No. S 301
Bankruptcy Act
(Chapter 20)
Bankruptcy (Variation of Minimum Amount of Debt for Petition for Bankruptcy) Order 1999
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 61(2) of the Bankruptcy Act, the Minister for Law hereby makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Order may be cited as the Bankruptcy (Variation of Minimum Amount of Debt for Petition for Bankruptcy) Order 1999 and shall come into operation on 3rd July 1999.
Amendment of section 61
2.  Section 61(1)(a) of the Bankruptcy Act is amended by deleting “$2,000” and substituting “$10,000”.

Made this 30th day of June 1999.

Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Law
[LAW 06/011/009 Vol. 4; OAPT A26/94; AG/LEG/SL/20/98/1 Vol. 1]