Animals and Birds Act |
Animals and Birds (Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes) Rules 2004 |
Citation and commencement |
1. These Rules may be cited as the Animals and Birds (Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes) Rules 2004 and shall come into operation on 15th November 2004. |
Definitions |
Keeping or using animal for scientific purpose |
3. No person, being the owner or occupier or having the management or control of any premises, shall keep or use, or allow any person to keep or use, any animal in those premises for any scientific purpose unless —
Application for and issue of licence |
4.—(1) An application for a licence shall be made to the Director-General in such form or manner as the Director-General may require and shall be accompanied by —
Transfer of licence |
5. No licensee shall transfer or assign the benefit of his or its licence to any other person. |
Obligations of licensee |
6.—(1) Every licensee shall ensure that the handling, care and treatment of any animal used for any scientific purpose in his or its research facility, including the transportation of such animal to and from the research facility, conforms to —
Appointment and membership of institutional animal care and use committee |
7.—(1) Every licensee shall appoint an institutional animal care and use committee in relation to his or its research facility.
Functions and duties of institutional animal care and use committee |
8.—(1) With respect to activities involving animals in the research facility of a licensee, the functions and duties of the institutional animal care and use committee appointed by the licensee under rule 7 shall be as follows:
Power of Director-General to order replacement of institutional animal care and use committee |
9.—(1) Where the Director-General is of the opinion that the institutional animal care and use committee of a licensee is not discharging its functions in a proper or satisfactory manner, the Director-General may order the licensee to —
Approval by institutional animal care and use committee of use of animal for scientific purpose |
10.—(1) No person shall use any animal for any scientific purpose before written approval therefor is given by an institutional animal care and use committee.
Attending veterinarian and adequate veterinary care |
11.—(1) Every licensee shall employ, on a full-time or part-time basis, an attending veterinarian with relevant training or experience in laboratory animal science and medicine to provide adequate veterinary care to the animals in the research facility of the licensee and shall comply with the following requirements:
Qualifications of personnel |
12.—(1) Every licensee shall ensure that every investigator, member of an institutional animal care and use committee and all personnel involved in the care, treatment and use of animals in the research facility of the licensee for scientific purposes are suitably qualified, trained and instructed to perform their duties.
Keeping of records and reports |
13.—(1) Every licensee shall maintain all records, reports and other documentation relating to the keeping and use of animals for scientific purposes in accordance with the guidelines.
Annual report and information |
14. Every licensee shall submit to the Director-General in such manner and as often as the Director-General may determine —
Quarantine of animal |
15. Every licensee shall ensure that the research facility of the licensee is equipped with suitable facilities for the quarantine of any animal, where necessary, upon the arrival of the animal at the research facility. |
Licensee to report disease outbreak or unusual mortalities |
16. Any licensee who has reason to believe or suspect that there is an outbreak of disease or unusual mortalities in his or its research facility shall immediately —
Animal not to be released without Director-General’s permission |
17. Every licensee shall ensure that no animal is released from his or its research facility without the permission of the Director-General if the licensee has reason to believe or suspect that the animal poses a risk of infection or disease to other animals or humans. |
Guidelines and directives |
18.—(1) The Director-General may issue or adopt such guidelines as he thinks fit for the purpose of providing guidance to licensees and institutional animal care and use committees on the standards, procedures and requirements for the care, keeping and use of animals for scientific purposes.
Offence and penalty |
19. Any person or licensee who or which contravenes rule 3, 5, 6(2), 9(2)(a), 10(1), 13(1) or (2), 14, 15, 16 or 17 or fails to comply with any directive issued by the Director-General under rule 18(2) shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both. |
Transitional provision |
20.—(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of these Rules, any person who, immediately before 15th November 2004, had been keeping or using any animal for any scientific purpose in any premises shall be entitled to continue keeping or using animals for scientific purposes in those premises for a period of 2 months from that date, and if before the expiry of that period a licence is applied for under rule 4 in respect of those premises, he shall be entitled to continue keeping and using animals for scientific purposes in those premises until the date on which a licence under rule 4 is issued or the application for a licence under that rule is refused or withdrawn.
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of National Development, Singapore. |
[ND 311/13-225 Vol. 2; AG/LEG/SL/7/2002/1 Vol. 3] |
(To be presented to Parliament under section 80(4) of the Animals and Birds Act). |
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