No. S 768
Air Navigation Act
Air Navigation
(91 — General Operating Rules)
(Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2018
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3A of the Air Navigation Act, the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore, with the approval of the Minister for Transport, makes the following Regulations:
Citation and commencement
1.  These Regulations are the Air Navigation (91 — General Operating Rules) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2018 and come into operation on 24 November 2018.
Amendment of regulation 50
2.  Regulation 50(3) of the Air Navigation (91 — General Operating Rules) Regulations 2018 (G.N. No. S 441/2018) (called in these Regulations the principal Regulations) is amended by deleting the words “paragraph (2)” and substituting the words “paragraph (1)”.
Amendment of regulation 96
3.  Regulation 96 of the principal Regulations is amended —
(a)by deleting sub‑paragraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d) of paragraph (1) and substituting the following sub‑paragraphs:
(a)an FDR that records at least the first 15 parameters specified in Table 2‑1 of the Aviation Specifications 2 — Flight Recorders issued by the Director‑General of Civil Aviation, if the helicopter —
(i)was first issued a Certificate of Airworthiness on or after 1 January 1989 but before 1 January 2016; and
(ii)has an MCTOM exceeding 3,175 kg but not exceeding 7,000 kg;
(b)an FDR that records at least the first 30 parameters specified in Table 2‑1 of the Aviation Specifications 2 — Flight Recorders, if the helicopter —
(i)was first issued a Certificate of Airworthiness on or after 1 January 1989 but before 1 January 2016; and
(ii)has an MCTOM exceeding 7,000 kg or an MAPSC exceeding 19; or
(c)an FDR that records at least the first 48 parameters specified in Table 2‑1 of the Aviation Specifications 2 — Flight Recorders, if the helicopter —
(i)was first issued a Certificate of Airworthiness on or after 1 January 2016; and
(ii)has an MCTOM exceeding 3,175 kg.”; and
(b)by deleting paragraph (2) and substituting the following paragraph:
(2)  Where a Singapore registered helicopter is equipped with a flight data recorder, the operator must ensure that the flight data recorder does not use any of the following types of recording technology:
(a)engraving metal foil;
(b)frequency modulation;
(c)photographic film;
(d)magnetic tape.”.
Amendment of regulation 97
4.  Regulation 97 of the principal Regulations is amended —
(a)by deleting the words “was first issued a Certificate of Airworthiness before 1 January 1987 and” in paragraph (1)(b); and
(b)by deleting paragraph (3) and substituting the following paragraph:
(3)  Where a Singapore registered helicopter is equipped with a cockpit voice recorder, the operator must ensure that the cockpit voice recorder does not use any of the following types of recording technology:
(a)magnetic tape;
Amendment of regulation 98
5.  Regulation 98(1) of the principal Regulations is amended by inserting, immediately before the words “flight recorder”, the word “crash‑protected”.
Amendment of First Schedule
6.  The First Schedule to the principal Regulations is amended —
(a)by inserting, immediately after the words “the final assembly of the aircraft” in the definition of “State of Manufacture”, the words “, engine or propeller”; and
(b)by deleting the definition of “Type Certificate” and substituting the following definition:
“ “Type certificate” means a document issued by a State of Design —
(a)to define the design of an aircraft, engine or propeller type; and
(b)to certify that this design complies with the appropriate airworthiness requirements of the State.”.
Amendment of Sixth Schedule
7.  The Sixth Schedule to the principal Regulations is amended —
(a)by deleting the words “2 years” in the second column of item 6 of Table 3 and substituting the words “3 years”; and
(b)by deleting item 3 of Table 4 and substituting the following item:
3.Record of a cabin crew member’s dangerous goods training, where required
3 years after the completion of that training.
[G.N. No. S 677/2018]
Made on 19 November 2018.
Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore.
[LE/LGN/A1.8; AG/LLRD/SL/6/2010/9 Vol. 6]
(To be presented to Parliament under section 3A(8) of the Air Navigation Act).