2. Parts III and IV of the Schedule to the Monetary Authority of Singapore (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Regulations 2002 (G.N. No. S 515/2002) are deleted and the following Parts substituted therefor:List of individuals belonging to or associated with the Al-Qaida organisation: |
1. *Name: 1: MOHAMAD NASIR 2: ABAS 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 6 May 1969 POB: Singapore *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Husna b) Addy Mulyono c) Malik d) Khairudin e) Sulaeman f) Maman g) Husna *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 8239388 National identification no.: 690506-71-5515 Address: Taman Raja Laut, Sabah, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
2. *Name: 1: SAIYID 2: ABD AL-MAN 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: Abdul Manan Low quality a.k.a.: a) Agha Haji b) Am *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Pakistan. |
3. *Name: 1: SHADI 2: MOHAMED 3: MUSTAFA 4: ABDALLATitle: na Designation: na DOB: 27 Sept. 1976 POB: Irbid, Jordan *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Emad Abdelhadie, born 27 Sept. 1976 in Alhamza b) Shadi Mohammed Mustafa Abdalla, born 27 Sept. 1976 in Irbid c) Shadi Abdallha, born 27 Sept. 1976 in Irbid, Jordan d) Shadi Abdallah, born 27 Sept. 1976 in Irbid e) Emad Abdekhadie, born 27 Sept. 1976 in Athamse f) Zidan Emad Abdelhadie, born 27 Sept. 1976 in Alhamza Low quality a.k.a.: a) (Used in Belgium) Shadi Mohammed Mostafa Hasan, born 27 Sept. 1976 in Beje, Iraq, address: Rue de Pavie 42, 1000 Brussels, Belgium b) Zidan c) Zaidan d) Al Hut (English: the shark) e) Emad Al Sitawi *Nationality: Jordanian of Palestinian origin Passport no.: a) Jordanian passport no.: D 862 663, issued in Irgid, Jordan, on 10 Aug. 1993 b) Jordanian passport no.: H 641 183, issued in Irgid, Jordan, on 17 April 2002 c) German International travel document no.: 0770479, issued in Dortmund, Germany on 16 Feb. 1998 National identification no.: na Address: Currently in detention awaiting trial *Listed on: 23 Sept. 2003 *Other information: a) Name of father: Mohamed Abdalla b) Name of mother: Jawaher Abdalla, née Almadaneie |
4. *Name: 1: ABD AL HAFIZ 2: ABD AL WAHAB 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 7th September 1967 POB: Algeri, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ferdjani Mouloud b) Rabah Di Roma Low quality a.k.a.: Mourad *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Lungotevere Dante – Rome, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: na |
5. *Name: 1: YOUSSEF 2: ABDAOUI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 4 June 1966 POB: Kairouan (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Abdullah b) Abdellah c) Abdullah *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Piazza Giovane Italia n.2, Varese, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: |
6. *Name: 1: KIFANE 2: ABDERRAHMANE 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 7th March 1963 POB: Casablanca, Morocco *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via S. Biagio, 32 or 35 – Sant’ Anastasia (NA), Italy *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: na |
7. *Name: 1: ALI 2: ABBAS 3: ABDI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: Mogadishu, Somalia. |
8. *Name: 1: MAJEED 2: ABDUL CHAUDHRY 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 15 April 1939 b) 1938 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Majeed, Abdul b) Majeed Chaudhry Abdul c) Majid, Abdul Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Pakistani Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 24 Dec. 2001 *Other information: na |
9. *Name: 1: ZULKIFLI 2: ABDUL HIR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 5 January 1966 POB: Johor, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: Musa Abdul Hir Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 11263265 National identification no.: 660105-01-5297 Address: Seksyen 17, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
10. *Name: 1: ABDULLAH 2: AHMED 3: ABDULLAH 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1963 POB: Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Mariam b) Al-Masri, Abu Mohamed c) Saleh *Nationality: Egypt Passport no.: na National identification: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Afghanistan. |
11. *Name 1: MOHAMAD 2: IQBAL 3: ABDURRAHMAN 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: Tirpas-Selong Village, East Lombok, Indonesia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Rahman, Mohamad Iqbal b) A Rahman, Mohamad Iqbal c) Abu Jibril Abdurrahman d) Fikiruddin Muqti e) Fihiruddin Muqti Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Jibril *Nationality: Indonesian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 28 Jan. 2003 *Other information: na |
12. *Name: 1: SULAIMAN 2: JASSEM 3: SULAIMAN 4: ABO GHAITHTitle: na Designation: na DOB: December 14, 1965 POB: Kuwait *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Abo Ghaith *Nationality: Kuwaiti citizenship withdrawn Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 16 Jan. 2004 *Other information: na |
13. *Name: 1: IBRAHIM 2: ALI 3: MUHAMMAD 4: ABU BAKRTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: Al-Libi, Abd al-Muhsin Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 11 Jan. 2002. *Other information: Affiliated with Afghan Support Committee (ASC) and Revival of Islamic Heritage Society (RIHS). |
14. *Name: 1: MOHAMED 2: ABU DHESS 3: na 4:naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 22 Feb. 1964 POB: Irbid, Jordan *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Yaser Hassan, born 1 Feb. 1966 in Hasmija b) Abu Ali Abu Mohamed Dhees, born 1 Feb. 1966 in Hasmija c) Mohamed Abu Dhess, born 1 Feb. 1966 in Hashmija, Iraq Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Jordanian Passport no.: a)German International travel document no.: 0695982, expired b) German International travel document no.: 0785146, valid until 8 April 2004 National identification no.: na Address: Currently in detention awaiting trial *Listed on: 23 Sept. 2003 *Other information: a) Name of father: Mouhemad Saleh Hassan b) Name of mother: Mariam Hassan, née Chalabia c) Distinguishing features: stiffening/deformation of the left index finger |
15. *Name: 1: AMIN 2: MUHAMMAD 3: AH HAQ 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1960 POB: Nangahar Province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Al-Haq, Amin b) Amin, Muhammad Low quality a.k.a.: a) Dr. Amin b) Ul-Haq, Dr. Amin *Nationality: Afghan national Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: Security coordinator for UBL. |
16. *Name: 1: MUSTAFA 2: MUHAMMAD 3: AHMAD 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: Shaykh Sai’id Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
17. *Name: 1: MOHAMED 2: AMINE 3: AKLI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 30 March 1972 POB: Abordj El Kiffani (Algeria) *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Akli Amine Mohamed b) Killech Shamir c) Kali Sami Low quality a.k.a.: Elias *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: of no fixed address in Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
18. *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: HAMDI 3: SADIQ 4: AL-AHDALTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: Al-Hamati, Muhammad Low quality a.k.a.: Al-Makki, Abu Asim *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Yemen. |
19. *Name: 1: ASCHRAF 2: AL-DAGMA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 28 April 1969 POB: Absan, Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Aschraf Al-Dagma, born 28 April 1969 in Kannyouiz, Palestinian Territories b) Aschraf Al Dagma, born 28 April 1969 in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Territories c) Aschraf Al Dagma, born 28 April 1969 in Palestinian Territories d) Aschraf Al Dagma, born 28 April 1969 in Abasan, Gaza Strip Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Unresolved/Palestinian origin Passport no.: Refugee travel document issued by Landratsamt Altenburger Land (Altenburg County Administration Office), Germany, dated 30 April 2000 National identification no.: na Address: Currently in detention awaiting trial *Listed on: 23 Sept. 2003 *Other information: na |
20. *Name: 1: KHALID 2: AL-FAWAZ 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: August 25, 1962 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Al-Fauwaz, Khaled b) Al-Fauwaz, Khaled A. c) Al-Fawwaz, Khalid d) Al Fawwaz, Khalik e) Al-Fawwaz, Khaled f) Al Fawwaz, Khaled Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: 55 Hawarden Hill, Brooke Road, London NW2 7BR, UK *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: na |
21. *Name: 1: FATHUR 2: ROHMAN 3: AL-GHOZHI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: February 17, 1971 POB: Madiun, East Java, Indonesia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Al Ghozi, Fathur Rohman b) Al Ghozi, Fathur Rahman c) Al-Gozi, Fathur Rohman d) Al-Gozi, Fathur Rahman e) Alghozi, Fathur Rohman f) Alghozi, Fathur Rahman g) Al-Gozhi, Fathur Rohman h) Al-Gozhi, Fathur Rahman i) Randy Alih j) Randy Ali k) Alih Randy l) Randy Adam Alih m) Sammy Sali Jamil n) Sammy Salih Jamil o) Rony Azad p) Rony Azad Bin Ahad q) Rony Azad Bin Ahmad r) Rony Azad Bin Amad s) Edris Anwar Rodin Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Saad b) Abu Sa’ad c) Freedom Fighter *Nationality: Indonesian Passport no.: Philippines GG 672613 National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
22. *Name: 1: AHMED 2: MOHAMMED 3: HAMED 4: ALITitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1965 POB: Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdurehman, Ahmed Mohammed b) Ahmed Hamed c) Ali, Ahmed Mohammed d) Ali, Hamed e) Hemed, Ahmed f) Shieb, Ahmed Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Fatima b) Abu Islam c) Abu Khadiijah d) Ahmed The Egyptian e) Ahmed, Ahmed f) Al-Masri, Ahmad g) Al-Surir, Abu Islam h) Shuaib *Nationality: Egyp Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Afghanistan. |
23. *Name: 1: EL HEIT 2: ALÌ 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 20th March 1970 POB: Rouba, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Kamel Mohamed, DOB: 30th January 1971 b) Alì Di Roma Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via D. Fringuello, 20 – Rome, Italy b) Milan (Domicile) *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: na |
24. *Name: 1: JIM’ALE 2: AHMED 3: NUR 4: ALITitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Jimale, Ahmed Ali b) Jim’ale, Ahmad Nur Ali c) Jumale, Ahmed Nur d) Jumali, Ahmed Ali Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: P.O. Box 3312, Dubai, UAE *On the list and other information: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: Mogadishu, Somalia. |
25. *Name: 1: ABD AL-HADI 2: AL-IRAQI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: Abdal Al-Hadi Al-Iraqi Low quality a.k.a.: Abu Abdallah *Nationality: na Passport no. na National identification no. na Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
26. *Name: 1: SAQAR 2: AL-JADAWI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1965 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Thought to be a Yemeni and Saudi national. Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: Aide to UBL. |
27. *Name: 1: ABU BAKR 2: AL-JAZIRI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Algerian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Peshawar, Pakistan *Listed on: 11 Jan. 2002 *Other information: Affiliated with Afghan Support Committee (ASC). |
28. *Name: 1: AHMAD 2: SA’ID 3: AL-KADR 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 01 March 1948 POB: Cairo, Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Al-Kanadi, Abu Abd Al-Rahman *Nationality: Is a Canadian national and thought to be an Egyptian national Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: na |
29. *Name: 1: AHMAD 2: FADIL 3: NAZAL 4: AL-KHALAYLEHTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 30 Oct. 1966 POB: Al-Zarqaa, Jordan *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi b) Muhannad c) Al-Muhajer d) Garib Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Whereabouts currently unknown *Listed on: 23 Sept. 2003 *Other information: |
30. *Name: 1: IBN AL-SHAYKH 2: AL-LIBI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
31. *Name: 1: YASIN 2: na 3: na 4: AL-QADITitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Kadi, Shaykh Yassin Abdullah b) Kahdi, Yasin Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. |
32. *Name: 1: NAZIH 2: ABDUL HAMED 3: AL-RAGHIE 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 30 March 1964 b) 14 May 1964 POB: Tripoli, Libya *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Anas Al-Liby b) Al-Libi, Anas c) Al-Raghie, Nazih d) Al-Sabai, Anas Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Libya Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Afghanistan. |
33. *Name: 1: FARAJ 2: FARJ 3: HASSAN 4: AL SAADITitle: na Designation: na DOB: 28.11.1980 POB: Libia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mohamed Abdulla Imad, POB: Gaza, DOB: 28.11.1980 b) Muhamad Abdullah Imad, POB: Giordania, DOB: 28.11.1980 c) Imad Mouhamed Abdellah, POB: Palestine, DOB: 28.11.1980, Domicile: Viale Bligny 42, Milan, Italy Low quality a.k.a.: Hamza “the Libyan” *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
34. *Name: 1: TARIQ 2: ANWAR 3: AHMAD 4: AL-SAYYIDTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 15 March 63 POB: Alexandria, Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Hamdi Ahmad Farag b) Amr Al-Fatih Fathi Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
35. Name: 1: SA’D 2: AL-SHARIF 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1969 POB: Saudi Arabia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: Brother-in-law and close associate of UBL. Said to be head of UBL’s financial organization. |
36. *Name: 1: MAHFOUZ 2: OULD 3: AL-WALID 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1 Jan 75 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Hafs the Mauritanian b) Khalid Al-Shanqiti c) Mafouz Walad Al-Walid d) Mahamedou Ouid Slahi Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
37. *Name: 1: AIMAN 2: MUHAMMED 3: RABI 4: AL-ZAWAHIRITitle: na Designation: na DOB: 19 June 1951 POB: Giza, Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ayman Al-Zawahari b) Ahmed Fuad Salim *Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Thought to be an Egyption national Passport no.: a) 1084010 (Egypt) b) 19820215 National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: Operational and Military Leader of Jihad Group. Former leader of Egyption Islamic Jihad, now a close associate of UBL. |
38. *Name: 1: SHAYKH 2: 'ABD-AL-MAJID 3: AL-ZINDANI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: circa 1950 POB: Yemen *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdelmajid Al-Zindani b) Shaykh 'Abd Al-Majid Al-Zindani Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Yemeni Passport no.: A005487 (Yemen) issued August 13, 1995 National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 27 Feb. 2004 *Other information: na |
39. *Name: 1: MEHREZ 2: AMDOUNI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 18 Dec. 1969 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Fabio Fusco b) Mohamed Hassan Low quality a.k.a.: Abu Thale *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: of no fixed address in Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: |
40. *Name: 1: SAIFI 2: AMMARI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1 January 1968 POB: Kef Rih, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: a) El Para (combat name) b) Abderrezak Le Para c) Abou Haidara d) El Ourassi e) Abderrezak Zaimeche f) Abdul Rasak ammane Abu Haidra g) Abdalarak Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Algerian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 4 Dec. 2003 *Other information: na |
41. *Name: 1: MUHAMMED 2: ATIF 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 1956 b) 1951 c) 1944 POB: Alexandria, Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Subhi Abu Sitta b) Sheik Taysir Abdullah c) Mohamed Atef Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Hafs Al Masri b) Abu Hafs Al Masri El Khabir c) Taysir *Nationality: Though to be an Egyptian national Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: Senior lieutenant to UBL. |
42. *Name: 1: MUHSIN 2: MUSA 3: MATWALLI 4: ATWAHTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 19 June 1964 POB: Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Al-Muhajir, Abdul Rahman b) Al-Namer, Mohammed K.A. Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abdel Rahman b) Abdul Rahman *Nationality: Egypt Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Afghanistan. |
43. *Name: 1: CHIHEB 2: BEN MOHAMED 3: AYARI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 19 Dec. 1965 POB: Tunis (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: Hichem Abu Hchem Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via di Saliceto n.51/9, Bologna, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
44. *Name: 1: MONDHER 2: BAAZAOUI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 18 March 1967 POB: Kairouan (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Hamza *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via di Saliceto n.51/9, Bologna, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
45. *Name: 1: SAID 2: BAHAJI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: July 15, 1975 POB: Haselünne/Lower Saxony/Germany *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Germany Passport no.: Provisional German Passport No.: 28642163 (issued by the city of Hamburg) National identification no.: na Address: Formerly resident at: Bunatwiete 23, 21073 Hamburg/Germany *Listed on: 30 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
46. *Name: 1: SHAMIL 2: BASAYEV 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1/14/1965 POB: Chechen village of Dyshni-Vedeno *Good quality a.k.a.: Abdullakh Shamil Abu-Idris Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: As of January 2002, Russian passport number was 623334 National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 12 August 2003 *Other information: na |
47. *Name: 1: MAHMOOD 2: SULTAN 3: BASHIR-UD-DIN 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 1937 b) 1938 c) 1939 d) 1940 e) 1941 f) 1942 g) 1943 h) 1944 i) 1945 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mahmood, Sultan Bashiruddin b) Mehmood, Dr. Bashir Uddin c) Mekmud, Sultan Baishiruddin Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Pakistani Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Street 13, Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan *Listed on: 24 Dec. 2001 *Other information: na |
48. *Name: 1: MOKHTAR 2: BELMOKHTAR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1 June 1972 POB: Ghardaia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 11 Nov. 2003 *Other information: Son of Mohamed and Zohra Chemkha. |
49. *Name: 1: CHERIF 2: SAID 3: BEN ABDELHAKIM 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 25.01.1970 POB: Menzel Temine, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Djallal b) Youcef c) Abou Salman *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Corso Lodi 59, Milan, Italy *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
50. *Name: 1: AOUADI 2: MOHAMED 3: BEN BELGACEM 4: BEN ABDALLAHTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 12/11/1974 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: Aouadi, Mohamed Ben Belkacem Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Tunisian Passport no.: L 191609 issued on 02/28/1996 National identification no.: 04643632 issued on 06/18/1999 Address: a) Via A. Masina n. 7, Milan, Italy b) Via Dopini No 3, GALLARATI – ITALY *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: Codice Fiscale: DAOMMD74T11Z352Z. His mother’s name is Bent Ahmed Ourida. |
51. *Name: 1: CHARAABI 2: TAREK 3: BEN BECHIR 4: BEN AMARATitle: na Designation: na DOB: 03/31/1970 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: Sharaabi, Tarek Low quality a.k.a.: a) Haroun b) Frank *Nationality: Tunisian Passport no.: L 579603 issued in Milan on 19 November 1997 National identification no.: 007-99090 Address: Viale Bligny n.42, Milan, Italy *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: Codice Fiscale: CHRTRK70C31Z352U. His mother’s name is Charaabi Hedia. |
52. *Name: 1: HADDAD 2: FETHI 3: BEN ASSEN 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 28th March 1963 b) 28th June 1963 POB: Tataouene, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Fulvio Testi, 184 – Cinisello Balsamo (MI) – Italy b) Via Porte Giove, 1 – Mortara (PV), Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: Fiscal Code: HDDFTH63H28Z352 |
53. *Name: 1: LASED 2: BEN HENI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 02/05/1969 POB: Libya *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: na |
54. *Name: 1: ZARKAOUI 2: IMED 3: BEN MEKKI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 15.01.1973 POB: Tunisi, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Zarga b) Nadra *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Col. Aprosio 588, Vallecrosia (IM), Italy (Domicilie) *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
55. *Name: 1: AYADI 2: SHAFIQ 3: BEN MOHAMED 4: BEN MOHAMEDTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 21 March 1963 POB: Sfax, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Bin Muhammad, Ayadi Chafiq b) Ayadi Chafik, Ben Muhammad c) Aiadi, Ben Muhammad d) Aiady, Ben Muhammad e) Ayadi Shafig Ben Mohamed f) Ben Mohamed, Ayadi Chafig Low quality a.k.a.: Abou El Baraa *Nationality: a) Tunisian b) Bosnian Passport no.: E 423362 issued in Islamabad on 05/15/1988 National identification no.: 1292931 Address: a) Helene Meyer Ring 10-1415-80809, Munich, Germany b) 129 Park Road, NW8, London, England c) 28 Chausse Di Lille, Moscron, Belgium *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Tunisia. He is in Ireland. His mother’s name is Medina Abid. |
56. *Name: 1: BOUCHOUCHA 2: MOKHTAR 3: BEN MOHAMED 4: BEN MOKHTARTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 13 October 1969 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: Bushusha, Mokhtar Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Tunisian Passport no.: K/754050 issued on 26 May 1999 National identification no.: 04756904 issued on 14 September 1987 Address: Via Milano n. 38, Spinadesco (CR), Italy *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: Codice Fiscale: BCHMHT69R13Z352T. His mother’s name is Bannour Hedia. |
57. *Name: 1: ESSID 2: SAMI 3: BEN KHEMAIS 4: BEN SALAHTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 02/10/1968 POB: Menzel Jemil Bizerte, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: Omar El Mouhajer Low quality a.k.a.: Saber *Nationality: Tunisian Passport no.: K/929139 issued on 14 February 1995 National identification no.: 00319547 issued on 08 December 1994 Address: Via Dubini n. 3, Gallarate (VA), Italy *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: Codice Fiscale: SSDSBN68B10Z352F. His mother’s name is Saidani Beya. |
58. *Name: 1: HAMRAOUI 2: KAMEL 3: BENN MOULDI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 21.10.1977 POB: Beja, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Kamel b) Kimo *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Bertesi 27, Cermona, Italy b) Via Plebiscito 3, Cremona, Italy *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
59. *Name: 1: ADEL 2: BEN SOLTANE 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: July 14, 1970 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Latisana n. 6, Milan, Italy *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: Italian Fiscal Code: BNSDLA70L14Z352B |
60. *Name: 1: NABIL 2: BENATTIA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: May 11, 1966 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
61. *Name: 1: USAMA 2: MUHAMMED 3: AWAD 4: BIN LADENTitle: no Designation: no DOB: a) 30 Jul 57 b) 28 Jul 57 POB: a) Jeddah, Saudi Arabia b) Yemen *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Usama Bin Laden b) Usama Bin Muhammed Bin Awad, Osama Bin Laden Low quality a.k.a.: Abu Abdallah Abd Al-Hakim *Nationality: Saudi citizenship withdrawn, now officially and Afghan national Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: na |
62. *Name: 1: BILAL 2: BIN MARWAN 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1947 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: Senior lieutenant of UBL. |
63. *Name: 1: RAMZI 2: MOHAMED 3: ABDULLAH 4: BINALSHIBHTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) May 1st 1972 b) September 16, 1973 POB: a) Hadramawt/Yemen b) Khartoum, Sudan *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Binalsheidah, Ramzi Mohamed Abdullah b) Bin Al Shibh, Ramzi c) Omar, Ramzi Mohamed Abdellah Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: a) Yemen b) Sudan Passport no.: 00085243 (issued on November 12, 1997 in Sanaa/Yemen) National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 30 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
64. *Name: 1: YASSINE 2: CHEKKOURI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: October 6, 1966 POB: Safi, Morocco *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
65. *Name: 1: MAXAMED 2: CABDULLAAH 3: CIISE 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 8.10.1974 POB: Somalia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Mosque in Via Quaranta, Milan, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 12 November 2003 *Other information: na |
66. *Name: 1: AWEYS 2: HASSAN 3: DAHIR 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1935 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ali, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys b) Awes, Shaykh Hassan Dahir Low quality a.k.a.: *Nationality: Somalia Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
67. *Name: 1: MAMOUN 2: DARKAZANLI 3: na 4: na Title: na Designation: na DOB: August 4, 1958 POB: Damascus/Syria *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Ilyas b) Abu Ilyas Al Suri c) Abu Luz *Nationality: Syrian and German Passport no.: 1310636262 (Germany), expires October 29, 2005 National identification no.: German identity card No. 1312072688, expires August 20, 2011 Address: Uhlenhorster Weg 34, Hamburg, 22085 Germany *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
68. *Name: 1: LIONEL 2: DUMONT 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 21 Jan. 1971 POB: Robaix (France) *Good quality a.k.a.: Jacques Brougere Low quality a.k.a.: a) Bilal b) Hamza *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: of non-fixed address in Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
69. *Name: 1: SAFET 2: DURGUTI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 10 May 1967 POB: Orahovac, Kosovo *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.:na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 26 Dec. 2003 *Other information: na |
70. *Name: 1: AGUS 2: DWIKARNA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: August 11, 1964 POB: Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Indonesian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
71. *Name: 1: RADI 2: ABD EL SAMIE 3: ABOU EL YAZID 4: EL AYASHITitle: na Designation: na DOB: 02.01.1972 POB: El Gharbia, Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Mera’I *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Cilea 40, Milan, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 12 November 2003 *Other information: na |
72. *Name: 1: MOUNIR 2: EL MOTASSADEQ 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: April 3, 1974 POB: Marrakesh/Morocco *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Morocco Passport no.: H 236483 (issued on October 24, 2000 by the Embassy of Morocco in Berlin) National identification no.: na Address: 21073 Hamburg, Göschenstrasse 13 *Listed on: 30 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
73. *Name: 1: ABDELKADER 2: MAHMOUD 3: ES SAYED 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 12/26/1962 POB: Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: Es Sayed, Kader Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via del Fosso di Centocelle n.66, Rome, Italy *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: Codice Fiscale: SSYBLK62T26Z336L |
74. *Name: 1: MOUSSA 2: BEN AMOR 3: ESSAADI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 4 Dec. 1964 POB: Tabarka (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Dah Dah b) Abdelrahmman c) Bechir *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Milano n.108, Brescia, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
75. *Name: 1: ZAKARYA 2: ESSABAR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: April 13, 1977 POB: Essaouria/Morocco *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Morocco Passport no.: M 271351 (issued on October 24, 2000 by the Embassy of Morocco in Berlin) National identification no.: na Address: Registered resident at Dortmunder Strasse 38, 22419 Hamburg/Germany *Listed on: 30 Sept. 2002 *Other information: E 189935 |
76. *Name: 1: MUSTAFA 2: MOHAMED 3: FADHIL 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 23 June 1976 POB: Cairo, Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Al Masri, Abd Al Wakil b) Ali, Hassan c) Anis, Abu; d) Elbishy, Moustafa Ali e) Fadil, Mustafa Muhamad f) Fazul, Mustafa g) Mohammed, Mustafa Low quality a.k.a.: a) Al-Nubi, Abu b) Hussein c) Jihad, Abu d) Khalid e) Man, Nu f) Yussrr, Abu *Nationality: a) Egypt b) Kenya Passport no.: na National identification no.: Kenyan Id. No. 12773667; Serial No. 201735161 Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
77. *Name: 1: AIDER 2: FARID 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 12th October 1964 POB: Algeri, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: Achour Ali Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Milanese, 5 – 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: Fiscal Code DRAFRD64R12Z301C |
78. *Name: 1: RACHID 2: FETTAR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 16 April 1969 POB: Boulogin (Algeria) *Good quality a.k.a.: Amine del Belgio Low quality a.k.a.: Djaffar *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via degli Apuli n.5, Milan, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
79. *Name: 1: AHMED 2: KHALFAN 3: GHAILANI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 14 March 1974 b) 13 Apr. 1974 c) 14 Apr. 1974 d) 1 Aug. 1970 POB: Zanzibar, Tanzania *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ahmad, Abu Bakr b) Ahmed, Abubakar c) Ahmed, Abubakar K. d) Ahmed, Abubakar Khalfan e) Ahmed, Abubakary K. f) Ahmed, Ahmed Khalfan g) Ali, Ahmed Khalfan h) Ghailani, Abubakary Khalfan Ahmed i) Ghailani, Ahmed j) Ghilani, Ahmad Khalafan k) Hussein, Mahafudh Abubakar Ahmed Abdallah l) Khalfan, Ahmed m) Mohammed, Shariff Omar Low quality a.k.a.: a) Ahmed The Tanzanian b) Foopie c) Fupi d) Ahmed, A e) Al Tanzani, Ahmad f) Bakr, Abu g) Khabar, Abu *Nationality: Tanzania Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
80. *Name: 1: HUDA 2: BIN ABDUL 3: HAQ 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) February 9, 1960 b) February 2, 1960 POB: Solokuro subdistrict in Lamongan district, East Java province, Indonesia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ali Gufron b) Ali Ghufron c) Ali Gufron al Mukhlas Low quality a.k.a.: a) Mukhlas b) Muklas c) Muchlas d) Sofwan *Nationality: Indonesian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
81. *Name: 1: BOUYAHIA 2: HAMADI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 22.05.1966 POB: Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: Gamel Mohmed, POB: Morocco, DOB: 25.05.1966 Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Corso XXII Marzo 39, Milan, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
82. *Name: 1: BRAHIM 2: BEN HEDILI 3: HAMAMI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 20 Nov. 1971 POB: Goubellat (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via de’ Carracci n.15, Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna) Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
83. *Name: 1: MOHAMMAD 2: TAHIR 3: HAMMID 4: naTitle: Imam Designation: na DOB: 01.11.1975 POB: Poshok, Iraq *Good quality a.k.a.: Abdelhamid Al Kurdi Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via della Martinella 132, Parma, Italy *Listed on: 12 November 2003 *Other information: na |
84. *Name: 1: NASR 2: FAHMI 3: NASR 4: HASANAYNTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: Muhammad Salah Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
85. *Name: 1: GULBUDDIN 2: HEKMATYAR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: August 1, 1949 POB: Konduz Province, Afghanistan *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Gulabudin Hekmatyar b) Golboddin Hikmetyar c) Gulbuddin Khekmatiyar d) Gulbuddin Hekmatiar e) Gulbuddin Hekhmartyar f) Gulbudin Hekmetyar Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 20 Feb. 2003 *Other information: na |
86. *Name: 1: RI’AD (RAED) 2: MUHAMMAD HASAN 3: MUHAMMAD 4: HIJAZITitle: na Designation: na DOB: 30 December 1968 POB: California, U.S.A *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Hijazi, Raed M. b) Al-Hawen, Abu-Ahmad c) Al-Shahid, Abu-Ahmad Low quality a.k.a.: a) Al-Maghribi, Rashid (The Moroccan) b) Al-Amriki, Abu-Ahmad (The American) *Nationality: Jordanian national Passport no.: na National identification no.: a) SSN: 548-91-5411 b) National number 9681029476 Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001*Other information: Jordan. Originally from Ramlah; place of residence while in Jordan – al-Shumaysani (Sheisani) (area of Amman), behind the trade unions complex. |
87. *Name: 1: ALI 2: GHALEB 3: HIMMAT 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 16 June 1938 POB: Damascus, Syria *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Switzerland Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: via Posero 2, ch-6911 Campione D’Italia, Italy *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
88. *Name: 1: ARMAND 2: ALBERT 3: FRIEDRICH 4: HUBERTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1927 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: Huber, Ahmed Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Switzerland Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Rossimattstrasse 33, 3074 Muri b. Bern, Switzerland *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
89. *Name: 1: ZAYN 2: AL-ABIDIN 3: MUHAMMAD 4: HUSAYNTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 12 March 71 POB: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Zubaida b) Abd Al-Hadi Al-Wahab c) Zain Al-Abidin Muhahhad Husain d) Zain Al-Abidin Muhahhad Husain Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Zubaydah b) Tariq *Nationality: Thought to be a Saudi and Palestinian national Passport no.: Bearer of Egyptian passport No. 484824 issued on 18 January 1984 at the Egyptian embassy in Riyadh National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001 *Other information: Close associate of UBL and facilitator of terrorist travel. |
90. *Name: 1: AZAHARI 2: HUSIN 3: na 4: naTitle: Dr. Designation: na DOB: 14 September 1957 POB: Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 11512285 National identification no.: 570914-05-5411 Address: Taman Sri Pulai, Johor, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
91. *Name: 1: DAWOOD 2: IBRAHIM 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1955 POB: Ratnagiri, India *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Dawood Ebrahim b) Sheikh Dawood Hassan Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Indian Passport no.: A-333602 issued April 6, 1985 in Bombay, India National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 3 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
92. *Name: 1: NASREDDIN 2: AHMED 3: IDRIS 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 22 November 1929 POB: Adi Ugri, Ethiopia (now Eritrea) *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Nasreddin, Ahmad I. b) Nasreddin, Hadj Ahmed c) Nasreddine, Ahmed Idriss d) Ahmed Idris Nasreddin Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Italian Passport no.: na National identification no.: a) Italian Identity Card Nr. AG 2028062, expiration date 07/09/2005. b) Foreign ID card no: K 5249. Address: a) Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy b) Piazzale Biancamano, Milan, Italy c) Rue De Cap Spartel, Tangiers, Morocco d) no: 10, Rmilat, Villa Nasreddin in Tangiers, Morocco *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: Italian Fiscal Code: NSRDRS29S22Z315Y. Mr. Nasreddin left his residence at 1 via delle Scuole, 6900 Lugano, Switzerland in 1994 and moved to Morocco. |
93. *Name: 1: NURJAMAN 2: RIDUAN 3: ISAMUDDIN 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: April 4, 1964 POB: Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia Good quality a.k.a.: a) Hambali b) Nurjaman c) Isomuddin, Nurjaman Riduan Low quality a.k.a.: na Nationality: Indonesian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 28 Jan. 2003 *Other information: Born: Encep Nurjaman |
94. *Name: 1: KHALIL 2: JARRAYA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 8 Feb. 1969 POB: Sfax (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Khalil Yarraya b) Ben Narvan Abdel Aziz Low quality a.k.a.: a) Amro b) Omar c) Amrou d) Amr *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Bellaria n.10, Bologna, Italy b) Via Lazio n.3, Bologna, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: Also identified as Abdel Aziz Ben Narvan, born in Sereka (ex-Yugoslavia) on 15 August 1970 |
95. *Name: 1: MOUNIR 2: BEN HABIB 3: JARRAYA 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 25 October 1963 POB: Sfax (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Yarraya *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Mirasole n.11, Bologna, Italy b) Via Ariosto n.8, Casalecchio di Reno (Bologna), Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
96. *Name: 1: RIADH 2: JELASSI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: December 15, 1970 POB: Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
97. *Name: 1: FAOUZI 2: JENDOUBI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 30 January 1966 POB: Beja (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: Low quality a.k.a.: a) Said b) Samir *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Agucchi n.250, Bologna, Italy b) Via di Saliceto n.51/9, Bologna, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
98. *Name: 1: WA’EL 2: HAMZA 3: JULAIDAN 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 22 January 1958 POB: Al-Madinah, Saudi Arabia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Wa’il Hamza Julaidan b) Wa’el Hamza Jalaidan c) Wa’il Hamza Jalaidan d) Wa’el Hamza Jaladin e) Wa’il Hamza Jaladin Low quality a.k.a.: Abu Al-Hasan Al Madani *Nationality: na Passport no.: Saudi passport no. A-992535 National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 11 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
99. *Name: 1: SALIM Y SALAMUDDIN 2: JULKIPLI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: June 20, 1967 POB: Tulay, Jolo Sulu, Phillippines *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Kipli Sali b) Julkipli Salim Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
100. *Name: 1: ABDULLAHI 2: HUSSEIN 3: KAHIE 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: Bakara Market, Dar Salaam Buildings, Mogadishu, Somalia |
101. *Name: 1: MEHDI 2: KAMMOUN 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: April 3, 1968 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Masina n.7, Milan, Italy *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 Other information: Italian Fiscal Code: KMMMHD68D03Z352N |
102. *Name: 1: ABDUL MANAF 2: KASMURI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 28 May 1955 POB: Selangor, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Muhammad Al-Filipini b) Intan Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 9226483 National identification no.: 550528-10-5991 Address: Klang. Selangor, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
103. *Name: 1: SAMIR 2: KISHK 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: May 14, 1955 POB: Gharbia, Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
104. *Name: 1: MUFTI 2: RASHID 3: AHMAD 4: LADEHYANOYTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ludhianvi, Mufti Rashid Ahmad b) Armad, Mufti Rasheed c) Wadehyanoy, Mufti Rashid Ahmad Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Karachi, Pakistan. |
105. *Name: 1: BENDEBKA 2: L’HADI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 17th November 1963 POB: Algeri, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abd Al Hadi b) Hadi *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Garibaldi, 70 – San Zenone al Po (PV), Italy (as of 17th December 2001) b) Via Manzoni, 33 – Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: na |
106. *Name: 1: RIHANI 2: LOFTI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 01.07.1977 POB: Tunisi, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Abderrahmane *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Bolgeri 4, Barni (Como), Italy *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
107. *Name: 1: JAMEL 2: LOUNICI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1 February 1962 POB Algiers *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 16 Jan. 2004 *Other information: Son of Abdelkader and Johra Birouh. |
108. *Name: 1: TAREK 2: BEN HABIB 3: MAAROUFI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: November 23, l965 POB: Ghardimaou, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *On the list and other information: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
109. *Name: 1: ABDULLKADIR 2: HUSSEIN 3: MAHAMUD 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: Florence, Italy. |
110. *Name: 1: UTHMAN 2: OMAR 3: MAHMOUD 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 30 December 1960 b) 13 December 1960 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Uthman, Al-Samman b) Uthman, Umar Low quality a.k.a.: a) Al-Filistini, Abu Qatada b) Takfiri, Abu Umr c) Abu Umar, Abu Omar d) Umar, Abu Umar e) Abu Ismail *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: London, England. |
111. *Name: 1: AMRAN 2: MANSOR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 25 May 1964 POB: Johor, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Henry *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 10326821 National identification no.: 640525-01-5885 Address: Kg. Sg. Tiram, Johor, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
112. *Name: 1: ZULKIFLI 2: MARZUKI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 3 July 1968 POB: Selangor, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 5983063 National identification no.: 680703-10-5821 Address: Taman Puchong Perdana, Selangor, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
113. *Name: 1: FETHI 2: BEN REBAI 3: MNASRI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 6 March 1969 POB: Nefza (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: Fethi Alic Low quality a.k.a.: a) Amor b) Omar Abu *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Toscana n.46, Bologna, Italy b) Via di Saliceto n. 51/9, Bologna, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
114. *Name: 1: MANSOUR 2: MOHAMED 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 30.08.1928 POB: a) Egypt b) UAE *Good quality a.k.a.: Al-Mansour, Dr. Mohamed Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Switzerland Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Obere Heslibachstrasse 20, 8700 Kuesnacht, ZH, Switzerland *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: Zurich, Switzerland. |
115. *Name: 1: ZIA 2: MOHAMMAD 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: Zia, Ahmad Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) C/O Ahmed Shah C/O Painda Mohammad Al-Karim Set, Peshawar, Pakistan b) C/O Alam General Store Shop 17, Awami Market, Peshawar, Pakistan c) C/O Zahir Sha S/ *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
116. *Name: 1: DAKI 2: MOHAMMED 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 29.03.1965 POB: Morocco *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Melato 11, Reggio Emilia, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 12 November 2003 *Other information: na |
117. *Name: 1: FAZUL 2: ABDULLAH 3: MOHAMMED 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 25 August 1972 b) 25 December 1974 c) 25 February 1974 POB: Moroni, Comoros Islands *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdalla, Fazul b) Adballah, Fazul c) Ali, Fadel Abdallah Mohammed d) Fazul, Abdalla e) Fazul, Abdallah f) Fazul, Abdallah Mohammed g) Fazul, Haroon h) Fazul, Harun i) Haroun, Fadhil j) Mohammed, Fazul k) Mohammed, Fazul Abdilahi l) Mohammed, Fouad m) Muhamad, Fadil Abdallah Low quality a.k.a.: a) Aisha, Abu b) Al Sudani, Abu Seif c) Haroon d) Harun e) Luqman, Abu *Nationality: a) Comoros b) Kenya Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
118. *Name: 1: NORDIN 2: MOHD. TOP 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 11 August 1969 POB: Johor, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 9775183 National identification no.: 690811-10-5873 Address: Kg. Sg. Tiram, Johor, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
119. *Name: 1: MOHAMED 2: AMIN 3: MOSTAFA 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 11.10.1975 POB: Karkuk, Iraq *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via della Martinella 132, Parma, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 12 November 2003 *Other information: na |
120. *Name 1: MOSTAFA 2: KAMEL 3: MOSTAFA 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: April 15, 1958 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Mustafa Kamel Mustafa b) Adam Ramsey Eaman Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Hamza Al-Masri b) Al-Masri, Abu Hamza c) Al-Misri, Abu Hamza *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) 9 Alboume Road, Shepherds Bush, London W12 OLW, UK b) 8 Adie Road, Hammersmith, London W6 OPW, UK *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: na |
121. *Name: 1: ABBES 2: MOUSTAFA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 5th February 1962 POB: Osniers, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Padova, 82 – Milan, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: na |
122. *Name: 1: DJAMEL 2: MOUSTFA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 28 Sept. 1973 POB: Tiaret, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a: a) Ali Barkani, born 22 Aug. 1973 in Morocco b) Kalad Belkasam, born 31 Dec. 1979 c) Mostafa Djamel, born 31 Dec. 1979 in Maskara, Algeria d) Mostefa Djamel, born 26 Sept. 1973 in Mahdia, Algeria e) Mustafa Djamel, born 31 Dec. 1979 in Mascara, Algeria f) Balkasam Kalad, born 26 Aug. 1973 in Algiers, Algeria g) Bekasam Kalad, born 26 Aug. 1973 in Algiers, Algeria h) Belkasam Kalad, born 26 Aug. 1973 in Algiers, Algeria i) Damel Mostafa, born 31 Dec. 1979 in Algiers, Algeria j) Djamal Mostafa, born 31 Dec. 1979 in Maskara, Algeria k) Djamal Mostafa, born 10 June 1982 l) Djamel Mostafa, born 31 Dec. 1979 in Maskara, Algeria m) Djamel Mostafa, born 31 Dec. 1979 in Algiers, Algeria n) Fjamel Moustfa, born 28 Sept. 1973 in Tiaret, Algeria o) Djamel Mustafa, born 31 Dec. 1979 p) Djamel Mustafa, born 31 Dec. 1979 in Mascara, Algeria Low quality a.k.a.: Mustafa *Nationality: Algerian Passport no.: a) Counterfeit Danish driving licence no. 20645897, made out to Ali Barkani, 22 Aug. 1973 in Morocco b) Algerian birth certificate, issued for Djamel Mostefa, born on 25 Sept. 1973 in Mehdia, Tiaret province, Algeria National identification no.: na Address: Currently in detention awaiting trial *Listed on: 23 Sept. 2003 *Other information: a) Name of father: Djelalli Moustfa b) Name of mother: Kadeja Mansore |
123. *Name: 1: FAHID 2: MOHAMMED 3: ALLY 4: MSALAM |
Title: na Designation: na DOB: 19 February 1976 POB: Mombasa, Kenya *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ally, Fahid Mohammed b) Msalam, Fahad Ally c) Msalam, Fahid Mohammed Ali d) Msalam, Mohammed Ally e) Musalaam, Fahid Mohammed Ali f) Salem, Fahid Muhamad Ali Low quality a.k.a.: Al-Kini, Usama *Nationality: Kenya Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
124. *Name: 1: ARIS 2: MUNANDAR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: Approximately 34-40 years of age as of December 2002 POB: Sambi, Boyolali, Java, Indonesia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
125. *Name: 1: ABDUL HAKIM 2: MURAD 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: January 4, 1968 POB: Kuwait *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Murad, Abdul Hakim Hasim b) Murad, Abdul Hakim Ali Hashim c) Murad, Abdul Hakim Al Hashim d) Saeed Akman e) Saeed Ahmed Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Pakistani Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
126. *Name: 1: NADA 2: YOUSSEF 3: MUSTAFA 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 17 May 1931 b) 17 May 1937 POB: Alexandria, Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Nada, Youssef b) Nada, Youssef M. Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: Italian Identity Card Nr. AE 1111288, expiration date 21/03/2005. Address: a) via Arogno 32, 6911 Campione d’Italia, Italy b) via per Arogno 32, ch-6911 Campione d’Italia, Italy c) via Riasc 4, ch-6911 Campione d’Italia I, Italy *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
127. *Name: 1: NASRI AIT 2: EL HADI 3: MUSTAPHA 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 5 March 1962 POB Tunis *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 11 Nov. 2003 *Other information: Son of Abdelkader and Amina Aissaoui. |
128. *Name: 1: ABDELGHANI 2: MZOUDI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 6 December 1972 POB: Marrakesh, Morocco *Good quality a.k.a: a) Abdelghani Mazwati b) Abdelghani Mazuti *Low quality a.k.a: na *Nationality: Moroccan Passport no: a) Moroccan passport no. F 879567, issued 29 April 1992 in Marrakesh, Morocco, valid until 28 April 1997, renewed until 28 February 2002 b) Moroccan passport no. M271392, issued 04 December 2000 by the Moroccan Consulate in Berlin, Germany National identification no: Moroccan personal ID no. E 427689, issued 20 March 2001 by the Moroccan Consulate General in Düsseldorf, Germany Address: Currently (June 2003) being held in custody in Germany *Listed on: 10 Jun. 2003 *Other information: na |
129. *Name: 1: SAADI 2: NASSIM 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 30.11.1974 POB: Haidra, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Abou Anis *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Monte Grappa 15, Arluno (Milan), Italy b) Via Cefalonia 11, Milan, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
130. *Name: 1: DRISSI 2: NOUREDDINE 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 30.04.1969 POB: Tunisi, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Plebiscito 3, Cermona, Italy *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
131. *Name: 1:DERAMCHI 2: OTHMAN 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 7th June 1954 POB: Tighennif, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Abou Youssef *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Milanese, 5 – 20099 Sesto San Giovanni (MI), Italy b) Piazza Trieste, 11 – Mortara - Italy (Domicile as of October 2002) *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: Fiscal Code DRMTMN54H07Z301T |
132. *Name: 1: NAJIB 2: OUAZ 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 12 April 1960 POB: Hekaima (Tunisia) *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Vicolo dei Prati n.2/2, Bologna, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
133. *Name: 1: AHMED 2: HOSNI 3: RARRBO 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 12 September 1974 POB: Bologhine (Algeria) *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Abdallah o Abdullah *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: of no fixed address in Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
134. *Name: 1: ABDELHALIM 2: REMADNA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: April 2, 1966 POB: Bistra, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification: na. Address: na *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
135. *Name: 1: LAZHER 2: BEN KHALIFA 3: BEN AHMED 4: ROUINETitle: na Designation: na DOB: 20.11.1975 POB: Sfax, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Salmane b) Lazhar *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Vicolo S. Giovanni, Rimini, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
136. *Name: 1: NEDAL 2: SALEH 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1 March 1970 POB: Taiz (Yemen) *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Hitem *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Milano n.105, Casal di Principe (Caserta), Italy b) Via di Saliceto n.51/9, Bologna, Italy *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
137. *Name: 1: IMAM 2: SAMUDRA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: January 14, 1970 POB: Serang, Banten, Indonesia *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Abdul Azis b) Abdul Aziz ben Sihabudin c) Faiz Yunshar Low quality a.k.a.: a) Kudama b) Hendri c) Heri d) Fatih e) Abu Omar *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
138. *Name: 1: NABIL 2: ABDUL 3: SALAM 4: SAYADITitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1/1/66 POB: El Hadid, Tripoli, Lebanon *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Abu Zeinab *Nationality: Belgian since 18/9/01 Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 22 Jan. 2003 *Other information: Spouse of Patricia Vinck. Married on 29/5/92 in Peshawar, Pakistan. |
139. *Name: 1: SAYF-AL ADL 2: na 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 1963 POB: Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: Saif Al-’Adil Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Thought to be an Egyptian national Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 25 Jan. 2001. *Other information: Responsible for UBL’s security. |
140. *Name: 1: ISMAIL 2: ABDALLAH 3: SBAITAN 4: SHALABITitle: na Designation: na DOB: 30 April 1973 POB: Beckum, Germany *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ismain Shalabe, born 30 April 1973 in Beckum b) Ismail Abdallah Sbaitan Shalabi, born 30 April 1973 in Beckum Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Jordanian of Palestinian origin Passport no.: a) Passport of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, no.: E778675, issued in Rusaifah on 23 June 1996, valid until 23 June 2001 b) Passport of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan no.: H401056, JOR 9731050433, issued on 11 April 2001, valid until 10 April 2006 National identification no.: na Address: Currently in detention awaiting trial *Listed on: 23 Sept. 2003 *Other information: a) Name of father: Abdullah Shalabi b) Name of mother: Ammnih Shalabi |
141. *Name: 1: PARLINDUNGAN 2: SIREGAR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) April 25, 1957 b) 25 April 1967 POB: Indonesian *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Siregar, Parlin b) Siregar, Saleh Parlindungan Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Indonesian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
142. *Name: 1: AHMED 2: SALIM 3: SWEDAN 4: SHEIKHTitle: na Designation: na DOB: a) 9 Apr 1969 b) 9 Apr 1960 POB: Mombasa, Kenya *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Ally, Ahmed b) Suweidan, Sheikh Ahmad Salem c) Swedan, Sheikh d) Swedan, Sheikh Ahmed Salem Low quality a.k.a.: a) Ahmed The Tall b) Bahamad c) Bahamad, Sheik d) Bahamadi, Sheikh *Nationality: Kenya Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
143. *Name: 1: THIRWAT 2: SALAH 3: SHIHATA 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 29 Jun 60 POB: Egypt *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Tarwat Salah Abdallah b) Salah Shihata Thirwat c) Shahata Thirwat Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
144. *Name: 1: YAZLD 2: SUFAAT 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 20 January 1964 POB: Johor, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Joe b) Abu Zufar *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 10472263 National identification no.: 640120-01-5529 Address: Taman Bukit Ampang, Selangor, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
145. *Name: 1: YASSIN 2: SYWAL 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: Approximately 1972 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Salim Yasin b) Mochtar Yasin Mahmud c) Abdul Hadi Yasin d) Muhamad Mubarok e) Muhammad Syawal Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Seta b) Mahmud c) Abu Muamar *Nationality: Indonesian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
146. *Name: 1: MANSOUR 2: THAER 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: March 21, 1974 POB: Baghdad, Iraq *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *On the list and other information: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
147. *Name: 1: LAZHAR 2: BEN MOHAMMED 3: TLILI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: March 26, 1969 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Carlo Porta n. 97, Legnano, Italy *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: Italian Fiscal Code: TLLLHR69C26Z352G |
148. *Name: 1: YULDASHEV 2: TOHIR 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: Yuldashev, Takhir Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Uzbekistan. |
149. *Name: 1: MOURAD 2: TRABELSI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 20.05.1969 POB: Menzel Temine, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Abou Djarrah *Nationality: Afghan Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via Geromini 15, Cremona, Italy *Listed on: 12 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
150. *NAME: 1: MOHAMMED 2: TUFAIL 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Tufail, S.M. b) Tuffail, Sheik Mohammed Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Pakistani Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 24 Dec. 2001 *Other information: na |
151. *Name: 1: AWEYS 2: DAHIR 3: UBEIDULLAHI 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: na POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: via Cipriano Facchinetti 84, Rome, Italy *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
152. *Name: 1: PATRICIA 2: ROSA 3: VINCK 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 4/1/65 POB: Berchem, Antwerp Good quality a.k.a.: Souraya P. Vinck Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Belgian Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 22 Jan. 2003 *Other information: Spouse of Nabil Sayadi. |
153. *Name: 1: HABIB 2: WADDANI 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: June 10, 1970 POB: Tunis, Tunisia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: Via unica Borighero n. 1, San Donato M.se (MI), Italy *On the list and other information: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: Italian Fiscal Code: WDDHBB70H10Z352O |
154. *Name: 1: WAN MIN 2: WAN MAT 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 23 September 1960 POB: Kelantan, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: a) Abu Hafis b) Wan Halim c) Abu Hidayah *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 9703399 National identification no.: 600923-03-5527 Address: Ulu Tiram, Johor, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
155. *Name: 1: AHMED 2: NACER 3: YACINE 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 2nd December 1967 POB: Annaba, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: Yacine Di Annaba Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Rue Mohamed Khemisti, 6 – Annaba (DZZ), Italy b) Vicolo Duchessa, 16 and Via Genova, 121 – Naples, Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: na |
156. *Name: 1: ZELIMKHAN 2: AHMEDOVICH 3: YANDARBIEV 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 12 September 1952 POB: USSR, Eastern Kazakhstan region, village of Vydriha *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Abdul-Muslimovich *Nationality: Russian Federation Passport no.: Russian passport 43 No. 1600453 National identification no.: na Address: formerly Russian Federation, Chechen Republic, Grozny, Derzhavina str., 281-59 *Listed on: 25 June 2003 *Other information: na |
157. *Name: 1: ABDUL RAHMAN 2: YASIN 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 10 April 1960 POB: Bloomington, Indiana U.S.A. *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Taha, Abdul Rahman S. b) Taher, Abdul Rahman S. c) Yasin, Abdul Rahman Said d) Yasin, Aboud Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: U.S.A. Passport no.: a) 27082171 (U.S.A. (Issued 21 June 1992 In Amman, Jordan)) b) MO887925 (Iraq) National identification: SSN 156-92-9858 (U.S.A.) Address: na *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Abdul Rahman Yasin is in Iraq. |
158. *Name: 1: ABBES 2: YOUCEF 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 5th January 1965 POB: Bab El Aoued, Algeria *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Giuseppe *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: a) Via Padova, 82, Milan, Italy (Domicile) b) Via Manzoni, 33 - Cinisello Balsamo (MI), Italy (Domicile) *Listed on: 17 March 2004 *Other information: na |
159. *Name: 1: MUKHLIS 2: YUNOS 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: On or about 7 July 1966 POB: Estimated to be in Lanao del Sur, Philippines *Good quality a.k.a.: a) Yunos, Muklis b) Saifullah Mukhlis Yunos Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.: na National identification no.: na Address: na *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
160. *Name: 1: ALI 2: AHMED 3: YUSAF 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 20 November 1974 POB: Garbaharey, Somalia *Good quality a.k.a.: Ali Galoul Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: Swedish Passport no.: Swedish passport 1041635 National identification no.: 741120-1093 Address: Krälingegränd 33 S-16362 Spånga *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
161. *Name: 1: ZAINI 2: ZAKARIA 3: na 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 16 May 1967 POB: Kelantan, Malaysia *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: Ahmad *Nationality: Malaysian Passport no.: A 11457974 National identification no.: 670516-03-5283 Address: Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia *Listed on: 9 September 2003 *Other information: na |
162. *Name: 1: MANSOUR 2: FATTOUH 3: ZEINAB 4: naTitle: na Designation: na DOB: 07.05.1933 POB: na *Good quality a.k.a.: na Low quality a.k.a.: na *Nationality: na Passport no.:na National identification no.: na Address: Obere Heslibachstrasse 20, 8700 Kuesnacht, ZH, Switzerland *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
List of entities belonging to or associated with the Al-Qaida organisation: |
1. *Name: ABU SAYYAF GROUP*A.k.a.: Al Harakat Al Islamiyya F.k.a.: na Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
2. *Name: AFGHAN SUPPORT COMMITTEE (ASC)*A.k.a.: a) Lajnat ul Masa Eidatul Afghaniab b) Jamiat Ayat-ur-Rhas al Islamiac c) Jamiat Ihya ul Turath al Islamia d) Ahya ul Turas F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Headquarters – G.T. Road (probably Grand Trunk Road), near Pushtoon Garhi Pabbi, Peshawar, Pakistan b) Cheprahar Hadda, Mia Omar Sabaqah School, Jalabad, Afghanistan *Listed on: 11 Jan. 2002 *Other information: na |
3. *Name: THE AID ORGANIZATION OF THE ULEMA, PAKISTAN*A.k.a.: a) Al Rashid Trust b) Al Rasheed Trust c) Al-Rasheed Trust d) Al-Rashid Trust F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Kitab Ghar, Darul Ifta Wal Irshad, Nazimabad No. 4, Karachi, Pakistan, Phone 6683301; Phone 0300-8209199; Fax 6623814 b) 302b-40, Good Earth Court, Opposite Pia Planitarium, Block 13a, Gulshan -I Iqbal, Karachi; Phone 4979263 c) 617 Clifton Center, Block 5, 6th Floor, Clifton, Karachi; Phone 587-2545 d) 605 Landmark Plaza, 11 Chundrigar Road, Opposite Jang Building, Karachi, Pakistan; Phone 2623818-19 e) Jamia Masjid, Sulaiman Park, Begum Pura, Lahore, Pakistan; Phone 042-6812081 *Listed on: 24 Apr. 2002 *Other information: Pakistan |
4. 1Name: AKIDA BANK PRIVATE LIMITED1 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: a) Akida Islamic Bank International Limited b) Iksir International Bank Limited *Address: a) C/o Arthur D. Hanna & Company b) 10 Deveaux Street, Nassau, Bahamas c) P.O. Box N-4877, Nassau, Bahamas *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
5. *Name: AKIDA INVESTMENT CO. LTD.*A.k.a.: Akida Investment Company Limited F.k.a.: Akida Bank Private Limited *Address: a) C/o Arthur D. Hanna & Company b) 10 Deveaux Street, Nassau, Bahamas c) P.O. Box N-4877, Nassau, Bahamas *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
6. 2Name: AL BARAKA EXCHANGE L.L.C.2 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) P.O. BOX 3313 Deira Dubai, UAE b) P.O. Box 20066, Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
7. *Name: AL-BARAKAAT*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Mogadishu, Somalia b) Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
8. 3Name: AL-BARAKAAT BANK3 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
9. *Name: AL-BARAKAAT WIRING SERVICE*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: 2940 Pillsbury Avenue, Suite 4, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55408 *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
10. 4Name: AL-BARAKAT BANK OF SOMALIA (BSS)4 A.k.a.: Barakat Bank Of Somalia F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Mogadishu, Somalia b) Bossaso, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
11. *Name: AL-BARAKAT FINANCE GROUP*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Dubai, UAE b) Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
12. 5Name: AL-BARAKAT FINANCIAL HOLDING CO.5 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Dubai, UAE b) Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
13. *Name: AL-BARAKAT GLOBAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS*A.k.a.: Barakaat Globetelcompany F.k.a.: na *Address: a) P.O. Box 3313, Dubai, UAE b) Mogadishu, Somalia c) Hargeysa, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
14. 6Name: A1-BARAKAT GROUP OF COMPANIES SOMALIA LIMITED6 A.k.a.: Al-Barakat Financial Company F.k.a.: na *Address: a) P.O. Box 3313, Dubai, UAE b) Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
15. *Name: A1-BARAKAT INTERNATIONAL*A.k.a.: Baraco Co. F.k.a.: na *Address: Box 2923, Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
16. 7Name: AL-BARAKAT INVESTMENTS 7 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: P.O. Box 3313, Deira, Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
17. *Name: AL-HAMATI SWEETS BAKERIES*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Al-Mukallah, Hadhramawt Governorate, Yemen *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
18. 8Name: AL-HARAMAIN FOUNDATION (INDONESIA)8 A.k.a.: Yayasan Al-Manahil-Indonesia F.k.a.: na *Address: Jalan Laut Sulawesi Blok DII/4, Kavling Angkatan Laut Duren Sawit, Jakarta Timur 13440 Indonesia; Tel.: 021-86611265 and 021-86611266; Fax: 021-8620174 *Listed on: 26 Jan. 2004 *Other information: na |
19. *Name: AL-HARAMAIN FOUNDATION (PAKISTAN)*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: House #279, Nazimuddin Road, F-10/1, Islamabad, Pakistan *Listed on: 26 Jan. 2004 *Other information: na |
20. 9Name: AL-HARAMAIN ISLAMIC FOUNDATION9 A.k.a.: a) Vazir b) Vezir F.k.a.: na *Address: 64 Poturmahala, Travnik, Bosnia and Herzegovina *Listed on: 13 Mar. 2002 (amended on 26 Dec. 2003) *Other information: na |
21. *Name: AL-HARAMAIN ISLAMIC FOUNDATION*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Somalia *Listed on: 13 Mar. 2002 *Other information: na |
22. 10Name: AL-HARAMAYN FOUNDATION (KENYA)10 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Nairobi, Kenya b) Garissa, Kenya c) Dadaab, Kenya *Listed on: 26 Jan. 2004 *Other information: na |
23. *Name: AL-HARAMAYN FOUNDATION (TANZANIA)*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) P.O. Box 3616, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania b) Tanga c) Singida *Listed on: 26 Jan. 2004 *Other information: na |
24. 11Name: AL-ITIHAAD AL-ISLAMIYA / AIAI11 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
25. *Name: AL-JIHAD/ EGYPTIAN ISLAMIC MOVEMENT*A.k.a.: a) Egyptian Al-Jihad b) Egyptian Islamic Jihad c) Jihad Group d) New Jihad F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
26. 12Name: AL-NUR HONEY PRESS SHOPS12 A.k.a.: Al-Nur Honey Center F.k.a.: na *Address: Sanaa, Yemen *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
27. *Name: AL QA’IDA/ ISLAMIC ARMY*A.k.a.: a) "The Base" b) Al Qaeda c) Islamic Salvation Foundation d) The Group for the Preservation of the Holy Sites e) The Islamic Army for the Liberation of Holy Places f) The World Islamic Front for Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders g) Usama Bin Laden Network h) Usama Bin Laden Organization F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
28. 13Name: AL RASHID TRUST13 A.k.a.: Al-Rasheed Trust F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Kitas Ghar, Nazimabad 4, Dahgel-Iftah, Karachi, Pakistan b) Jamia Maajid, Sulalman Park, Melgium Pura, Lahore, Pakistan c) Office Dha’rbi-M’unin, Opposite Khyber Bank, Abbottabad Road, Mansehra, Pakistan d) Office Dha’rbi-M’unin ZR Brothers, Katcherry Road, Chowk Yadgaar, Peshawar, Pakistan e) Office Dha’rbi-M’unin, Rm No. 3, Moti Plaza, Near Liaquat Bagh, Muree Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan f) Office Dha’rbi-M’unin, Top Floor, Dr. Dawa Khan Dental Clinic Surgeon, Main Baxae, Mingora, Swat, Pakistan *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: Operations in Afghanistan: Herat Jalalabad, Kabul, Kandahar, Mazar Sherif. Also operations in Kosovo, Chechnya. |
29. *Name: AL-SHIFA, HONEY PRESS FOR INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) P.O. Box 8089, Al-Hasabah, Sanaa, Yemen b) By The Shrine Next To The Gas Station, Jamal Street, Ta’iz, Yemen c) Al- Arudh Square, Khur Maksar, Aden, Yemen d) Al-Nasr Street, Doha, Qatar *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
30. 14Name: ANSAR AL-ISLAM14 A.k.a.: a) Devotees of Islam b) Jund al-Islam c) Soldiers of Islam d) Kurdistan Supporters of Islam e) Supporters of Islam in Kurdistan f) Followers of Islam in Kurdistan g) Kurdish Taliban h) Soldiers of God i) Ansar al-Sunna Army j) Jaish Ansar al-Sunna k) Ansar al-Sunna F.k.a: na *Adress: na *Listed on: 24 Feb. 2003 (amended on 31 Mar. 2004) *Other information: Location: The Kurdish-controlled area of northeastern Iraq. |
31. *Name: ARMED ISLAMIC GROUP*A.k.a.: a) Al Jamm’ah Al-Islamiah Al- Musallah b) GIA c) Groupement Islamique Armé F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
32. 15Name: ASAT TRUST REG.15 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Altenbach 8, 9490 Vaduz Fl, Liechtenstein *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
33. Name: ASBAT AL-ANSARA.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
34. *Name: BA TAQWA FOR COMMERCE AND REAL ESTATE COMPANY LIMITED*A.k.a.: Hochburg AG F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Vaduz, Liechtenstein b) formerly c/o Astat Trust reg. *Listed on: 3 Sep. 2002 (amended on 26 Dec. 2003) *Other information: na |
35. *Name: BANK AL TAQWA LIMITED*A.k.a.: a) Al Taqwa Bank b) Bank Al Taqwa F.k.a.: na *Address: a) P.O. Box N-4877, Nassau, Bahamas b) C/O Arthur D. Hanna & Company c) 10 Deveaux Street, Nassau, Bahamas *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
36. 16Name: BARAKAAT BOSTON16 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: 266 Neponset Avenue, Apt. 43, Dorchester, Massachusetts 02122-3224 *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
37. *Name: BARAKAAT CONSTRUCTION COMPANY*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: P.O. Box 3313, Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
38. 17Name: BARAKAAT GROUP OF COMPANIES17 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) P.O. Box 3313, Dubai, UAE b) Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
39. *Name: BARAKAAT INTERNATIONAL*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Hallbybacken 15, 70 Spanga *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
40. 18Name: BARAKAAT INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION18 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Box 4036, Spanga, Stockholm, Sweden b) Rinkebytorget 1, 04 Spanga, Sweden *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
41. *Name: BARAKAAT INTERNATIONAL, INC.*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: 1929 South 5th Street, Suite 205, Minneapolis, Minnesota *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
42. 19Name: BARAKAAT NORTH AMERICA, INC.19 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) 925 Washington Street, Dorchester, Massachusetts b) 2019 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
43. *Name: BARAKAAT RED SEA TELECOMMUNICATIONS*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Bossaso, Somalia b) Nakhiil, Somalia c) Huruuse, Somalia d) Raxmo, Somalia e) Ticis, Somalia f) Kowthar, Somalia g) Noobir, Somalia h) Bubaarag, Somalia i) Gufure, Somalia j) Xuuxuule, Somalia k) Ala Aamin, Somalia l) Guureeye, Somalia m) Najax, Somalia n) Carafaat, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
44. 20Name: BARAKAAT TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO. SOMALIA, LTD.20 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: P.O. Box 3313, Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
45. *Name: BARAKAAT WIRE TRANSFER COMPANY*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: 4419 South Brandon Street, Seattle, Washington *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
46. *Name: BARAKAT BANKS AND REMITTANCES *A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Mogadishu, Somalia b) Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
47. *Name: BARAKAT COMPUTER CONSULTING (BCC) *A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
48. *Name: BARAKAT CONSULTING GROUP (BCG)*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
49. *Name: BARAKAT GLOBAL TELEPHONE COMPANY*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Mogadishu, Somalia b) Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
50. 21Name: BARAKAT INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES (BICO)21 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Mogadishu, Somalia b) Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
51. *Name: BARAKAT POST EXPRESS (BPE)*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
52. 22Name: BARAKAT REFRESHMENT COMPANY22 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Mogadishu, Somalia b) Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
53. *Name: BARAKAT TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LIMITED*A.k.a.: BTELCO F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Bakara Market, Dar Salaam Building, Mogadishu, Somalia b) Last known address The Netherlands *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
54. 23Name: BARAKA TRADING COMPANY23 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: P.O. Box 3313, Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
55. *Name: BARAKO TRADING COMPANY, LLC*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: P.O. Box 3313, Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
56. 24Name: BENEVOLENCE INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION24 A.k.a.: a) Al Bir Al Dawalia b) BIF c) BIF-USA d) Mezhdunarodnyj Blagotvoritel’nyl Fond F.k.a.: na *Address: a) 8820 Mobile Avenue, IA, Oak Lawn, Illinois, 60453 U.S.A. b) P.O. Box 548, Worth, Illinois, 60482 U.S.A. c) (Formerly located at) 9838 S. Roberts Road, Suite 1W, Palos Hills, Illinois, 60465 U.S.A. d) (Formerly located at) 20-24 Branford Place, Suite 705, Newark, New Jersey, 07102 U.S.A. e) Bashir Safar Ugli 69, Baku, Azerbaijan f) 69 Boshir Safaroglu St., Baku, Azerbaijan g) Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina h) Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina i) (Last known address) 3 King Street, South Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 3Z6 Canada j) (Last known address) P.O. Box 1508 Station 1, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Y 4G2 Canada k) (Last known address) 2465 Cawthra Rd., #203, Mississauga, Ontario, L5A 3P2 Canada l) Ottawa, Canada m) Grozny, Chechnya n) 91 Paihonggou, Lanzhou, Gansu, China 730000 o) Hrvatov 30, 41000, Zagreb, Croatia p) Makhachkala, Daghestan q) Duisi, Georgia r) Tbilisi, Georgia s) Nazran, Ingushetia t) Burgemeester Kessensingel 40, Masstricht, Netherlands u) Stichting Benevolence International Nederland (a.k.a. Benevolence International Nederland, a.k.a. BIN). Radeborg 14B, 6228 CV Maastricht, Netherlands. Chamber of commerce, registration: 14063277 v) House 111, First Floor, Street 64, F-10/3, Islamabad, Pakistan w) P.O. Box 1055, Peshawar, Pakistan x) Azovskaya 6, km. 3, off. 401, Moscow, Russia 113149 y) Ulitsa Oktyabr’skaya, dom. 89, Moscow, Russia 127521 z) P.O. Box 1937, Khartoum, Sudan aa) P.O. Box 7600, Jeddah 21472, Saudi Arabia ab) P.O. Box 10845, Riyadh 11442, Saudi Arabia ac) Dushanbe, Tajikistan ad) United Kingdom ae) Afghanistan af) Bangladesh ag) Gaza Strip ah) Bosnia-Herzegovina ai) Yemen *Listed on: 21 Nov. 2002 (updated 24 Jan. 2003) *Other information: Employee Identification Number (U.S.) 363823186 |
57. *Name: BENEVOLENCE INTERNATIONAL FUND*A.k.a.: Benevolent International Fund F.k.a.: na *Address: a) (Last known address) 2465 Cawthra Rd., Unit 203, Mississauga, Ontario, L5A 3P2 Canada b) (Last known address) P.O. Box 1508, Station B, Mississauga, Ontario, L4Y 4G2 Canada c) (Last known address) P.O. Box 40015, 75 King Street South, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 4V1 Canada d) (Last known address) 92 King Street, 201, Waterloo, Ontario, N2J 1P5 Canada *Listed on: 21 Nov. 2002 *Other information: na |
58. 25Name: BOSANSKA IDEALNA FUTURA25 A.k.a.: a) BIF-Bosnia b) Bosnian Ideal Future F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Salke Lagumdzije 12, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina b) Hadzije Mazica Put 16F, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina c) Sehidska Street, Breza, Bosnia-Herzegovina d) Kanal 1, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia-Herzegovina e) Hamze Celenke 35, Ilidza, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina *Listed on: 21 Nov. 2002 *Other information: Doing business as BECF Charitable Educational Center, Benevolence Educational Center |
59. *Name: DJAMAT HOUMAT DAAWA SALAFIA (DHDS) *A.k.a.: El-Ahouel F.k.a.: na *Address: na Listed on: 11 Nov. 2003 *Other information: na |
60. *Name: THE EASTERN TURKISTAN ISLAMIC MOVEMENT*A.k.a.: a) The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party b) The Eastern Turkistan Islamic Party of Allah F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 11 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
61. 26Name: GLOBAL RELIEF FOUNDATION (GRF)26 A.k.a.: a) Fondation Secours Mondial (FSM) b) Secours mondial de France (SEMONDE) c) Fondation Secours Mondial – Belgique a.s.b.l. d) Fondation Secours Mondial vzw e) FSM f) Stichting Wereldhulp – Belgie, v.z.w. g) Fondation Secours Mondial – Kosova h) Fondation Secours Mondial "World Relief" F.k.a.: na *Address: a) 9935 South 76th Avenue, Unit 1, Bridgeview, Illinois 60455, U.S.A. b) P.O. Box 1406, Bridgeview, Illinois 60455, U.S.A. c) 49 rue du Lazaret, 67100 Strasebourg, France d) Vaatjesstraat, 29, 2580 Putte, Belgium e) Rue des Bataves 69, 1040 Etterbeek, Brussels, Belgium f) P.O. Box 6, 1040 Etterbeek 2, Brussels, Belgium g) Mula Mustafe Baseskije Street No. 72, Sarajevo, Bosnia h) Put Mladih Muslimana Street 30/A, Sarajevo, Bosnia i) Rr. Skenderbeu 76, Lagjja Sefa, Gjakova, Kosovo j) Ylli Morina Road, Djakovica, Kosovo k) Rruga e Kavajes, Building No. 3, Apartment No. 61, P.O. Box 2892, Tirana, Albania l) House 267 Street No. 54, Sector F – 11/4, Islamabad, Pakistan m) Saray Cad. No. 37 B Blok, Yesilyurt Apt. 2/4, Sirinevler, Turkey *Listed on: 22 Oct. 2002 *Other information: Other Foreign Locations: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Chechnya (Russia), China, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Georgia, India, Ingushetia (Russia), Iraq, Jordan, Kashmir, Lebanon, West Bank and Gaza, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Syria. US. Federal Employer Identification: 36-3804626. V.A.T. Number: BE 454,419,759. |
62. *Name: GULF CENTER S.R.L.*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: Fiscal Code: 07341170152 V.A.T. Number: IT 07341170152 |
63. 27Name: HARAKAT UL-MUJAHIDIN / HUM27 A.k.a.: a) Al-Faran b) Al-Hadid c) Al-Hadith d) Harakat Ul-Ansar e) HUA f) Harakat Ul- Mujahideen F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
64. *Name: HEYATUL ULYA*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
65. *Name: ISLAMIC ARMY OF ADENA.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
66. 28Name: ISLAMIC INTERNATIONAL BRIGADE (IIB)28 A.k.a.: a) The Islamic Peacekeeping Brigade b) The Islamic Peacekeeping Army c) The International Brigade d) Islamic Peacekeeping Battalion e) International Battalion f) Islamic Peacekeeping International Brigade F.k.a.: na Address: na *Listed on: 4 Mar. 2003 *Other information: na |
67. *Name: ISLAMIC MOVEMENT OF UZBEKISTANA.k.a.: IMU F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
68. *Name: JAISH-I-MOHAMMED*A.k.a.: Army of Mohammed F.k.a.: na *Address: Pakistan *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
69. *Name: JAM’YAH TA’AWUN AL-ISLAMIA*A.k.a.: a) Society of Islamic Cooperation b) Jam’iyat Al Ta’awun Al Islamiyya c) Jit F.k.a.: na *Address: Qandahar City, Afghanistan *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
70. 29Name: JEMAAH ISLAMIYAH29 A.k.a.: a) Jema’ah Islamiyah b) Jemaah Islamiya c) Jemaah Islamiah d) Jamaah Islamiyah e) Jama’ah Islamiyah F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 25 Oct. 2002 *Other information: The network in Southeast Asia. Founded by the late Abdullah Sungkar. |
71. *Name: LAJNAT AL DAAWA AL ISLAMIYA (LDI)*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 20 Feb. 2003 *Other information: na |
72. 30Name: LASHKAR I JHANGVI (LJ)30 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na Address: na *Listed on: 3 Feb. 2003 *Other information: na |
73. *Name: LIBYAN ISLAMIC FIGHTING GROUP*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
74. *Name: 1: MAKHTAB AL-KHIDAMAT/AL KIFAH*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
75. 31Name: MAMOUN DARKAZANLI IMPORT-EXPORT COMPANY31 A.k.a.: a) Darkazanli Company b) Darkazanli Export-Import Sonderposten F.k.a.: na *Address: Uhlenhorsterweg 34 11 Hamburg, Germany *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
76. *Name: MIGA-MALAYSIAN SWISS, GULF AND AFRICAN CHAMBER*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: a) Gulf Office Assoc. Per Lo Sviluppo Comm. Ind. E Turis b) Fra Gli Stati Arabi Del Golfo E La Svizzera *Address: Via Maggio 21, 6900 Lugano TI, Switzerland *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
77. 32Name: MOROCCAN ISLAMIC COMBATANT GROUP32 A.k.a.: Groupe Islamique Combattant Marocain F.k.a.: na Address: na *Listed on: 10 Oct. 2002 *Other information: na |
78. *Name: NADA INTERNATIONAL ANSTALT*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Vaduz, Liechtenstein b) formerly c/o Asat Trust reg. *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
79. *Name: NADA MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION SA*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: Al Taqwa Management Organization Sa *Address: Viale Stefano Franscini 22, Ch-6900 Lugano Ti, Switzerland *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
80. 33Name: NASCO BUSINESS RESIDENCE CENTER SAS DI NASREDDIN AHMED IDRIS EC33 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: Fiscal Code : 01406430155 V.A.T. Number : IT 01406430155 |
81. *Name: NASCO NASREDDIN HOLDING A.S.*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Zemin Kat, 219 Demirhane Caddesi, Zeytinburnu, Istanbul, Turkey *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
82. 34Name: NASCOSERVICE S.R.L.34 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: Fiscal Code: 08557650150 V.A.T. Number: IT 08557650150 |
83. *Name: NASCOTEX S.A*A.k.a.: a) Industrie Generale De Filature Et Tissage b) Industrie Generale De Textile F.k.a.: na *Address: a) KM 7 Route de Rabat, BP 285, Tangiers, Morocco b) KM 7 Route de Rabat, Tangiers, Morocco *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
84. 35Name: NASREDDIN COMPANY NASCO SAS DI AHMED IDRIS NASREDDIN EC35 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: Fiscal Code: 03464040157 V.A.T. Number : IT 03464040157 |
85. *Name: NASREDDIN FOUNDATION*A.k.a.: Nasreddin Stiftung F.k.a.: na *Address: C/o Rechta Treuhand-Anstalt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
86. 36Name: NASREDDIN GROUP INTERNATIONAL HOLDING LIMITED36 A.k.a.: Nasreddin Group International Holdings Limited F.k.a.: na *Address: a) C/o Arthur D. Hanna & Company b) 10 Deveaux Street, Nassau, Bahamas c) P.O. Box N-4877, Nassau, Bahamas *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
87. *Name: NASREDDIN INTERNATIONAL GROUP LIMITED HOLDING*A.k.a.: Nasreddin International Group Ltd. Holding F.k.a.: na *Address: a) c/o/ Rechta Treuhand-Anstalt, Vaduz, Liechtenstein b) Corso Sempione 69, 20149 Milan, Italy *Listed on: 3 Sept. 2002 *Other information: na |
88. 37Name: PARKA TRADING COMPANY37 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: P.O. Box 3313, Deira, Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
89. *Name: RABITA TRUST*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Room 9a, 2nd Floor, Wahdat Road, Education Town, Lahore, Pakistan b) Wares Colony, Lahore, Pakistan *Listed on: 17 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
90. 38Name: RED SEA BARAKAT COMPANY LIMITED38 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Mogadishu, Somalia b) Dubai, UAE *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
91. *Name: REVIVAL OF ISLAMIC HERITAGE SOCIETY (RIHS)*A.k.a.: a) Jamiat Ihia Al-Turath Al-Islamiya b) Revival of Islamic Society Heritage on the African Continent c) Jamia Ihya ul Turath F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Pakistan b) Afghanistan *Listed on: 11 Jan. 2002 *Other information: NOTE: Only the Pakistan and Afghanistan offices of this entity will be designated |
92. 39Name: RIYADUS-SALIKHIN RECONNAISSANCE AND SABOTAGE BATTALION OF CHECHEN MARTYRS (RSRSBCM)39 A.k.a.: a) Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion b) Riyadh-as-Saliheen c) The Sabotage and Military Surveillance Group of the Riyadh al-Salihin Martyrs d) Firqat al-Takhrib wa al-Istitla al-Askariyah li Shuhada Riyadh al-Salihin F.k.a.: na Address: na *Listed on: 4 Mar. 2003 *Other information: na |
93. *Name: SALAFIST GROUP FOR CALL AND COMBAT/ GSPC*A.k.a.: Le Groupe Salafiste Pour La Prediction et le Combat F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
94. *Name: SOMALI INTERNATIONAL RELIEF ORGANIZATION*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: 1806 Riverside Avenue, 2nd Floor, Minneapolis, Minnesota *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
95. 40Name: SOMALI INTERNET COMPANY40 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Mogadishu, Somalia *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
96. *Name: SOMALI NETWORK AB*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Hallybybacken 15, 70 Spanga, Sweden *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
97. 41Name: SPECIAL PURPOSE ISLAMIC REGIMENT (SPIR)41 A.k.a.: a) The Islamic Special Purpose Regiment b) The al-Jihad-Fisi-Sabililah Special Islamic Regiment F.k.a.: na Address: na *Listed on: 4 Mar. 2003 *Other information: na |
98. *Name: TUNISIAN COMBATANT GROUP*A.k.a.: Groupe Combattant Tunisien F.k.a.: na *Address: na *Listed on: 10 Oct. 2002 *Other information: na |
99. *Name: UMMAH TAMEER E-NAU (UTN)*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Street 13, Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul, Afghanistan b) Pakistan *Listed on: 24 Dec. 2001 *Other information: na |
100. 42Name: WAFA HUMANITARIAN ORGANIZATION42 A.k.a.: a) Al Wafa b) Al Wafa Organization c) Wafa Al-Igatha Al-Islamia F.k.a.: na *Address: a) Jordan House No. 125, Street 54, Phase II Hayatabad, Peshawar, Pakistan b) Saudi Arabia c) Kuwait d) UAE *Listed on: 6 Oct. 2001 *Other information: na |
101. *Name: WALDENBERG AG*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: a) Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry b) Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry Company Limited c) Al Taqwa Trade, Property and Industry Establishment d) Himmat Establishment *Address: a) c/o Asat Trust Reg., Altenbach 8, 9490 Vaduz FL, Liechtenstein b) Via Posero, 2, 22060 Campione d’Italia, Italy *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 (revised on 4 Nov. 2003) *Other information: na |
102. 43Name: YOUSSEF M. NADA43 A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Via Riasc 4, Ch-6911 Campione D’italia I, Switzerland *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
103. *Name: YOUSSEF M. NADA & CO. GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H.*A.k.a.: na F.k.a.: na *Address: Kaertner Ring 2/2/5/22, 1010 Vienna, Austria *Listed on: 9 Nov. 2001 *Other information: na |
[Notes:] |
1. Identifiers and acronyms in the listSeveral identifiers are used in the list in order to categorize the information provided. Identifiers without any information, or followed by the letters “na” (not available), indicate that information pertaining to that identifier is currently not available. Explanations of the identifiers used in the list are provided below. |
(a) | Individuals• Name 1, Name 2, Name 3, Name 4: The names of individuals on the list are specified in the order that they would appear in a national passport. Four separate name fields have been provided for each individual on the list in order to allow for the full range of naming conventions used in those parts of the world where Arabic-based names are common. When four names are provided the naming convention is as follows: Name 1 is the individual’s first name, Name 2 is the name of the individual’s father, Name 3 is the name of the individual’s grandfather and Name 4 is the individual’s family name. In many instances, individuals included in the list are represented by less than four names. |
• Title: Honorary, professional or religious titles. |
• Designation: Official title/position. |
• DOB: Date of birth, including alternative date of birth(s). |
• POB: Place of birth, including alternative place(s) of birth. |
• Good quality a.k.a.: Alias(es) (also known as) sufficient for a positive identification. |
• Low quality a.k.a.: Alias(es) (also known as) most probably insufficient for a positive identification. |
• Nationality: Designates citizenship/nationality. |
• Passport no.: Passport number(s). |
• National identification no.: National identification numbers (e.g. ID card numbers, Social Security Numbers, etc.) |
• Address: Address(es) identify where the individual permanently or temporarily resides/lives (legally or illegally). |
• On the list since: The date the 1267 Committee placed the individual on its list. |
• Other information: Supplementary data in addition to that in the above categories. |
| (b) | Entities • A.k.a.: Alias(es) (also known as). |
• F.k.a.: Formerly known as. |
• Address: Address(es) where entity domiciles or has branches. |
• On the list since: The date the 1267 Committee placed the entity on its list. |
• Other information: Supplementary data in addition to that in the above categories. |
2. Items 45, 63, 72 and 75 in Part III and items 61, 70, 77 and 98 in Part IV, were inserted on 2nd November 2002 vide G.N. No. S 563/2002. |
3. Items 56, 57 and 58 in Part IV were inserted on 11th December 2002 vide G.N. No. S 623/2002. |
4.—(1) Items 11, 85, 93, 138 and 152 in Part III and items 30, 66, 71, 72, 92 and 97 in Part IV, were inserted on 8th April 2003 vide G.N. No. S 189/2003.(2) Item 56 in Part IV was expanded to include a new address under sub-item (u) on 8th April 2003 vide G.N. No. S 189/2003. |
5.—(1) Items 5, 17, 39, 43, 44, 68, 74, 78, 82, 94, 95, 97, 113, 128, 132, 133, 136 and 156 in Part III were inserted on 25th July 2003 vide G.N. No. S 352/2003.(2) Items 28, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 67, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 114, 120, 126, 157, 159 and 162 in Part III were amended on 25th July 2003 vide G.N. No. S 352/2003. |
6. Items 1, 9, 21, 46, 70, 80, 90, 99, 102, 111, 112, 118, 124, 125, 137, 141, 144, 145, 154, 159 and 161 in Part III were inserted on 24th September 2003 vide G.N. No. S 451/2003. |
7.—(1) Part I of the Schedule was amended by updating and inserting new identifying information on 23rd December 2003 vide G.N. No. S 606/2003.(2) Items 3, 14, 19, 29, 33, 40, 48, 49, 54, 58, 65, 71, 81, 83, 91, 106, 116, 119, 122, 127, 129, 130, 135, 140 and 149 in Part III and item 59 in Part IV were inserted on 23rd December 2003 vide G.N. No. S 606/2003. |
(3) Item 101 in Part IV was amended on 23rd December 2003 vide G.N. No. S 606/2003. |
8. Items 4, 6, 12, 23, 38, 52, 69, 77, 105, 107, 121, 131, 155 and 158 in Part III and items 18, 19, 22 and 23 in Part IV were inserted on 7th May 2004 vide G.N. No. S 258/2004. |
9. Items 55 and 102 in Part III and items 20, 30 and 34 in Part IV were amended on 7th May 2004 vide G.N. No. S 258/2004.”. |
[G. N. Nos. S 563/2002; S 623/2002; S 189/2003; S 352/2003; S451/2003; S 606/2003] |