No. S 2
Administration of Muslim Law Act
(Chapter 3)
Administration of Muslim Law Act (Variation of Schedule) Notification 2009
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 78(5) of the Administration of Muslim Law Act, the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, charged with the responsibility for the portfolio of the Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports (G.N. No. S 323/2006), hereby makes the following Notification:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Notification may be cited as the Administration of Muslim Law Act (Variation of Schedule) Notification 2009 and shall come into operation on 1st March 2009.
Deletion and substitution of Third Schedule
2.  The Third Schedule to the Administration of Muslim Law Act is deleted and the following Schedule substituted therefor:
Section 78(1)
Contributions to Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund
Total amount of employee’s wages for the calendar month
Amount of contributions payable for the calendar month
(1) Less than $1,001
(2) $1,001 or more but less than $2,001
(3) $2,001 or more but less than $3,001
(4) $3,001 or more but less than $4,001
(5) $4,001 or more

Made this 29th day of December 2008.

Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Community Development,
Youth and Sports,
[MCYS 43-23-03 Vol. 17; AG/LEG/SL/3/2002/2 Vol. 1]