No. S 176
Education Endowment and Savings Schemes Act
Education Endowment and Savings Schemes
(Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards)
(Amendment) Regulations 2019
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 24 of the Education Endowment and Savings Schemes Act, the Minister for Education makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Regulations are the Education Endowment and Savings Schemes (Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 and come into operation on 1 April 2019.
Amendment of regulation 9
2.  Regulation 9(4) of the Education Endowment and Savings Schemes (Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards) Regulations (Rg 4) is amended by inserting, immediately after the words “paid to the pupil”, the words “or the independent school in which the pupil is enrolled”.
Amendment of Schedule
3.  The Schedule to the Education Endowment and Savings Schemes (Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards) Regulations is amended by deleting item 1 and substituting the following item:
Edusave Scholarship for Independent Schools
Where a pupil is awarded the Edusave Scholarship for Independent Schools, for each year of the pupil’s secondary education, or the pupil’s secondary and pre‑university education, or the pupil’s pre‑university education, as the case may be:
The lower of the following:
(a)a sum of $2,400;
(b)a sum calculated in accordance with the formula A – B – C, where —
(i)A is the total amount of that pupil’s school fees and leave of absence fees (if any) for an academic year;
(ii)B is —
(A)where the pupil is eligible to receive a Subsidy — the amount of the Subsidy received or to be received by that pupil for that year; or
(B)where the pupil is not eligible to receive a Subsidy — the total amount of school fees and standard miscellaneous fees that pupil would have had to pay for that year had that pupil been enrolled in a Government secondary school or Government‑aided Secondary School, a Government junior college or a Government‑aided junior college, as the case may be;
(iii)C is —
(A)where the pupil is enrolled in a specialised independent school and is granted a scholarship by that specialised independent school — the amount of the scholarship received or to be received by that pupil to defray the cost of school fees payable for that year;
(B)where the pupil is enrolled in a specialised independent school and is not granted a scholarship by that specialised independent school — zero; or
(C)where the pupil is enrolled in an independent school that is not a specialised independent school — zero;
(iv)“Subsidy” means a subsidy of the cost of a pupil’s school fees payable for an academic year, that is granted to the pupil under the Independent School Bursary offered by the Ministry or the Financial Assistance Scheme offered by a specialised independent school; and
(v)“specialised independent school” refers to the School of the Arts or the Singapore Sports School.
[G.N. Nos. S 588/2010; S 608/2012; S 759/2014; S 643/2015; S 599/2016; S 666/2017; S 117/2018]
Made on 25 March 2019.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Education,
[N 27-03-519-V9; AG/LEGIS/SL/87A/2015/3 Vol. 3]