with a statutory declaration as to the service of the deed on the other joint tenants. |
Fees |
32.—(1) The fees specified in the First Schedule shall be paid to the Registrar in advance.
Refund of fees by Registrar |
33.—(1) The Registrar may, in his discretion, refund the fees paid for examination of records prior to the issue of a certificate of official search to the applicant if he so informs the Registrar in writing that he no longer requires the certificate of official search.
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