2. Part II of the First Schedule to the Employment of Foreign Manpower (Work Passes) Regulations 2012 (G.N. No. S 569/2012) is amended by inserting, immediately after paragraph 2, the following paragraphs:“2A. Except as the Controller specifies otherwise in writing, where an application for a work permit is made on or after 1 October 2017 in respect of a foreign employee, the employer must —(a) | purchase and maintain personal accident insurance —(i) | to cover permanent disability, or death, by accident to the foreign employee (called in this paragraph and paragraph 2B the insured foreign employee); | (ii) | with coverage of at least $60,000; and | (iii) | to cover the period of the insured foreign employee’s employment with the employer, until the insured foreign employee is repatriated or is employed by another employer; and |
| (b) | make a claim on behalf of the insured foreign employee in the event of such an accident within 30 days after the date of the accident. |
2B. In paragraph 2A, “accident” means a sudden, unforeseen and unexpected event, whether or not arising out of or in the course of employment, and whether or not in Singapore, but does not include —(a) | any pre‑existing medical condition suffered by the insured foreign employee; | (b) | any psychiatric or nervous or mental disorder suffered by the insured foreign employee; | (c) | any sexually‑transmitted disease, AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) or ARC (AIDS Related Complex) or other communicable disease, suffered by the insured foreign employee; | (d) | any pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, abortion, sterilisation, menopause, or any complication arising from any of these conditions, suffered by the insured foreign employee; | (e) | the effect or influence of any alcohol or drug on the insured foreign employee (other than when administered according to a prescription of a registered medical practitioner); | (f) | any ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from the combustion of nuclear fuel or nuclear waste or similar activity, suffered by the insured foreign employee; | (g) | any hazardous sport engaged in by the insured foreign employee, including any winter sport (such as skiing or snowboarding), underwater activity (such as snorkelling or scuba diving), aerial activity (such as taking a helicopter tour or para‑gliding) or motor sport (such as motorcycle racing or motor car racing); | (h) | any unlawful act of, or wilful exposure to danger (other than in an attempt to save human life) by, the insured foreign employee; | (i) | any suicide, attempted suicide or any self‑inflicted injury by the insured foreign employee, or any attempt by the insured foreign employee to cause self‑inflicted injury; | (j) | any war, war‑like situation, civil war, mutiny, rebellion, revolution or act of terrorism; or | (k) | any foreseeable strike, riot or civil commotion.”. |