Town Councils Act |
Town Council of East Coast (Common Property and Open Spaces) By-laws 1997 |
Citation and commencement |
1. These By-laws may be cited as the Town Council of East Coast (Common Property and Open Spaces) By-laws 1997 and shall come into operation on 25th April 1997. |
Definitions |
Dumping and renovation debris |
3. No person shall —
Obstruction of common property |
4.—(1) No person shall obstruct or cause or permit the obstruction of the lawful use of any common property with any object, fixture or thing.
Damage to common property |
5.—(1) No person shall remove, destroy, damage or deface or remove any earth or soil from any common property.
Unlawful parking, etc. |
6. No person shall —
Power to detain and remove vehicles |
7.—(1) Where a vehicle is parked on any common property or in any open space in contravention of any by-law, or appears to have been abandoned on any common property or in any open space, the secretary may, in his discretion and by himself or an officer authorised by the Town Council (referred to in this by-law as the authorised officer) —
Repairing, painting, etc., of vehicles |
8.—(1) No person shall repair, paint, spray, test or service or cause or permit to be repaired, painted, sprayed, tested or serviced any vehicle on any common property or in any open space.
Playing of games |
9. Where the Town Council has set apart any part of any common property or open space described in a notice board affixed or set up in some conspicuous position in that part of the common property or open space for the purpose of —
Entertainment and sale of goods on common property |
10. No person shall, without the prior written permission of the Town Council —
Swimming, etc., in ponds |
11. No person shall swim, wade, bathe or wash in, fish or permit any animal belonging to him or in his charge to enter or remove anything from any pond which is within the Town of East Coast and maintained by the Town Council. |
Bathing, etc., in fountain |
12. No person shall bathe, wade or wash in, or cause or permit any animal belonging to him to enter or remove anything from any fountain which is within the Town of East Coast and maintained by the Town Council. |
Trespassing onto meter rooms, etc. |
13. No person shall, except with the prior written permission of the Town Council, enter any lift motor room or any common property, being a fenced enclosure, building or room, in which any installation for the use or supply of water or electricity may be situated. |
Display of signs |
14. No person shall display or cause or permit to be displayed any sign on any common property or in any open space except with the prior written permission of the Town Council. |
Damage to turf, plant, shrub or tree |
15.—(1) No person shall remove, cut, damage or dispose of any turf, plant, shrub or tree or part thereof situated on any common property or in any open space.
Unauthorised structure |
16.—(1) No person shall erect or install any fixture, structure or thing on any common property or in any open space except with the prior written permission of the Town Council.
Diversion of water or electricity |
17. No person shall draw, divert or take —
Obstruction of rubbish chutes |
18. No person shall throw or deposit or cause or permit to be thrown or deposited into any refuse chute in a building in any housing estate any object, material, thing, article or substance which will or is likely to choke, clog or obstruct the free fall of refuse in the chute or cause any nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to other occupiers of the building. |
Service of documents |
19. Except insofar as these By-laws otherwise expressly provide, any document required by these By-laws to be served on any person may be served —
Penalty |
20. Any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of these By-laws shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000. |
Composition of offences |
21. Every offence under these By-laws shall be a compoundable offence, and the Town Council may, in its discretion, compound any such offence by collecting from the person reasonably suspected of having committed the offence a sum not exceeding $1,000. |
Chairman, The Town Council for the Town of East Coast, Singapore. |
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