No. S 481
Postal Services Act
(Chapter 237A)
Postal Services (Class Licence) Regulations 2005
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 61 of the Postal Services Act, the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore, with the approval of the Minister for Information, Communications and the Arts, hereby makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Postal Services (Class Licence) Regulations 2005 and shall come into operation on 21st July 2005.
2.  In these Regulations —
“class licence” means a licence granted under regulation 3;
“delivered”, in relation to correspondence, means delivered to the addressee or the addressee’s employee or agent, or to any other person authorised by law to receive it;
“express letter” means a local express letter or an international express letter, or both;
“express letter service” means a local express letter service, an international express letter service or both;
“international express letter” means a letter —
(a)originating from a sender in Singapore and intended for delivery to a destination outside Singapore at a rate faster than the published delivery standard for air mail letters despatched by the public postal licensee; or
(b)originating from a sender outside Singapore and intended for delivery within the same working day in Singapore;
“international express letter service” means a service for the conveyance of international express letters;
“licensee” means an operator who is deemed to have been granted a class licence under these Regulations;
“local express letter” means a letter originating from a sender in Singapore and intended for delivery within Singapore within the same working day;
“local express letter service” means a service for the conveyance of local express letters;
“operator” means a person who provides an express letter service.
Class licence
3.—(1)  No person shall provide any express letter service without a class licence.
(2)  A person shall be deemed to have been granted a class licence to provide an express letter service and to perform such incidental services as are specified in paragraph 1 of the Schedule if he has —
(a)registered with the Postal Authority in such form and manner as may be specified by the Postal Authority;
(b)submitted to the Postal Authority upon registration such information in writing as the Postal Authority may require on his particulars and the express letter service to be provided by him; and
(c)paid to the Postal Authority a licence fee of $200.
(3)  A licensee shall notify the Postal Authority in writing of any change in any information furnished to the Postal Authority in respect of his class licence within 14 days of such change.
(4)  A class licence shall remain valid unless cancelled by the Postal Authority in accordance with the Act or these Regulations.
Class licence conditions
4.  A licensee shall comply with the conditions of class licence set out in the Schedule.
Cancellation of licence
5.—(1)  The Postal Authority may cancel a class licence where the licensee —
(a)gives notice to the Postal Authority in such form and manner as the Postal Authority may determine that he has ceased to be an operator;
(b)has ceased to carry on any business or trade as an operator and his registration, if any, of the business under the Business Registration Act (Cap. 32) is cancelled; or
(c)being a company incorporated under the Companies Act (Cap. 50) or a limited liability partnership registered under the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2005 (Act 5 of 2005), has gone into liquidation other than for the purpose of amalgamation or reconstruction.
(2)  A licensee whose licence has been cancelled by the Postal Authority, or terminated at his own request, shall not be entitled to any compensation from or refund of fees by the Postal Authority.
(3)  A cancellation of a class licence of a person shall not operate so as to prevent such person from subsequently being deemed a holder of such a licence in accordance with these Regulations.
Savings and transitional provisions
6.  Notwithstanding the revocation of the Telecommunication (Class Licence for Postal Services) Regulations (Cap. 323, Rg 11), any class licence granted under the revoked Regulations shall, unless revoked, suspended or cancelled, and in so far as it is not inconsistent with these Regulations —
(a)continue and be deemed to be a class licence under these Regulations; and
(b)be subject to the terms and conditions specified in the Schedule.
Made this 19th day of July 2005.
Info-communications Development
Authority of Singapore.
[IDA/LGL/TEL-19; AG/LEG/SL/237A/2000/1 Vol. 1]