3. In the Animals and Birds (Dog Licensing and Control) Rules —(a) | in the following provisions, replace “a dog farm or a pet shop” with “any licensed premises”:Rule 6(1), (3), (3A) and (4); |
| (b) | in rule 5(2)(a), replace “a dog farm” with “any licensed dog breeding premises”; | (c) | in rule 6, in the rule heading, replace “dog farm or pet shop” with “licensed premises”; | (d) | in rule 6(3), replace “the dog farm or the pet shop” with “the licensed premises”; | (e) | in rule 6(4)(a), replace “that dog farm or that pet shop” with “those licensed premises”; | (f) | in rule 7(5), replace “section 8 of the National Registration Act (Cap. 201)” with “section 10 of the National Registration Act 1965”; | (g) | in rule 13(3), in the definition of “owner”, replace “(Act 47 of 2004)” with “2004”; | (h) | in rule 13(3), in the definition of “premises”, replace “(Cap. 129)” with “1959”; | (i) | in the First Schedule, in Part II, in the Part heading, replace “DOG FARMS” with “LICENSED DOG BREEDING PREMISES”; | (j) | in the First Schedule, in Part II, in items 1, 2, 3 and 4, replace “dog farm” with “licensed dog breeding premises”; | (k) | in the First Schedule, in Part III, in the Part heading, replace “DOG FARMS OR PET SHOPS” with “LICENSED PREMISES”; and | (l) | in the First Schedule, in Part III, in items 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, replace “the dog farm or the pet shop” with “the licensed premises”. |