Supreme Court of Judicature Act |
Commissioners for Oaths Rules 1995 |
Citation and commencement |
1. These Rules may be cited as the Commissioners for Oaths Rules 1995 and shall come into operation on 1st January 1996. |
Definitions |
2. In these Rules —
Persons eligible |
Duration of appointment |
4.—(1) Commissioners for oaths shall be appointed for a period of one year and may be reappointed for each subsequent year as the Senate may, in its discretion, decide.
Application procedure |
5.—(1) Applications for reappointment as commissioners for oaths shall be lodged with the Secretary 2 clear months before the expiry of each preceding period of appointment.
Commissioner for oaths to be registered |
6. The particulars of every commissioner for oaths appointed by the Senate shall be registered with the Senate in a register maintained by the Secretary in such form as the Senate may determine. |
Limitation of appointment |
7.—(1) Advocates and solicitors who are appointed commissioners for oaths may administer oaths for taking any affidavit or affirmation or for the swearing of executors and administrators in accordance with section 68(2)(c)(ii) and (v) of the Act and of taking and receiving statutory declarations in accordance with section 68(2)(d) of the Act.
Language of deponents |
8. No advocate and solicitor who is appointed as a commissioner for oaths shall cause an affidavit or statutory declaration to be taken by, or an oath to be administered to, any person except deponents who speak and understand the English language. |
Restriction |
9. No advocate and solicitor so appointed shall act as a commissioner for oaths in any matter or business in which he or any member of his firm is acting as advocate and solicitor. |
Fees |
10. The fees payable by a commissioner for oaths to the Academy for appointment or reappointment, and the fees chargeable by a commissioner for oaths, shall be as set out in the Schedule. |
Instruments of appointment |
11.—(1) Every commissioner for oaths shall upon appointment or reappointment receive a certificate of appointment.
Register of documents administered |
12. Every commissioner for oaths shall —
Revocation of appointment |
13. The Senate may revoke an appointment if it appears to the Senate that the commissioner for oaths —
List of commissioners for oaths |
14. The Senate shall cause to be published from time to time in the Gazette a list of commissioners for oaths appointed and reappointed, or whose appointments have been revoked. |
Revocation |
15. The Commissioners for Oaths (Advocates and Solicitors) Rules [R 3] are revoked. |
President, Singapore Academy of Law. |
[AG/SL/47/95] |
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