Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Act |
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners (Registration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 |
Citation and commencement |
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners (Registration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 and shall come into operation on 1st January 2011. |
Deletion and substitution of Second Schedule |
2. The Second Schedule to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners (Registration of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians) Regulations (Rg 5) is deleted and the following Schedule substituted therefor:
[G.N. No. S 686/2004] |
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health, Singapore. |
[MH (Cf) 12:2/1; AG/LLRD/SL/333A/2010/2 Vol. 1] |