No. S 599
Active Mobility Act 2017
Active Mobility
(Ryobi Geotechnique International Pte. Ltd. —
Exemption) (Amendment) Order 2024
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 66 of the Active Mobility Act 2017, the Minister for Transport makes the following Order:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Order is the Active Mobility (Ryobi Geotechnique International Pte. Ltd. — Exemption) (Amendment) Order 2024 and comes into operation on 18 July 2024.
Amendment of paragraph 1
2.  In the Active Mobility (Ryobi Geotechnique International Pte. Ltd. — Exemption) Order 2022 (G.N. No. S 595/2022) (called in this Order the principal Order), in paragraph 1(2), replace “18 July 2024” with “18 June 2027”.
Amendment of paragraph 2
3.  In the principal Order, in paragraph 2 —
(a)in the definition of “specified activity”, replace “18 July 2024” with “18 June 2027”; and
(b)replace the definition of “specified path” with —
“ “specified path” means any footpath or shared path within the areas bounded by the black‑coloured lines in the maps set out in the Schedule.”.
Amendment and renaming of First Schedule
4.  In the principal Order —
(a)rename the First Schedule as the Schedule;
(b)in the Schedule, replace the Schedule heading with —
(c)in the Schedule, after Map 3, insert —
“MAP 4
Deletion of Second Schedule
5.  In the principal Order, delete the Second Schedule.
Made on 16 July 2024.
Permanent Secretary
(Transport Development),
Ministry of Transport,
[MOT.LT.; LTA/L18.056.002/NZT/PSL/EO.Ryobi.24.01; AG/LEGIS/SL/2C/2020/1]