No. S 678
Organised Crime Act 2015
Organised Crime
(Prescribed Law Enforcement Agency)
Notification 2024
In exercise of the powers conferred by paragraph (e) of the definition of “law enforcement agency” in section 2(1) of the Organised Crime Act 2015, the Minister for Home Affairs makes the following Notification:
Citation and commencement
1.  This Notification is the Organised Crime (Prescribed Law Enforcement Agency) Notification 2024 and comes into operation on 30 August 2024.
Prescribed law enforcement agency
2.  For the purposes of paragraph (e) of the definition of “law enforcement agency” in section 2(1) of the Act, the Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau is prescribed as a law enforcement agency.
Made on 26 August 2024.
Permanent Secretary,
Ministry of Home Affairs,
[MHA 112/2/00112; AG/LEGIS/SL/213B/2020/3]