No. S 273
Environmental Protection and
Management Act 1999
Environmental Protection and
Management (Regulated Goods —
Exemption) Order 2022
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 75 of the Environmental Protection and Management Act 1999, the National Environment Agency makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Order is the Environmental Protection and Management (Regulated Goods — Exemption) Order 2022 and comes into operation on 1 October 2022.
2.  In this Order, “specified greenhouse gas” means a greenhouse gas mentioned in regulation 2(1)(f) of the Environmental Protection and Management (Greenhouse Gases) Regulations 2022 (G.N. No. S 271/2022).
Exemption in respect of global warming potential limits
3.  Regulated goods are exempt from the requirement that the global warming potential of the greenhouse gas or the blend or mixture of greenhouse gases required for their use or operation must not exceed the global warming potential limit prescribed for them pursuant to section 40D(1) and (4)(b)(i) of the Act, if the greenhouse gas is, or to the extent that any such greenhouse gases is, a specified greenhouse gas.
Exemption in respect of certain regulated goods
4.  Division 2 of Part 10A of the Act does not apply in relation to any regulated goods that only require specified greenhouse gases for their use or operation.
Made on 30 March 2022.
National Environment Agency,
[NEA/LD/40 V.2; AG/LEGIS/SL/94A/2020/13 Vol. 1]