National Library Board Act |
National Library Rules 1989 |
Citation and commencement |
1. These Rules may be cited as the National Library Rules 1989 and shall come into operation on 1st December 1989. |
Definitions |
2. In these Rules, unless the context otherwise requires —
Registration of members |
Power to exempt |
4. The Director may, in his discretion, exempt any class or classes of persons from the payment of the whole or part of the deposit payable under rule 3. |
Membership cards |
5.—(1) Every member of the Library shall be issued with a membership card to enable him to borrow library material.
Refund of deposit |
6. Any deposit paid under rule 3 shall be returned to a member on his ceasing to be a member of the Library after deducting any outstanding fines or other charges incurred by reason of damage to or non‑return of library material borrowed by him. |
Change of address |
7. Every member shall notify the Director immediately in person or in writing of any change of his address. |
Card not transferable |
8.—(1) The card issued to a member under rule 5 shall not be transferrable.
Loss of card |
9. A member shall report to the Director immediately the loss of the card issued to him and may have it replaced on payment of such replacement fee as the Director may determined. |
Loss of or damage to borrowed library material |
10. A member shall be responsible for any library material which is borrowed on his card and may be required to pay for the loss or damage of any library material borrowed by him at such rate as the Director may determine having regard to the replacement or other costs of the library material lost or damaged. |
Borrowing period |
11.—(1) The period allowed for retaining borrowed library material shall be 21 days or for such other period as the Director may specify.
Fines |
12.—(1) A member who retains library material beyond 21 days without an extension of the loan period being granted shall pay the appropriate fine as set out in paragraph (2).
Reservations |
13. A member may, on payment of such fee as the Director may determine, reserve such library material as is permitted by the Director to be so reserved. |
Inter-library loans |
14.—(1) Library material may at the discretion of the Director be borrowed by another library for a period specified by the Director at the time of borrowing and is subject to immediate recall if required by the Library.
Books not in Library catalogue |
15. Any book received under the Printers and Publishers Act [Cap. 246] and not recorded in the Library catalogue shall with the permission of the Director be available for research purposes only. |
Copies of library material |
16. Photographic or microfilm copies of library material in the Library may be made and supplied on payment of such fees as may from time to time be prescribed under the Fees Act [Cap. 106]. |
Reference Library |
17.—(1) The Reference Library is reserved for readers who wish to consult reference materials.
Bag Deposit Counter |
18.—(1) Members and readers, if so required by any officer of the Library, shall leave their personal belongings such as bags, satchels, baskets and similar articles at the Bag Deposit Counter.
Director’s duties |
19. The Director shall have the general charge of the Library and shall be responsible for the safe custody of the library material and other property therein. |
Use of Library building |
20.—(1) The Director may in his discretion permit any part of the Library building to be used by such persons or organisations and subject to such conditions as he may think fit and on payment of such fee as may from time to time be determined by the Director.
Opening hours of Library |
21. The Library shall be open on such days and at such hours as the Director may from time to time determine. |
Prohibitions |
22.—(1) No person shall —
Cancellation or suspension of membership |
23. The Director may cancel or suspend for such period as he thinks fit the membership of any person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of these Rules. |
Refusal of entry |
24. Any person who behaves in a disorderly or improper manner or contravenes or fails to comply with any of these Rules may be required to leave the Library and may subsequently be refused admission by the Director or any officer of the Library. |
Revocation |
25. The National Library Rules 1982 [G.N. No. S 146/82] are revoked. |
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Community Development, Singapore. |
[MCD. 459/4 Vol. 3; AG./SL./1/86] |
(To be presented to Parliament under section 10(3) of the National Library Act). |
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