No. S 564
Telecommunications Act
(Chapter 323)
Code of Practice for Competition in the Provision of Telecommunication Services 2005
Specification of Commencement Date for Further 3-YEAR Period
Pursuant to subsection 6.2.1 of the Code of Practice for Competition in the Provision of Telecommunication Services 2005 (G.N. No. S 87/2005), the Info-communications Development Authority of Singapore hereby specifies that the further 3-year period for which the Dominant Licensee must offer an approved Reference Interconnection Offer to Requesting Licensees shall start on 16th November 2008.

Dated this 28th day of October 2008.

Info-communications Development
Authority of Singapore
[IDA/LGL/3.0/LAW-28; AG/LEG/SL/323/2000/2 Vol. 1]